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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

He Loves Me Not - Part 2


Chapter 2

Aman clinks his glass and then uses the mike to address the crowd, gather their attention.

“Ladies and Gentlemen..” he addresses and drags me and Sheetal on the Stage with him. “Thanks for coming here and helping clear my father’s best Wine collection”

Everyone laughs and it really cracks me too. Aman is always like this. Full of life and with great sense of humor.

“Aman” Sheetal pinches him.

“Oucch.. Sister.. stop doing that. You not allowed to hurt any other man but your fiancée now on” he teases again and everyone laughs. “On a serious note, let me warn you both” he turns to me and Sheetal. “If you guys fight, argue or even get into a physical torture, DO NOT… I repeat DO NOT come to me. Handle it on your own”

The crowd cheers again and laugh their heart out. I snatch the Mike from Aman.

“Aman, we all can read your sentiments. Thank you. Now tell us how many bottles have you had? Be honest. Because such powerful advices only come after you are intoxicated”

Aman snatches the Mike back with a chuckle.

“Just 3 buddy and I am hurt. Yea” he agrees faking a seriousness on his face. “I am hurt that my sister snatched my best friend from me”

Sheetal smirks with pride. As if I am some trophy she has just won.

“Aman…” Sheetal pulls the mike now. “Go to hell” she screams and the crowd cheers again after her. The music gets loud and people get on the dance floor. Aman presses my hand in Sheetal’s and then walks off the stage, leaving us on our own. I know Sheetal from long now yet today I feel as if I don’t know her. Maybe because she is going to be my wife now. Sheetal wraps her arms around my neck, moving her waist rhythmically.

“No surprise gift for me?” she asks.

“Didn’t get time to buy one” I give her a prompt reply because everything happened so instantly that this surprise gift skipped my mind. Wish I was more prepared.

She places her head on my shoulder as we keep dancing. That’s when I see the same woman again. She is very far but talking to some Waiter as if trying to get details.

“Arnav” Sheetal raises her head and pulls my chin to meet her eyes. “Where are you looking at? I am here” she puts a fake frown.

“Nothing. I think I need a drink”

She shrugs.

“You are so unromantic” she complains but leaves my hand, allowing me to get away from her.

I am really thankful she didn’t stop me from getting down the dance floor. I somehow wasn’t comfortable there.

“Arnav, why are you not dancing” Mother stops me before I can actually follow the woman who has picked my attention from few minutes.

“Mom, I need a drink” I lie. She reads my eyes and sighs in disappointment.

“I hope we are not pressuring you for this alliance Arnav. Me and your father have a lot of hopes from you. Please tell us if we are asking too much”

I hold her hand and press it gently.

“Mom, I am fine. You know I will never go against your wishes and words”

She smiles and pats my cheek.

“Yes, you have always been a good boy. Now fix a drink and head back to Sheetal. She is your fiancée. Ignoring her should not be in your list from now”

I nod. I know I have to take care of this additional responsibility from now. I make my way back to the area where I had seen that woman but she is not here. She is not seen anywhere. What is happening to me? Am I hallucinating? Is this woman even real? Why I am so anxious to see her?


“Not here, Shinde” Shashi Gupta directs one of the Mathur Servant. “These gifts should go in Sheetal’s room and those bouquets there will be arranged in the Living room after the party is over”

Khushi tip toes inside the room. She gestures Shinde not to make any movements which can get her father’s attention towards her. Shinde walks away with the gifts and Khushi shuts Shashi’s eyes with her palms. Shashi freezes. He touches her wrist and in a fraction of second, he confirms its her… his little sweetheart.

“Khushi” he turns around with a smile full of joy and surprise.

“Dad” she hugs him tight.

“What a surprise? Why didn’t you tell me you are coming? I would have come to pick you up at the Airport”

“Really? Then who would have handled things here?” she cross questions.

“I would have asked someone else to do this baby”

“Come on Dad, I know you. You don’t see anything beyond the Raizadas. Not even your own daughter”

“Just back and Up for an argument too?” he asks.

Khushi giggles and holds her ears apologetically.

“Missed you Dad”

Shashi nods.

