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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

He Loves Me Not - Part 34


Chapter 34

The sight seeing in London goes really well. They take the hop-in hop-out tourist buses pass for the day which shows them the best places of the city. They start with the St Paul’s Cathedral and then tour around at Tower bridge following an hour ride in the London Eye. At Madam Tussauds Wax Museum, Buaji gets herself clicked with the celebrities Wax models and decides to share the pictures with their relatives who would be jealous of them for their time in London. Followed by a quick lunch, they all head to the Oxford street for shopping. Khushi buys some cool T shirts for her father and a Jacket for Buaji. Akash is equally contributing in the selection.

“You got me so many things Khushi” Shashi stops Khushi from selecting more outfits for him. “Now, you buy something for yourself”

“I have shopped last week Dad. I have everything”

“Everything?” Akash interrupts. “Really?”

She is lost for a moment. No, she has one major thing missing in her life.. And that’s Arnav Singh Raizada. If she gets him, it would be like winning the Universe for her.

“Hey…” Akash clicks his fingers.. “I meant the high boots. You said last time you didn’t find good ones. Here you can”

Khushi comes out of her stance and nods.

“Good idea. I will check them and be right back. Will you mind looking after Dad and Buaji? I don’t want them to be lost”

“Aww..” Akash teases back. “I will be with them. Go”

“Thank you, Akash. You are such a darling” she pats his cheeks once for being so good all the time and rushes to the opposite counter to fetch her boots.

“Can you show me those Boots” she asks a salesperson in the store, pointing at the boots she liked and wishes to try.

“Yes Ma’am. I will get those for you. Please be seated till then”

She smiles and heads to the broad couch to sit. Her phone rings. It’s Payal. Without any delay she answers the call.

“Hi Payal”

“Hey Khushi.. Still roaming out?”

“Yea..” Khushi looks at the direction of Akash, her father and aunt. “And enjoying too” she adds.

“That’s great to hear. I was just wondering how you taking it, as Arnav Singh Raizada is around you again”

Khushi gets speechless.

“Yes, he is back and … totally messing with my mind”

“Don’t give in” Payal advises. “It’s too early I feel and I have seen what he has done to you before. None of us wants that to repeat”

Khushi sighs in disappointment. Everyone is asking her to stay away from him, no one wants her to reconcile with Arnav. That hurts.


Suddenly she feels his touch on her feet. It’s not the salesman making her wear the boots, its HIM!!

“Shit” she hangs up and tries to withdraw her feet from Arnav’s hold but he grips her foot tight, failing her efforts. “What are you doing here?” she gasps, turning around once to check if her father is noticing any of this. Luckily Akash has taken them both to a far away counter where they are checking some watches.

“Finally, you saw me around” he grins. “I was right before you.. ever since you took that hop-in hop-out bus”

Khushi’s jaw drops in shock. Is that right? He was all the time with them?

“You had no clue about my stalking Skills, did you?” he asks putting the shoe in her left leg and admiring them. “These are perfect for you” he adds and tries to make her wear the other from the pair. She stops him.

“I will wear it myself” she snatches the boot from him and wears it. They are really comfortable and just the color she always wanted, light brown!!

“Beautiful” he murmurs coming closer.

Khushi feels highly uncomfortable when he looks at her like that. She is wearing a skirt covering her knees. Fortunately, the boots now are covering her legs enough from his eyes.

“I need to go” she tries to turn away from him but he catches hold of her elbow and pulls her back to him.

“This is not what I had in mind about the weekend. Lets get away from here”

“No” she denies. “I am with my family”

“I AM YOUR FAMILY” he shouts back but when she shows glimpses of fear because of his tone and pitch, he sobers down. “I used to be your everything once.. don’t snatch my place from your heart”

Why does he have to use such heart clenching dialogues? She notices her father coming towards them from the mirror at their front.

“Arnav.. Dad is coming. Please leave”

“I wont. Not until I take you with me”

“I cannot come. I don’t want to hurt dad.”

“But you can hurt me?” he snaps.

“Yes” she lies gulping down the hatred she felt for herself while faking it.

Arnav grins again.

“You lie bad” he mutters.

