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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

He Loves Me Not - Part 35


Chapter 35

Khushi stays focused on him while he loses himself to her touch. It’s a sudden heady feeling for him because he has not been so close to her often; his 22nd birthday night is an exception though.

“Let me go, please” she urges realizing he is not having any plans to stop caressing her.

Arnav meets her eyes.
“If you wanted to go away, why did you come here?” he mutters with not so happy tone.
“I was looking for Akash…” she replies.
Arnav’s took a moment to really let her words sink into him.
“Akash?” he groans. “Really?”

Khushi pushes him away and steps back.
“Yes, Akash. And I am sorry for coming in your room like that. I should have let you mind your own business”

She turns around to leave only to be stopped by him again. He grabs her wrist.

“Khushi, I am sorry”

She is thrilled by his sudden apology. When she turns and looks back at him, she finds the most vulnerable expressions on his face, his eyes speak volumes. He takes her closer again and cups her cheeks.

“I am sorry for all the times I have pushed you away from myself. I was a jerk. I knew I was doing wrong yet I didn’t rectify my mistakes then because I had different priorities. Now I know.. I know how it feels to be rejected, abandoned deliberately. I cannot even bear this for a second but that’s all you got from me all these years. I wonder how you still kept calm and showed patience in handling your feelings for me”

Khushi’s eyes become wet.

“You are strong.. But I am not like you, Khushi. I am not strong enough to tolerate it. Punish me for all the sins but not this way.. not by stamping my love for you” he pleads.

Tears roll down her cheeks and end up moistening his palms. She grips his wrist gently, shutting her eyes to engulf his pain within hers.
“Please don’t do this to me” he continues to beg. “I need you, Khushi”

Hell!! She needs him too. She tried.. She literally tried pushing him away from her life but couldn’t. She cannot fake it anymore. She wants him too. But none of the people who loves her so much, who supported her all the way till now, wants her to give in to Arnav’s sudden proposal of love. Especially her father.

“Dad” she whispers at him, unable to speak further. He gulps down the pain formed in his throat. He understands her fear.
“I will talk to him. Let me meet him once” he urges. “Don’t deny”
She shakes her head. If he really wishes to give it a try, then he should. She will not stop him.
“Fine.. Come home tomorrow” she replies wiping her tears. It’s high time she corrects her decisions and her life.

The smile on Arnav’s face is back as if he just got lucky in wining his favorite toy.

“Come and meet him sharp at 07:00 in the evening. I will be at home too by then from work. See, if you can convince him” she adds.
“I will” he is about to kiss her forehead but she stops him.
“I hope you do, Arnav. Because however hard I want to reconcile with you, if Dad doesn’t gives his acceptance, I wont be able to do that this time.”

Arnav looks at her in shock and pain.

“Why shouldn’t I think about him?” she continues. “He is my father, he spent his entire life giving me the love of both father and a mother. He slogged hard to keep my stomach full, he had sleepless nights looking after my health issues in childhood. I am not saying he did anything extra ordinary. Every parents do that to their children. But in return they deserve to be valued for their love and words. You know when I fell in love with you, I was too young to judge how this would work in the longer run. I never calculated our status difference. I just loved.. But then as I grew up, I realized we will have to put a lot of efforts in bridging that gap between your parents and my family. But considering the happenings of the past few months, the bitterness my dad has for you and your family, I have lost hopes. I don’t want to push him beyond limits. I am not saying I wont try to convince him. I will. But I will not take our relationship forward hurting his soul”

Arnav takes another moment to grasp it all.

“If that’s the case, then convincing your father for our relationship is going to be my top priority now. I will talk to him tomorrow and I promise to do that in the best possible way I can”

She feels relieved that he agreed to her demands.
“Thank you” she mouths at him and makes her way out.

Arnav keeps watching her leave. It’s better now. She is no more running. At least they have thought of their next step. Now everything depends on Shashi Gupta’s approval.


Gupta Apartment

The Guptas are back home. Shashi finishes the dinner and is about to retire back in his room when Khushi stops him.

“Dad, can we talk?”
“Yea sure. What is it? Since we have come back from the match, you look tense”

They both sit on the couch. Khushi holds his hand.
“I have a request to make” she begins the conversation.
“Arnav…” she pauses to gulp the nervousness. “Arnav wants to meet you”
“Why?” Shashi’s mood shifts instantly.
“He wants to talk to you about me”

Shashi withdraws his hand from Khushi’s.