“I missed you too Princess” he kisses her forehead. “You are little late though. They just exchanged the rings” he informs.

Khushi sighs. Wish she was that lucky enough to be late. She had just entered the venue and she saw the man she loves putting ring in other woman’s finger. It was heart breaking but she soon reminded herself that this was temporary. She can read him, more than he can read himself. He is not happy and she will soon know why he is making his life so tough by taking a decision like that?

“Tell me how can I help?” she changes the topic.

“Help? No ways. I have people who can help me here. Why don’t you go out and enjoy the party?”

“Dad .. I am here to assist you so that you can be free soon and we can go back home and enjoy there”

Shashi sighs in disbelief.

“So adamant… You always were. Okay, do one thing. Take these gifts and place it in the first room to your left on the first floor.”

“Okay” she happily collects the gifts and walks off the room. Shashi continues his work.


“That’s left. Right?” she speaks to herself. “No. But I took the other stairs so that’s right and this is left”

She is unsure which room she has to keep these gifts.

“Can I help you?” someone speaks from behind her. She jerks. She had not expected anyone to be here. The party is down so obviously people should be there, not here.

“No thanks. I will manage to find”

“Come on. You clearly need my help. I heard you. You are confused which room you need to go” he insists.

Khushi sighs.

“Fine.. I am looking for Sheetal Mathur’s room. These gifts belong to her”

“Okay. It’s this one” he opens the door for her and she happily gets inside.

“Thank you”

“My pleasure” he replies. “Who are you by the way? Never saw you before”

“I am Khushi.. Khushi Gupta.. My father works as a PA for Raizadas”

“Oh yes. You are Shashi Gupta’s daughter?” he asks with great enthusiasm. “The one who studies in London”

“That’s past tense now. I finished my MBA a month ago” she happily announces.

“Wow!! Passed?”

“Of course,” she giggles. “You cannot expect me to waste my father’s money”

“Obviously” he shrugs. “So, what are you doing here? I mean why working here? Just enjoy the party downstairs”

“No.. I am not a party girl and I don’t have a company either. Dad is busy” she pouts.

“I am here” he smiles briefly again. “And my friends love my company” he adds.

Khushi chuckles.

“I don’t even know your name”

“Aman.. Aman Mathur” he extends his arm towards her.

Khushi’s jaw drops. He is Sheetal’s Brother Aman? Arnav’s best friend? That’s why his face is so familiar. She had seen him with Arnav in magazines and social media accounts.

Aman clicks his fingers to get her attention back.

“Hey… You okay?”

“Yes” she gulps. “Uh.. I am sorry I didn’t recognize you before”

“That’s totally fine. Now, will you allow me to take you in the party? Meet my sister and her Fiancee. You will love him” he adds.

I already love him. Her subconscious screams.

“Okay. 2 minutes”

She keeps all the gifts at the corner table and heads out with Aman. She knows this is going to be tough for her. To meet the man her heart beats for.. But she has to start somewhere and Aman Mathur seems to be her best choice right now.



Sheetal is introducing me to her friends when suddenly Aman turns us both around to meet his guest. I freeze. She is the same woman I have been looking for. Our eyes gaze intently into each other’s. She seems familiar. Have we met before?

“Arnav… Sheetal… Meet my friend Khushi”

That name has an effect on me. I have heard this name. I am now very sure we have met before. But Where?

Khushi’s breath hitches as she sees him so profoundly staring at her, trying to recall if they had met before. He need not worry. She is going to give him a clue.

“Friend?” Sheetal snaps. “I know all your friends. Never seen her before”

“She came today from London” he answers.

“London” Sheetal seems impressed. “Nice meeting you Khushi”

“Same here” Khushi shakes hands with her and then the two share a quick side hug.

“Aman. .Sheetal.. Come here for a minute” Raj Mathur calls the siblings.

“Excuse us Khushi, we will be back” Aman says and takes his sister along. It’s just me and her now.

“Nice tie” she compliments.

I gaze at her, my eyes widening. This is not a normal statement, it’s a clue. She wants me to recognize her so she gave me that clue.