“Please go.. Please..” she pleads like a baby with moist eyes and it breaks his resolve of taking her away with him. He has given her enough tears so far, he cant give her more. He walks away from her before Shashi Gupta could see him. She can feel his pain, she wants to run behind him, hug him and tell him she wants to spend time with him too but the daughter in her keeps her glued to the spot.

“hey” Shashi comes ahead. “Got your boots?”

She fakes a smile and ensures not to have any eye contact with her father.

“Yes. I will settle the bill” saying that she rushes away from him. Shashi senses her discomfort but doesn’t understand what shifted his daughter’s mood?

The rest of the day, while continuing the sightseeing, she keeps her eyes and mind open, trying to find him around, sense his presence but doesn’t trace anything. He took her words seriously and decided to quit stalking her for the rest of the day. That again leaves a bitter taste in her heart but she ignores it and continues pretending normal for her father.

That night she decides to dial him once and check if he is fine, but doing so would only give him false hopes from her, so she doesn’t call him up neither message. One more day tomorrow and then she will be able to see him at Work.


Next Day

As promised to Akash, Khushi gets her father and Buaji to the Stadium to watch Akash’s soccer match. It’s internal match between two best teams of the Soccer club Akash has joined. The players names are announced and they start entering the stadium one by one to begin the play. Khushi cheers Akash when he waves at them from far. He is the captain of his team.. The Blue Team!!!

“He is definitely going to win” Shashi claps.

“I hope so” Khushi adds but suddenly her face goes pale as the opposite team starts marking their presence. “Arnav?” she murmurs softly but enough for her father to hear. He turns to the ground to see why she took that name here and finds Arnav Singh Raizada wearing the Red team shirt waving at the crowd cheering for them.

“What is he doing here?” Shashi angrily mutters.

“I .. I don’t know..” she gulps.

She really has no clue why he is here? When announced she realizes he is the Captain of the opposite team.. the RED team.!! Seriously? How did he know about Akash’s soccer match? Akash looks at Khushi and then back at Arnav who is standing a feet away, facing him, both the teams waiting to shake hands with each other and begin the play.

“All the best” the two captains shake hands.

Arnav smirks.

“I have my luck with me, you think about yours”

Akash brows twitch high at Arnav’s mention of Luck. He knows whom Arnav is talking about.

“Your luck is in my favor these days” Akash teases back.

“That’s your illusion. Come out of it” Arnav clenches his jaw. “She was.. is and will always be mine”

Akash shrugs.

“Let the game begin boys” the referee whistles and the soccer game begins between the Blue and Red teams. Khushi waits with baited breathe, watching him play. This was Arnav – Akash’s face off which she had never imagined would be like this… on a ground … with both standing opposite to each other.. playing to defeat each other. Akash seems to be playing fair and nice.. But Arnav.. when he has the ball, he runs like a Cheetah, pushing the ball to the goal. It’s tough!! It’s tickling to see him in such a powerful aura today. The game is no longer about the team.. but the captains themselves.. She can feel her pulse throbbing witnessing Akash score one goal for his team. Arnav fists his fingers and turns to watch her reactions. Shashi and Buaji are clapping but she is still!! That’s enough to boost him up. He gathers his team to change their strategy and then the second half of the game begins. He has to score! The clock ticks.. Just 20 more minutes and the Red team has not even scored a single goal. She doesn’t know whom to pray for? Akash is her friend.. JUST Friend and Arnav.. He is her .. SOUL!! Still her soul???

Yes!! Her inner mind whispers and the very next moment the red team score a goal. Khushi wants to cheer aloud but she doesn’t. She cant!! Her father is sitting next to her. Arnav looks in her direction and winks at her which is hard to notice but she does realize it. Thank Goodness that her father was talking to Buaji that time and didn’t see that exchange of wink from Arnav. But Akash saw.. !!

Last 3 minutes, both the teams are equal. One goal from either team and that team will surely win. Nothing works in their favor. All the players struggle to mark the moment. One last minute left. Khushi bites her nails. Arnav is sweating.. Damn!! She has never seen him engrossed in a game so much. But she knew he loved soccer from his childhood. Only that he never continued his affinity towards it because of Revati Raizada’s strict instructions on focusing on studies and his graduation. 30 seconds and it would be a draw match. 20… 10… 5 and that’s exactly when Arnav kicks the ball in the opposite net, winning a goal for his team.. The girls in the crowd cheer at this most-thrilling victory. The Red team.. Arnav’s team WINS!! Khushi feels her nerves tickling everywhere inside. Shashi is not very happy neither is Buaji. But does she care?