“Tell him I am not interested to discuss anything with him”

Khushi had expected that sort of reply but she continues to convince him.

“I have already called him tomorrow at 07:00”
Shashi is surprised to hear that.
“Why? You know my decision. And.. wait a minute. Didn’t you tell me you have forgotten him and those feelings you had for him?”
“Just meet him once Dad. I promise whatever you decide, I will abide by that”
Shashi looks horrified at Khushi.

“You mean you are still interested in becoming his life partner? Khushi? What is wrong with you? Don’t you recollect how he behaved with you all these years? And then his family? They don’t like you… they are far away from our reach.”
“I know Dad. I know he did everything wrong so far but… when he realized his mistake, he even corrected it. He went against his parents for me, he broke his engagement with Sheetal Mathur? He .. he is here Dad. And he came here for me.”

Shashi is speechless.
“I cannot believe this.. after all the pain he and his family gave you, you are still hopeful to give him a chance”
“Everyone deserves a second chance, Dad. You told me this, remember?” she argues. “Please Dad. Meet him once tomorrow. At least listen what he has to say”

Shashi gives up shutting her requests.

“Fine.. I will meet him”
Khushi smiles at his positive reply though she has no much hopes about how well the meeting will go. A father can go to any limits to ensure he takes the perfect decision for his child. And she knows her father is not very different from that trait. Arnav will have a tough time and its going to be testing period for her as well.


Next Day – Office 

It feels like a fresh morning. She is at Office, resumed her work making a mental note of Arnav’s presence in the cabin beside her cubicle. Their yesterday’s conversation has led them to a step higher, a status better than what they had before. Because she agreed to let him meet her father, at least they are now constructing a path to walk together. But if they will really be walking that path together in future or not all depends on how well Arnav convinces her father. She keeps her fingers crossed and hopes for that meet to go well.

Suddenly a beep on her phone draws disturbs her thoughts. It’s Arnav’s message.

‘What should I get for your father, when I come to see him tonight?’ 

She smiles at his genuine concern. He is just few feet away, a wall away and she can still sense his confusion for tonight’s agenda. She types back.

‘Just be what you are. No need to get anything. Don’t underestimate my father’s mood and neither over commit him for something you cannot fulfill’ 

‘That’s one heck of a serious scary advice. Will follow. Anything to get you back in my life, this time forever’ 

His reply makes her flush. She doesn’t continue the chat and focuses on work. She has to be home before he comes and handle everything after all. Once this is sorted, she would then dive into his problems with the Raizada couple. She has to know what went wrong.


Khushi arranges the cushions on the couch. It’s 06:55 already and she can expect Arnav to reach home any time. Buaji is confused and unhappy. It’s clear from her facial expressions and mood. Just like her father, she too is equally disinterested in meeting Arnav or hearing his side. The doorbell rings. Khushi panics. Shashi comes out of the room and looks at Khushi. She blinks at him as if to check once if he is ready for this and then hurries to open the door.

Arnav Singh Raizada is standing in a brown suit, holding a box in his hand. It’s a gift. But she had denied him to get anything.

“Hi” he smirks.
“Hi” she smiles weakly and gestures her to come inside. Arnav scans the house quickly. It’s a beautiful furnished apartment, cozy and warm. “Mr. Gupta” he comes forward and extends his hand for a handshake. Shashi unwillingly completes the handshake. “That’s for you” Arnav gifts him the box.
“What is this?”
“Something you like” Arnav mentions.
“I don’t need any gift. It is not necessary”
Shashi is about to return the box to him but Arnav presses it in Shashi’s hand again.
“It is” Arnav replies. “We are not new to each other, Mr. Gupta. We have known each other from years. So please, don’t ruin that bond we had between us. I insist”

Khushi’s heart beats faster. She has no clue how she is going to handle this evening with the two important men of her life challenging each other. Shashi keeps the box away, accepting it on Arnav’s request. They sit on the couch. Khushi gets the coffee for all of them and introduces her Buaji to Arnav. He greets her too and she unwillingly smiles at him and heads inside the kitchen. Khushi sits next to her father.

