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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

He Loves Me Not - Part 36


Chapter 36

Gupta Apartment

Khushi is ready to leave for work. After last evenings messy conversation between her father and Arnav, she hasn’t spoken to any of them. Not because she is angry. They both are an integral part of her life after all. But she has taken some crucial decisions last night and its high time she makes the two men of her life realize what they are. Shashi comes out of his room, only to find Khushi packing her laptop bag. She is all ready to leave for work. He has noticed her grumpiness too since last evening but decides to ignore it. He knows she cannot be upset with him for long.

“You leaving?” he reaches her.

“Yes” she replies without meeting his eyes. It is evident from her pale face that she didn’t sleep well either.

“Give this back to him” he extends the box which Arnav last evening had gifted Shashi. “I haven’t opened it and neither interested”

Khushi pauses and looks at her father.

“Why didn’t you return it to him when he was here?” she asks.

“I tried. You know I did. But he didn’t take it”

That’s true. Arnav didn’t accept the gift back which he had so patiently bought for her father. She has no clue what it is. She concentrates again on her packing.

“I think you should not involve me in this. It is between you and him. I don’t want to intrude here”

Shashi is confused by her reply.

“I don’t even wish to see him again, why would I go and return it myself?” he snaps.

“Dad, you can return it to him through any other ways but not through me!! Please”

She hugs him once like she always does before leaving the house and then makes her way to the door.

“Don’t forget to take your Blood pressure medicines” she reminds and shuts the door behind.

Shashi frowns. She is worried for his health and her blind love for that man is the reason of his sickness.



When Khushi enters her work floor, she finds all her colleagues grouped at one place, discussing something. Katherine, her boss is also between them in the discussion. She too joins the group.

“Okay, the cake and catering part I will take care of” Sim exclaims. “The venue is decided right?”

Khushi is confused what celebration they are talking about?

“Yes, the venue will be the same.” Katherine replies. “I have even ensured with Micheal to keep his Boss’s schedule clear for tomorrow evening”

“Tomorrow Evening?” Khushi blankly interrupts.

“Yes, we will wind up all work by then and please everyone wear red !! That’s the theme for the birthday party”

“Wow.. cool” others shout in joy and disperse back to their respective cubicles.

“Birthday? Whose?” Khushi interrupts Sim.

“Our client.. Arnav Singh Raizada”

Khushi’s body freezes. Yes, its his birthday tomorrow. She could never forget that date. But ever since he has come to London, following her, she has lost her count on days and time. So, the team is planning to give the client a birthday party. All the arrangements are made too but what about her? His birthday has always been special to both of them, for some intense reasons and this one day of the year has invoked all those past desires again, which are hard to soothe away. God knows she has reminisced the moments of his 22nd birthday night every single night thereafter. She doesn’t know if he did the same too. But it was special for her. After his 22nd birthday, this will be the first time they will be again together on that occasion. And only God knows how she is going to suppress thinking about him and handle their present proximity.


The entire day today, Khushi didn’t get any opportunity to see Arnav, all thanks to his busy schedule and some serious conferences with the board of this company. She knows he might be feeling the same void in his heart of not being able to spend time with her. At evening, after finishing her regular work, Khushi decides to quickly head to a gift shop and buy the birthday boy a present. He is going to be gifted tomorrow, by the entire team in common but that doesn’t mean she won’t gift him anything else from her end.

As she makes her way to the parking and is about to unlock her car, Arnav’s black posh car stops beside hers. She startles at first but when he gets down, she eases.

“I will drop you home” he insists.

She would have loved that too but not when she has to buy him a gift, that too without his company.

“No thanks. I will go myself”

“Stop fussing” he closes the distance between them, pinning Khushi to her car. “And we also need to talk” he adds.

“Fine” she lifts her shoulder in a helpless shrug. “But my car”

“My driver will drop it at your place”

His driver gets down after he is gestured by Arnav to do so. Khushi hands the car keys to the driver and gets in the front seat of Arnav’s car, with him taking the wheel. She hasn’t seen him driving much but he really handles the vehicle with ease, no rush, no hurry to reach the destination.

“How’s your father’s mood after last night?” he begins the conversation once the car hits the main road.

“His BP shot up last night. I haven’t seen him so mad in the recent years. He just wants me to stay away from you”

“In his dreams” he scoffs.

Khushi gives him a hot glare for the confidence he has in her and her love!! Her phone rings that same moment. It’s Akash’s call which she doesn’t miss to answer.

“Hi Akash”

Arnav grips the wheel feeling totally insecure. What was the need to attend his call when she is with the man she loves?