“It’s just a game” Shashi mutters.

Khushi fakes a pale face but internally she is dancing. Why? Why does she feel so energized and lively at the moment?


The teams disperse in their changing rooms to shower and change.

“I think you should go and cheer Akash” Shashi tells Khushi. “He will be upset”


“Yes” Shashi. “Me and your Buaji will wait here. Go”

Khushi shakes her head and decides to do as her father desires. She sees few dashing women and the cheer girls taking autographs of the players. They all played well and deserve to celebrate. It really doesn’t matter who lost and who won. But instead of turning to the Blue team changing room, she turns to the red team area unconsciously. She stands at the door of Arnav’s room in shock. A stunning woman is trying to get closer to him.. to get his autograph.

What the hell? Arnav doesn’t seem to be bothered with that? That’s impossible!! She wants to drag the girl away from him but she keeps her fist in control. Arnav signs the little diary the girl forwards to him.

“Emilie” the girl mentions her name for him to write. And while she does so, she bites her lip. Arnav gives the autograph.

The girl tries to cling his body and it makes Khushi burn in jealousy.

“Thank you” she kisses the autograph of Arnav and winking at him, she slips away.

“Hey Khushi” he smiles casually at her as if nothing happened. How can he act so cool about it? “You need my autograph too?”

“Shut up” she barges in. “What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you flirting unnecessarily with girls?”

“Was I flirting?” he chuckles and pours opens the Tin of the Beer bottle. Khushi snatches the tin from him and keeps it away.

“Just stop doing whatever you are” she scowls.

Arnav grabs her arms and with a force pins her to the wall behind.

“Why should I stop when it’s perfectly working fine for me?” his voice gets rough and tone teasing. “It made you jealous, didn’t it?”

Khushi’s breathing fastens. He can so easily read the reason behind her frustration. Yes, she felt jealous seeing any other woman so close to him.

“Let me meet your father” he urges. “It will clear things off and you won’t have to hide your feelings for me” he palms her cheeks, drawing in satisfaction of being closer to the only woman he loved.

To be Continued


To Read He Loves Me Not from the Start. Click HERE

Note: Deeply apologize for stopping the part here. But I will post a back to back update tomorrow. Promise!!






  1. U stopped at the precap.... Waiting for more... So much intense...

  2. K. Madhu.. will be waiting to read that.. can u give precap for that ? But when u ll update about flashback ? And also when u ll disclose why arnav seperated from his adoptive parents?

  3. was waiting for this.... the whole day I was refreshing this page again & again... atlast got the update😍

  4. Not fair such a cliffhanger … please don’t hurt Arnav anymore he deserve happiness too … he needs khushi as he needs breathing to live

  5. Nice Update. Arnav has changed so much for Khushi and she should appreciate it. Arnav won't leave no stone unturned to get Khushi back in his life. Arnav consider her as his only family after the rift with his parents. Khushi is bound by the promise given to her dad so can't blame her also. Revati Raizada chained Arnav's life .Poor boy loved soccer but had to gave up. Arnav is finally living a free life. Is this soccer match a part of Arnav and Akash plan. Payal mentioned us that means she is with Akash. Arnav next move to meet Khushi's father is interesting. Both need each other emotionally. Khushi also can't deny her feelings when Arnav is finally giving her what she waited for years.

  6. SUPERB UPDATE...Arnav change so much...But i still want Khushi to remain firm in her decision...I still remember how Arnav had dance roughly with her at the wedding reception of their friends and then left her alone on the dance floor insulting her...So now he has to work harder to win her back...Waiting for Tomorrow Update...

  7. Oh no.... again a cliffhanger???? Will wait for tomorrow eagerly.
    Loved this tour and soccer game update. There is no change in her love and heart. It's always with Arnav. Hope her father and the people who tries to make her stay away from Arnav will realise that soon. Her happiness is with Arnav and Arnav only....

  8. Story is getting more interesting with this nww arnav

  9. Awesome update. Waiting for more .

  10. Can’t see Arnav and Khushi in pain . 😢. Payal also added to list , who want Khushi to be away from arnav . Khushi is getting hurt more between her father and arnav . Hope arnav found solution soon .
    Waiting for next update dear

  11. Nice update...

    Wow arnav has been with her whole time..