“How is Ayush Sir?” Shashi purposely touches his wrong nerve. Khushi clenches her jaw. She knows her father is aware of the bitterness between the Raizada duo. Yet why did he start the conversation that way?
“He must be good” Arnav replies with no feelings on his face, or rather he has learnt to hide it from others.
“Must be good? Why? You cannot be assured of that?” Shashi continues to dig.

Arnav keeps the mug down.

“I am here to talk about me and Khushi. I would appreciate if we drop every other matter
“I exactly know what you are going to speak to me about Khushi” Shashi answers. “And I wouldn’t waste your time” he adds. “But don’t you think your parents need to approve this relationship too? As far I know them, they will never accept Khushi”
“They accept her or not, I wouldn’t rely on their wishes”
“Why?” Shashi interrupts. “That’s what you did all these years. Don’t you remember?” his tone is clearly mocking.
Arnav gazes back at Khushi, trying his best to control his anger only for her. But seems like Shashi Gupta is on a full roll to instigate him tonight.
“You left the couple who adopted you. Whatever they did or however they were, they still gave you their name and shelter. Recall the days when you were on roads Arnav. You would be still there if Ayush Sir hadn’t shown mercy you’re your state. And what did you do? Abandoned him?” Shashi scowls back. “A man who can do that to his parents, sorry… adoptive parents.. then he won’t think twice to break my daughter’s life with his irrational decisions in future. And I cannot let that happen”
“Dad, please” Khushi interrupts her father. She herself is mad at him for being so rude with Arnav. He is not even letting Arnav talk and share his thoughts. That’s wrong and very uncompassionate.
Arnav’s fingers form a first. What does this man know about the rising bitterness between him and his father?
“You know nothing Mr. Gupta. I don’t owe any explanation about the recent changes in my life to you. And looks like even if I do so, you have made up your mind.”

Shashi keeps staring at Arnav’s powerful personality, with the same rage in his eyes.

“Yes, I have made up my mind that I will never entertain you in my daughter’s life. Stop chasing her”

Arnav’s eyes gleamed dangerously.

“That’s not what she wants. That’s not what I want. And hence, that’s never going to happen” he replies back to the old man.
Khushi shifts nervously watching the two most important men in her life fight for bringing her to their respective side.
“Get out of my house” Shashi gets up pointing Arnav the door.
“Dad, what are you doing?” Khushi intervenes. “At least hear him out”

Arnav stands up straightening his suit.

“It’s okay Khushi. Looks like he is in no mood to talk tonight. We will have this conversation some other time”
“Never” Shashi barks at him. “We are never going to talk about this”
Arnav twitches his brows and takes a stride towards the old man.
“we will Mr. Gupta. We will talk about this soon and I will ensure that you don’t decline my proposal”

Khushi turns back to Arnav.
“Will you please calm down? Let me talk to him.. don’t mess this up”
“Yes sweetheart” Arnav smirks back at her. “I will see you tomorrow”

Shashi frowns seeing him calling Khushi by that term. Khushi shuts her eyes. These two men!! They are becoming a serious headache to her now!!

To be Continued.

To Read He Loves Me Not from the Start. Click HERE





  1. Super update it will be interesting to see how Arnav will be convice shashi Gupta. & About Arnav Parents I guess his father or Mother is the real gurdian of Arnav life who Abandoned him purposely later adopted him & may be Arnav learn this truth tht's why he was furious.

  2. Superb marvellous I loved d update

  3. Superb update.
    Liked thecesy he told khushi how badly he needs her n the way he apologies to her..

    Khushi wants to be with him..

    Why shashi is not ready to hear him?

    What has happened between arnav n raizada?

    Looking forward

  4. Fantastic.... Loved the update... This ASR I like intense and confident...

  5. Awesome Update. Shashi Gupta behaved quite rude with Arnav along with Buaji without knowing what exactly happened with his parents. It's not good to judge someone without knowing the entire truth. No parents want their kids to suffer but can't Shashi Gupta see the change in Arnav. Arnav apologize to Khushi for his mistakes in the past and it take a lot of courage to do that. I liked Arnav's calm and composed nature of dealing things. Khushi is only suffering here. Shashi Gupta should have listened to Arnav's version too. Arnav was an obidient son maybe something serious happened which made Arnav bitter towards his adoptive parents.