“No, I have left for home. But I will see you in an hour” she informs checking her watch. “Same place”

Arnav increases the speed and even takes a wrong turn, the route not leading to her home but elsewhere.

“I will call you back, Akash.” She disconnects and stares back at Arnav. “You took the wrong lane.”

“On purpose” he mutters.

“I am getting late, Arnav”

“To see Akash?” he growls.

She choses to remain quiet. He parks the car at a corner, his fingers still gripping the steering wheel.

“What is the difference between the previous me and present you? I pushed you away for my family and now you are doing the same to me for your dad. You showed me light to come out of that ditch and now you are walking back in that darkness? How silly is that?” A low sound of pain left him.

Khushi looks at him. He is not saying anything wrong. It had strike her a while ago that she is repeating the mistakes for which she is punishing him today. How ironic is that?

“I was unwillingly getting engaged to Sheetal and now you are deliberately giving marriage hopes to Akash” he continues but only this time his voice is hoarser than before. “How do you expect me to handle that patiently? This is madness”

Khushi’s gaze ran over him.

“What you did last evening at home with my father was madness. I called you to sort the problems not intensify it” she replies.

“So, you support his behavior towards me?” he asks with a shock in his expressions. “He was provoking me to behave like that, didn’t you see that? He had no rights to speak about the tensions between me and Ayush Singh Raizada. Yet, yet he just couldn’t keep it to himself. He spoiled it. I didn’t. Forget the rest, he didn’t even let me speak about you.. about us”

“No.. I don’t support his behavior either. But that was not how it had to end. Do you realize things have complicated even more?”

Arnav’s jaw clench. He drops his hand from the wheel and instead cups her cheeks.

“I know it has hurt you.” He murmurs. “We will do this again” he urges.

“No” she declines his request. “Not so soon. Let his anger get pacified. And you too should concentrate on your new business. You have a lot to share with me too about your coldness with the Raizada couple”

Arnav stiffens at their mention which she feels too but doesn’t force him to speak.

“We will sort this one by one” she insists.

Though it sounds like a good plan, he is still impatient.

“What if he never pacifies? What if he forces you to decide about Akash?”

Khushi sighs. It’s high time he knows something about her and Akash.

“Akash is just my friend, Arnav. He means nothing more to me”

“I know that” he replies. “I trust you on that Khushi but I don’t want him to have any hopes from you either”

“He won’t” she says that with confidence. “I have already cleared that with him. And he understands that. He knows my feelings for you will never change.. He knows I tried… he was the one who supported me in my initiative to forget you… but nothing worked and it never will. He knows that.”

Arnav is very glad to hear that.

“You are still seeing him today” he points out.

“Yes, because we are friends. And I am allowed to meet my friends whenever I wish to. He wants to know what happened yesterday evening and he might have some better idea to our problems”

Arnav rolls his eyes. He has to get a grip on his jealous hormones.

“Who the hell is he to make plans for us? We should be doing that, not you and him”

He has a point. She gets nervous instantly.

“Fine at least tell me what is our status now?” he asks hopefully. “Are we dating like a normal couple?”

Her face glows. Dating Arnav was always her dream. She wanted him to take her out, spend time together, eat, laugh, share their daily routine and what not. It’s not late now but there are too many complications to date this man, especially when her father is keeping an eye on her every move hereon. She really wonders how she hadn’t calculated all of this before when she fell in one sided love with Arnav? How as she going to convince her family and his for their relationship? She never had thought about it as her only focus was wining Arnav’s love and now when that has happened, suddenly all the side tracks and issues have started popping up.

“Let’s just be Boss-Employee for now and for a while until we don’t find a way to convince dad and you don’t open up about your problems to me completely”

“Khushi..” he pulls her closer to his face, their lips inches apart. “Don’t do this to us”

She hates it too but this is the safest option for now.

“You are my Company’s client, Arnav. I cannot risk my new job, neither my responsibilities as a daughter. And no, I am not pushing you either like you did to me all these years. I have tried to but failed every single time. I am just requesting you to let us keep our feelings to ourselves until we sort everything. That’s all I want for now. Please. It’s a request”

Arnav swallows the lump in his throat and then pulls away from her.

“You want to play being strangers, fine. Let us see how long we both can act like there exists nothing between us” his tone is challenging and scaring her enough to think what his actions would be.

He starts the engine again to drive her back home.


Khushi checks the clock like every few seconds, waiting desperately for 12:00 am. And the moment it strikes 12:00, her fingers twitch to dial Arnav and wish. It’s his birthday. She wants to wish him. She has tried calling him on all of his birthdays at 12:00 am, even though she didn’t speak or wish him over the call. It used to be a silent call. She was afraid he would hurt her by his words and hang up. He always knew it was her but never made an attempt to talk either. But tonight, she knows he wouldn’t do anything of that sort. She picks her phone and dials Arnav.