“Khushi Gupta?” I take her full name and a smile pops on her face.

“You remember me?” she asks very quietly. “I am flattered”

I don’t know what to say, it’s hard to believe that the same little girl whom I had shouted one day to stay in her limits is now grown up and back in my life. Why now? Why today? Is this some kind of coincidence? Maybe I am just overthinking. People change in the course of time and so should she. Khushi might have put that incident past us and so should I.

I make an enormous effect to show her that I have put that incident behind us.

“Your father kept telling us about your accomplishments. You have excelled in all subjects, I heard”

She nods.

“Yes, except one” she replies. It’s a suspicious response. Which subject she wants to excel in now?

“You are going to stay here now? Or leaving back?”

She giggles.

“I won’t go if you don’t want me to go”

Once again, her reply sounds fishy. But she was always like that. Outsmart, knew how to turn people and things in her favor. She was like a happiness robot. Wherever she went, happiness followed. And hence I was always convinced her father gave her the right name.. KHUSHI..

“I am here for some time now. Have a very important work to do” she adds.

“What work?” I dig further. We both know I want her to talk to the point and not beat the bush but she is intelligently hiding her real motive.

“I will go check on dad” she mutters shyly. She cannot go away before I am assured of something… Something very important.

“You didn’t congratulate me for the engagement” I interrupt her.

These words just slip off my lips. It’s frustrating to remind people to wish you. But I wanted to show her the real picture, at least now she might be able to see things clearly. I needed to know she is out of that childishness which she showed to me few years ago.

She comes forward. I don’t move back. She stands close to me.

“Two people having no intense feelings for each other can never hold a relationship forever. I don’t want to waste time wishing such dead tie-ups” she winks at me and then walks away, leaving me totally stunned.


I don’t see her again in the party. I am driving back home with my parents, to Shantivan. I can hear them sharing their happiness about this alliance with Mathurs. I have no interest in joining that conversation. I am disturbed. I am worried if Khushi Gupta is going to create any trouble for me and my family. I don’t want that to happen. I cannot think anyone hurting my parents. I will have to be little cautious.

“Sheetal was looking very pretty tonight. I loved her dress. What do you think Arnav?” mother asks my input.


“Arnav? You need to be vocal now. A woman wants her man to praise her” Mother continues advising.

“Come on Revati” my father interjects. “Our boy is tired. He travelled back at such a short notice and then had to keep himself up throughout the party. Let me rest now.”

Mother agrees. She places her palm over my shoulder and pats it. I give her a quick side glance and smile. They both are contended and I don’t want to break their bundle of excitement at all.

To be Continued


  1. Awesome Update . As a first step Aman and khushi become friends . Let's see how both going break arnav engagement .
    Arnav already know about khushi feelings . He worried for his family happiness only . Poor arnav.
    Khushi also set to win arnav . I think we can see strong and feisty khushi .
    I liked khushi and aman bond

    waiting for next update dear

  2. Okay FRANKLY speaking i hate that part where Arnav is dancing with Sheetal...''Actually am that possessive about ArShi you see'' i cant see them with anyone else...Yes so coming back to the story what is this 'NICE TIE' Story...really want to know about their past...Guess Arnav had already denied her for a relationshinp in the past...But this KHUSHI is really SOMETHING...Am with her :) waiting for next part...

  3. How did Arnv's parents not notice that he was not happy? Or their interests are more important

  4. Arnav is marrying sheetal for his parents. He is adopted doesn't mean that they can force anything for him. That's rude and selfish. He should be given a freedom to choose his life partner at least. Just for an alliance they are getting married. I don't like it. And I like khushi because she is intelligent and we'll educated. But as an educated woman I don't want to see her going behind him for getting attention. That's cheap. Something had happened between them and arnav is over with it. I want that to happen naturally.