  6. Now this is called as The Perfect Turning point.
    How can be Arnav n Khushi be so foolish?.
    And Khushi is such a dumbo.Shashi Gupta had not only be a Father but a doting Mither as well.She didnt even bother to let him abt her feelings towards Arnav for the past eight years.He didnt want her to leave Delhi.
    To protect herself from further humiluation,she had come to London.
    She dudnt even let her Father to know abt her Therapy sessions with Payal tillnow.
    And heights of Arnavs approach this time.
    Wighout letting a girls Father abt the heaet wrenching break up with his adopted parents and his decision for forming the AK company, how can he expect him to give a positive signal to their relationship.
    Infact, Shashi Gupta should never bend to their emotional dramas right now.
    Let Khushi n Arnav prove the strength of their relationship to him firstly.

  7. It's ironical how Khushi cannot go against his father because she is indebted to her father for the things he had done for her but earlier she wanted Arnav to choose her over his parents. So what Raizada's fail to give him the love a son deserve yet they have given him a new life. So by that logic of Khushi's responsibility towards her father should apply for Arnav as well. But Arnav became the culprit even after he went against his parents and called off his engagement and promised Khushi that he will come for her. Now Shashi is also taunting him for leaving his parents and at the same time saying Arnav didn't reciprocate Khushi's feelings earlier coz of his parents then why now. Abhi Arnav kare toh kya kare!!! Did anyone ever try to understand his feelings ever? The answer is NO! Everyone just knows to blame him without knowing what actually went wrong.

    S. Anni

    1. I totally agree hundred percent... Khushi is being so double faced here...she cannot hurt her father but when she had decided to pursue Arnav no end...did she once think of the consequences regarding Ayush and her father..and even wanted Arnav to go against his own parents....niw when he has left everything gor her she is behaving in this way....she cannot hurt her father....really

  8. SWEETHEART he said that to Khushi and that too before her father...This Arnav is completely new...What is he going to do now to make Shashi accept this relationship between him and Khushi...What a Mind blowing Update Madhu SUPERB...Waiting for Next Part...

  9. Why do I feel that when arnav said he knows how it feels being rejected that means he was rejected by his birth parents which were either ayush and revati Or something related to them and hence The bitterness between them

  10. Before anything I want to say shashi is behaving like a moron … where is aman who can tell this guy that if your daughter is here in London doing good in her career is all bcoz of the guy u r insulting he has shower his hard earn money on her bcoz he loves her … only a person with stone hearth can say things he said to arnav by hurting his existence …but Arnav is tolerating for khushi … please madhu do not make khushi agreeing her dad if he ask to forget or stay from Arnav …he really needs her he will be broken badly he told her he is not that strong and he needs her … I m sure he is suffering so much and needs her please do not make him go thru thus more let her be his side and fight the world … please bring aman here too

  11. Rejected and abonded that too deliberately what does ASR mean. These two words have deep impact.

  12. Finally Khushi took right decision ..but why this meet was not successful ? I think Khushi ll speak to Arnav and ll get to know what happened with the raizadas that Arnav started hating them? Also Madhu u never told whether raizada couple have any other children other than Arnav ?

  13. Awesome update dear , how arnav going to convince Khushi ? 😞 finger crossed . Hope shashi won’t complicated more . Poor Khushi , doing to her maximum to keep her two important men to her side and show her love . Hope it won’t affect her health.
    Waiting for next update dear

  14. How is kushi going to handle these hot headed men? Day by day this story is getting very interesting

  15. Khushi in all these years you always wanted Arnav to take decisions for please do that in your life too ..dnt repeat Wat Arnav had done

  16. Great update. Well khushi where was these sane thoughts when you lied to your father and went out to and ruin arnavs date?? And now you think how you should obey him just because he is your father and took care of you all the time. Khushi wasn't a baby to not understand the reality. Now she is 22 I guess. And she is not a baby for nOt realising the difference between her status and arnavs. She now acts like she wasn't guilty at all. That's why Shashi can't see the good side of arnav. He thinks arnav hurt her all the way. Even though we still don't know what happened on arnavs birthday we have an idea about that day. We somehow know that he said something to khushi which kept her thinking about him and getting him back in her life. If she can understand her father's decision about arnav, why couldn't she understand arnavs situation back then, that he was helpless and couldn't go against his parents. Khushi has played a big role for this mess. She could have let it go when she heard of arnavs engagement. She came to win her love and she messed up everyone's life.
    Shashi is not wrong as a father. But wrong as a human being. He can't blame arnav without knowing the actual reason for their family issues. I guess they got separated due to some other reason. It can't be because of khushi. Coz if it's about khushi arnav wouldnt be that angry. I guess its something more important than that. May be about real parents or something like that. So Shashi is being unreasonable and stupid. But he should know how stubborn his daughter was and that she wasn't a sane at all.
    In this story khushi was portrayed as a girl who wants to have her love at any cost. She didn't really care about her family. I thought at least in this story she would make a huge sacrifice. But instead of her arnav is sacrificing everything. Even though arnav is wrong I feel bad for him. He has noone in this world, not even khushi. Khushi do not love him as he does. Her love was so immature when compared to arnav. She was like a small girl who wants something by hook or crook and when she can't get it she just let it go. That's how I see khushi Now.