    His words are quite strong like it..

    Khushi is taxing herself between her father n him .
    Let him meet her father.

    Looking forward

  12. I accept that we asked for a break for khushi from arnav. Because she was hurting herself so much back then. But Now it looks like she didn't take a break but move on from her feelings for arnav. Earlier I was frustrated with ayush and revati because they didn't had a normal parent-son bond. Arnav was so scared to hurt them, tell them his own feelings and that was because arnav was an adopted kid. But why khushi is afraid to talk to her dad? Shashi is like this because he thinks arnav is the sole purpose for khushis broken heart. He should know how khushi intervened in arnavs life forcefully. He should know his daughter was at fault. Sheetal wasn't wrong 100%. She wasn't right but being arnavs fiancee she was jealous of khushi hence blamed her for everything. I just can't tolerate the way Shashi hates arnav as if he was the only reason for his daughters state. She is not a saint. She has to be clear now. If she doesn't want to hurt Shashi she should talk once with Shashi and then decide whether to move on or get back with arnav. Poor arnav he left everything to get his only family back but she doesn't want him. She had a crush, he triggered it and she tried to get him back n leave both of them into a mess.
    Good one. But I'm nOt happy with khushi. She has to decide something soon there's on point of dragging this issue so much. Noone will be happy.

    1. I absolutely agree with your views..

    2. Absolutely agree.....Khushi is not the one who is the most hurt here......It is Arnav....everyone has been just pushing him acc to their own whims...even Lhushi....Shashi should know that.

  13. Wonderful update poor arshi both are suffering

  14. Arnav is trying his best and somewhere I am not feeling anger towards him anymore for behaving rudely with khushi in the beginning.....It was a hell of experience for khushi and I want him to know where it landed her...she even needed a phycatrist to get her mind he needs to understand it's not going to be easy for her to be with him just like before

  15. Awesome update.. . Loved it... U are so mean... Stopping at the important point.... Please update next part today without fail...

  16. Khushi is going very hard not only on Arnav but herself as well.. Her father is a very understanding person & not an orthodox kind who would not understand her pov if she tries to explain properly... Just one conversation with him & it might sort out some if not all the problems..

    I wander why does Khushi needs to ask herself now that why does her heart goes for Arnav everytime he is around? why she wants to be with him? Why she wants to spend time with him? That's because she loves him since her teenage.. She herself accepted that he is her soul then why is she crushing her own soul below her own feet.. Whatever Arnav did with her back then was absolutely wrong but she ain't doing right either now.. Ok if she has decided to stay away from him then why did she go to his changing room instead of Akash's? Why did she feel jealous of that girl who was taking his autograph standing so close to him?? Why did Khushi verbalize her didlslike towards it?? This way she is giving him hope that she still feels for him when she has decided to stay away from him..

  17. Soccer match was interesting... Arnav has changed a lot for his love. It gives goose bumps while reading this FF

  18. Amazing yes Kyushu cannot control her heart and we don't want her to control herself but you left us hanging. That's fine as long as you are going to give back to back update.

  19. I don't know how to feel about arnav or Khushi.. not liking their behaviours..arnav is here to win her right? Like this? Manipulating? Forcing? Emotional blackmail?
    Really confusd how to feel about all this

  20. Take your own time dear ...updates can wait .Your personal life is very important ...
    I always support your decision .


  22. please make khushi lenient towards arnav.. i don't want arnav to get hurt anymore.

  23. Visualising Braun and sanaya at the soccer field . Fighting like Tom and Jerry. When my dream will comes true ? Superb awesome update

  24. Wonderful update loved it
    Want to know how will be Arnav's meeting will be with Khushi's father

  25. Wonderful update. I seriously think, Khushi should understand that she is repeating the same mistake what Arnav did when she was in Delhi. Her father should know that she was doing in Delhi and specially with Arnav. I hope she understands what she is doing with herself and Arnav is wrong.

  26. A very weak khushi in your story.. arnav doesn’t deserve her

  27. Khushi was so upset when Arnav put his parents before his feelings Khushi is doing the same...nobody likes to hurt their parents....wish Khushi would have understood him back then .