He doesn’t answer the call in the first few rings but at the last one. He is purposely doing this, isn’t he? She is already frustrated but doesn’t show up in her voice when he picks.

“Why would an employee call her client at this late hour?” he asks in a very formal tone. Khushi bites the corner of her lip. So, he is really playing the game which she began?

“I had to wish you on your birthday”

“You could do that tomorrow, with everybody… like everybody” he leans back on the cushion. “why now? Why at this hour? Isn’t this very private and personal?”

“Hmm” she chews her teeth. “Maybe you are right. I should wish you tomorrow with the rest of the team. Not now”

They don’t drop the call, but don’t speak either.

“I am glad you called” he mumbles. Her face lits up automatically.

“Many Many Happy Returns of the day, Arnav” she wishes him.

He exhales deep, her voice, wishes ringing peacefully in his ears. But the memories of his birth and childhood starts leaving a bitter taste in his heart again. He wants to share it with her but not now, not like this when he cannot even see her or take her support.

“What is the team planning for my birthday?” he asks changing his mind from those painful memories.

“That’s a surprise. But you will like it”

“Hmm. And what are you gifting me?”

Khushi has got him a gift, a white shirt, his favorite and hers too. He looks very adorable in white and she is always charmed by his look in white. It made him look sexier and handsome. She can go on and on describing how much that color suits him. She had her own fantasies too during her teenage when she imagined him in White and herself in his favorite red color. Those times she was crazy for such things to happen for real and now.. when they can, she is worried if she can handle it!!

Something beeps on Arnav’s personal tab, which gets her out of the trance.

“What was that?” she asks.

Arnav disconnects the call from his father.


“I heard a beep Arnav.. A phone ring maybe. Whose call are you getting? You can answer it if you want. I will hang up”

“I don’t want to answer his calls” he shouts. “In fact. I got some work to do. Will.. will see you tomorrow at office”

He hangs up before Khushi can ask him anything further. He clearly sounded hurt and in immense pain. It has to be his father’s call to wish him but he avoided it. When is he going to tell her all of that?

To be Continued.


To Read He Loves Me Not from the Start. Click HERE






  1. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  2. Awesome update....wat happened between Arnav and his adoptive parents that he doesn't even like to talk to him

  3. SUPERB UPDATE...So Arnav came to know something about his birth which is why he is so bitter about this couple Ayush Raizada...And next part will get know about his 22nd birthday Flashback...Waiting for Next Part...

  4. Finally the mystery shall be solved! Cheers

  5. Awesome update, eagerly waiting for the next update.

  6. Awesome Update. This part was good but waiting for the next part as the birthday flashback is going to be revealed . Arnav birthday is an important part of the story . Arnav deliberately kept his birthday theme red. Akash 's call ignited jealousy in Arnav. Arnav don't want to get detached from Khushi and his fears and insecurity are justified. Khushi finally cleared her stand regarding Akash and gave some relief to Arnav. Arnav and Khushi both needs to be mature in dealing with relationship specially Khushi. Arnav has hidden a lot of grief inside him and needs Khushi the most in this vulnerable state. Why is Arnav ignoring Ayush calls on purpose? What made their relation go bitter. Arnav also became quite angry. Hope Arnav shares his pain with Khushi. Khushi gift Arnav his favourite white shirt means she still cares for his likes and dislikes. Shashi Gupta is behaving quite rude when Arnav is trying to sort out the problem Khushi is stuck between them.

  7. This is getting very interesting. Glad unlike Arnav Khushi is at least making her father know she is upset with the way things are.
    Arnav is really mad at his father. Is Ayush his real father who abandoned him and then adopted him. Or did Ayush use him for property? The man seemed nice to him until how he behaved with Khushi and Shashi.

    Khushi needs to tell Arnav the pain she had been through and she needs time because all this is too stressful

    Tbh what does Shashi want from Khushi? To suffer and live her life alone or with Akash who she doesn't love? Arnav has come for her and he is still stuck with his loyalty to Ayush? Isn't it all about him? That he'd be facing taunts if Arshi marry?

  8. What happened?
    Hope everything sorts out soon

  9. awesome update madhu di. Please tomorrow again post this ff

  10. Can we get the back to back update of he loves me not ? Hope u completely disclose what happened on his 22nd bday ? No cliff hanger in that please...