  17. Right decision by khushi to forgive arnav.he deserve it. Khushi can understand how hard it is for arnav. And khushi heraelf has gone through this feeling thats why she does not want aranv to go through this feeling because she still loves him.
    But i dont like the attitude of shashi. I know he wants best for khushi. But he has seen arnav from years. I think he also has admired him form years. Then why cant he give one chance to arnav. But i feel his allegations baseless that he dont consider his parents wishes. Infact thats the first reason he has kept denying his wish to marray khushi. Because he did not want to hurt his parents.
    Shashi should atleast know why arnavwho once dotted on his parents like anything , who can do anything for his parents wishes is now igmoring parents talk.
    He should atleast once should think about it.
    Lovee the update

  18. Why shashi is behaving like this.. What happened between ayush and arnav.. Why he is getting so much angry in the mentioning of his parents... Something is there.. Hope khushi will findout the things from arnav and explain it to shashi. . Hope shashi will accept arnav proposal... Waiting for next update....

  19. It was a fabulous update and waiting to see as how Arnav convinces Shashi

  20. It's nice in starting u wrote about Khushihe that she is strong she goes to any length to get what she wants she did that when he was obeying his parents to win him back but now I see her weak and obeying his dad

  21. Shashi accused Arnav for betraying his foster parents by leaving them but he didn't think for once that there must have definitely gone something terribly wrong, something that must hurt Arnav to the extent of him leaving his parents whom he not only respected but worshipped & followed their words to the T... If Shashi was really worried for Ayush then Instead of blaming Arnav he should have tried to know what went wrong that brought such a huge distance between them & such a drastic change in Arnav...

    Why is everybody hell bent on insulting & misunderstanding Arnav without giving him a chance to explain his side of story... Whatever happened but I'm glad for one thing that Arnav's resolve of getting his love, his Khushi back in his life is just getting stronger with each negative reaction he is getting from either Khushi herself or Shashi.. I hope atleast now Khushi stops obeying to her father's words & just for once hears Arnav out & then take a wise decision on their relationship...

    Thanks for the amazing update Madhu...

  22. A volcanic eruption ....
    Lets wait and see the aftereffects.

  23. Wonderful update loved it
    This Arnav is much better then the past one
    But why Shashi didn't let him tell anything
    Let's see what happens next what Arnav will do

  24. Thanks dear
    Is there any chance for Arnav Singh Raizada to be real RAIZADA.

  25. I love this arnav 😍😍 ASR❤️❤️

  26. Hmmm... I suspect Shashi is projecting some of his frustration and feeling of being let down by Ayush on to Arnav cos nothing else can explain this level of anger towards Arnav.

  27. Thats more like our own ASR 😍😍😍 superb update

  28. I don't blame Shashi! It's a wounded cub's father! He's definitely going to be on the defensive mode! But, what is Arnav hiding? Why is this though? Open up man! Cheers

  29. Khushi never wanted arnav to choose her above his adopted parents she just wanted him express his genuine feelings instead of just agreeing whatever the hell they throw at him without thinking about arnav heartfelt opinion not just in sheetal matter but also in so many aspects, here khushi and his father are already humiliated by ayush and sheetal ,if khushi fears for her fathers reputation she is not at all wrong

  30. What’s the problem with these father, first Ayush insulted his friend and Khushi now Khushi’s father insulted him. What went wring with Arnav and his parents that he is not willing to talk about them. Let’s see what is next.

  31. Some Father's love shows in his anger . I am not surprised with his behaviour.