  5. Waiting to know about the past incidents

  6. Nice update though arnav and sheetal's closeness irking me.I want that closeness between arshi.I don't think arnav realise his feelings for khushi anytime soon as he is already supporting his patents and sheetal.if khushi is with some guy then only he will realise his feelings I think.and iam suspicious about his parents as if there is some motive behind that alliance.I don't like them at all.once again iam requesting u pls don't let sheetal near arnav.I can't bear to see them together being arshi fan.chatting and formal handshakes are OK.but that kiss and that intimate dance is not settling well with me.anyways amazing update.arshi introduction is nice.looking forward to know more about the past.u don't know how eagerly iam waiting for this update.thank u so much.and small request if u like.when u will start a new ff pls let arshi meet for the first time in the present only as strangers not in the past.just like raizada gods.iam impressed with the introduction of arshi as strangers in raizada gods.its a memorable one.anyways interesting update.thank u dear.

  7. I just said like that bcz now in all the 3ongoing ffs arshi have met before and share a flashbag.I just want the new one will b little different like arshi share no flshbag and they are meeting in our presence. And I know u will nail that one even.

  8. Actually I always love Arnav to be a tough guy .
    His weakness even if it is for his family I feel irritated ...
    I can understand in this story its like the characters have switched their natures .khushi will have to work hard to get Arnav ....hope Aman will help her .

  9. i don't know what to say about this story... actually i really don't like arnav with sheetal and how can his family even forced him into this... i think you need pair up khushi with someone than arnav will realize his love.... and plz don't create clingy scene between arnav and sheetal... i really don't like that

  10. Really irritated with Arnav's parents and his engagement with sheetal.

  11. Waiting to know more about the "NICE TIE" thing...
    It was awesome epi as always... 😊

  12. Kavita WadnerkarMay 2, 2019 at 9:29 PM

    Oh so Khushi has already confessed her feelings to Arnav years back.. Arnav is scared now after knowing that she still has feelings for him & might b a hindrance in his marriage with Sheetal..

    Arnav's mom on one hand tells him that they have lot many hopes from him & on the other hand she asks that are they pressurising him too much.. When u already burden him with ur expectations then how can he not live upto them crushing his own emotions & feelings..

    Aman & Khushi have already become friends & now he will help her in getying Arnav once he learns their past..

    Awesome update Madhu ❤️

  13. Oh so arnav is very well about khushi's feeling towards him. But he does not want to disappoint his parents at any cost. I think Khushi does not know that arnav is not real son of raizada's. Thats why he is going against them. Wanted to know what arnav feels for khushi. He does not love her yet. But he is surely affected by her.
    But glad aman is there to play catalyst between both of them.

  14. Nice update.. Arnav knows about khushi's feelings i think... Waiting for khushi's next move. ..

  15. Living according to others wish is like living like a machine...Yes I know he was adopted and he had so much gratitude and responsibilities towards his parents but that doesn't mean you should dance according to their wishes.....
    I really love this khushi...she is different....she should fight for her love before accepting the defeat....let's wait for her next move...From Arnav's reaction it's clear that khushi is not a person who give up easily and she knows how to checkmate others

  16. Nice update...

    Aman wont fall for khushi I hope...

    In the past also khushi expressed her feelings? Like the way she replied to arnav..

    Cant his parents see him he is not happy

  17. Couldn’t his parents understand him that he doesn’t look happy

  18. Awesome...update. so aman and sheetal are siblings....and arnav is only marrying for his family khushi loves arnav....all thisleading to anew budding relationship between arnav and khushi

  19. Awesome update don't make arnave marry sheetal pls

  20. Awesome....intresting to know arnav knows khushi feels for him...
    Eagerly waiting for the next...

  21. Wow, interesting twist, arnav already aware of khushi's feelings.. hope khushi doesn't break anyone's feelings..

  22. I like this Khushi smart witty beautiful

  23. Wonderful....I love this Aman. I love this different Khushi. I think Arnav knows about Khushi feelings for him.

  24. wow... this arnav is so different... i am reading such an arnav for the first time... he is such a good boy... too much of a good boy to his parents....
    and this khushi... wow.... she is also very different... i loved what she told arnav about congragulating him.... that was wonderful....
    i can already a great friendship ... between aman and khushi... they are going to be best friends... i am sure he wil help her...
    loved it Madhu...

  25. Wow ... we are seeing a different Khushi here... one is a go getter whereas the other is full of gratitude .. awesome update