  11. What happened between arnav and his parents? Why is he not attending even his father's birthday wish call? Eagerly waiting to know

  12. I m so with Arnav here with what he is saying and doing bcoz he has a valid point not like khushi who once used to fight for his moment but now can’t say she loves him and can’t live without him … I m so eager to know how close they did on his birthday … please don’t spoil his this Birthday or please make them be two body one soul on this Birthday … eager to know what gone wrong with Raizada

  13. Amazing update, hope we get another update. Interesting it is , unable to say this or this on the whole fabulous

  14. The change in Arnav regarding his parents is total 360. I dont know how Khushi will solve it. Where is Aman? I am missing him 😔

  15. I think Arnav parents r died because of Ayush or Revathi raizada ? May be a accident .. or Arnav is also raizada blood may be illegitimate son of Ayush?
    Or Arnav is the son Ayush brother whom Ayush betrayed for power ? Later when they don't have kids they finded Arnav and adopted him ?
    Madhu still u didn't disclose whether Ayush and Revathi have any other children...

  16. Thank You Sooooo Muuuuccchhhh Khushi and madhu 😉for clearing akash and your relationship it’s just a friendship . Nothing more . 😍. Jealous arnav sooo cute . I’m very happy to see Khushi acting maturely by trying to keep both ArNav and shashi relief .

    I’m badly want next update if he love me not Monday but 😞 I can’t wait for badmateez until Tuesday. 😒.

    Waiting for next update dear . Update soooonnnnn

  17. Waiting for the flashback... Loved it...

  18. Wonderful update ❤️ loved it.. I can't wait for next part.

  19. Awesome... Next update Tomorrow itself please.. ..


  21. Superb update waiting for Arnav to open up about his pain as well as the 22nd bday thing

  22. Nice update..
    Like the way khushi decided not to repeat same mistake and handle both the man properly becsuse both are important to her..

    Like the way arnav spoke to khushi both clear their stand..
    Hope akash dont have feelings for khushi..

    Why arnav is not sharing with khushi what has happened?
    Looking forward

  23. Will we love their courting ..Hope so

  24. Good update. Shashi behaves as if arnav tried to completely destroy khushis life. I mean seriously doesn't he see it was khushi who went after him, while he was engaged? Does he think his daughter is innocent? And how can he judge arnav like that? Judge on something he doesn't even know anything? He just knows that there is a problem between arnav and ayush. I don't understand this father and daughter both. And Shashi is really rude to return his gift. I never thought he can be that low of himself.
    Arnav was right. What is the difference between past arnav and current khushi? Khushi portrayed her love as if it was the greatest thing she can offer to her. But where is her love when he needed the most? This is the time to show her love towards arnav. Not when her father or anyone didn't know about them. I understand khushi tries to balance them both. But she didn't even try to let Shashi that arnav alone was not wrong at all.
    As I see khushi had an innocent teenage crush on arnav. As a result of arnavs unconscious state he gave a hope to khushi and it made her crush into a serious love where she had expected childish things such as dates and sweet moments. With time she started to stalk him n she behaved as if she is obsessed with him where she came on his engagement day n from that day onwards she tried to win back him somehow. After that dance on her friends wedding day she came back to the reality and now punishing him for the things he had done. Arnav was wrong n I accept it. But khushi was not right either. Her love was not so great. I really thought her love would be great. But in this story also arnavs love will be highlighted. My guess is ayush has done something wrong with arnav that's why arnav was so mad. Otherwise he would never ignore that call. He loved his dad.

    1. er... expecting sweet moments and dates are not "childish".. that is what happens in a relationship, that makes a relationship exiting and interesting.. it is a natural expectation and not childishness:-)

      And I am a little lost? Why isn't Khushi's love great? Just because she didn't capitulate and go running the moment Arnav finally decided that he would reciprocate her love? That is a such a silly sexist comment! Just because the man finally decided, the woman must go running!

  25. Loved the progress between them. Nice,decision by kgushi for steady progress. Arnav is,now being impatuent which us expected at its part. Waiting for next update ehich are you going to reveal much awaited 22nd birthday of arnav

  26. Wonderful update loved it
    Eagerly waiting for next update so we can get flashback of 22nd birthday of Arnav

  27. Superb update. Pity for Arnav. What could have happened between raizada and him!!

  28. Finally I can comment now Madhu 👏 hopefully this last.

  29. I'm really waiting for all the flashbacks including the latest events of his adopted parents .

  30. I am happy at least they both are talking to each other. Let’s see what brings from their past. Really wants to know why he is ignoring his father.

  31. Nice update.When will u disclose what happened between Arnav and his parents.

  32. Awesome update. Waiting to know how Khushi is going to face her own challenge. Happy that they both are together in this phase . Hope they will soon win her father's heart. Eagerly waiting to know next part for his birthday flashback.
    Please update next part of this update tomorrow..... please..... please.....

