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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

He Loves Me Not - Part 41


Chapter 41

“What the hell” Arnav exclaims seeing his friend Aman making the best use of the kitchen by practicing his cooking skills.

“Hey.. you back?” Aman puts the pan of veggies he was tossing so far, on the burner again.

“What are you doing here? Where are my Chefs?” Arnav gets inside.

“I gave them a break”

“Break? Seriously, Aman Mathur?”

“Seriously, Arnav Singh Raizada” he teases back mimicking his tone.

He notices the change in Arnav’s expression. The last name “Raizada” has somewhat started to haunt him now.

“Well” Aman interrupts. “I have cooked pasta for dinner and a bottle of White Wine. How about that?”

Arnav smiles.

“Technically, Khushi should be doing this for you. But since she cannot do it yet, I thought of replacing her” Aman continues. “Just in the kitchen by the way. I have no intentions of replacing her on your bed” he winks.

“Shut up” Arnav throws his coat at Aman who catches it on time.

“Go change. I will serve it on the table meanwhile”

Arnav nods and heads back to his room. Aman’s company is always enjoyable. What would he do without a friend like him?


“I loved this Wine” Arnav sips some and puts the glass down.

“Just Wine? Not the pasta?”

“It’s tasteless” Arnav lies.

Aman rolls his eyes.

“That’s why you ate two bowls of it?” he argues.

“I ate two bowls of it to understand the taste, but no luck.”

“Can I smack your face?” Aman snaps.

“After I marry. I don’t want my face swollen when I take marriage vows”

Aman laughs heartily at his reply.

“When is the marriage then?”

Arnav leans back on his chair.

“To be honest, I don’t know. Until Khushi’s father agrees, nothing will progress”

“I know” Aman nods. “But who will do the marriage talks?”

Arnav is quiet again for few seconds.

“Me and me alone” he declares.

He had expected Arnav to say that. He doesn’t want the Raizada couple to involve in any of his life’s decisions henceforth. That’s quite relatable. They backstabbed him and he in return is maintaining a distance. But the question is, for how long?

“Since I am by your side, I can initiate the talks if you want” Aman suggests, trying to change Arnav’s mood again.

“I want to marry Khushi, not divorce her before marriage” Arnav teases.

“Hell Man!!” Aman laughs again. “I am seriously going to punch you someday”

“Talk to Mike, my assistant. He will give you an appointment” Arnav mocks sipping his Wine.

Aman continues eating. He is glad he came here to spend some time with Arnav. He knew his friend needed him. Now even Khushi has chosen her side which means Arnav’s pain is going to fade soon.


Next Day – Gupta House

Khushi has just come out of her room when she saw her father’s bag in the living room. Even Shashi is fully dressed up to go out.

“Dad? What is all this? Where are you going?”

“Delhi. Your uncle is sick. Got to go see him once”

“Soham Uncle?”

“Yes, he met with an accident yesterday. His wife had called. Nothing very serious but it won’t look nice if me and Madhumati don’t go and see him once. They might need my assistance too”

Khushi nods. He is right. Soham is her father’s cousin brother and if he is hospitalized, her father should be there to look after him.

“You want me to come? I can take a two day off”

“No, it will be very hectic for you. And he is fine, Khushi. I will convey your wishes to him.”

She agrees.

“When is the flight?” she asks.

“Afternoon. That’s why we are hurrying. Madhumati..” Shashi calls for his sister to wind up soon. She comes out with her bag.

“Khushi, look after yourself and don’t eat outside much, cook at home whenever possible” she instructs.

Khushi hugs the two of them and drags the bags down till the Cab. Madhumati gets inside and waits for Shashi to join.

“Be safe” Shashi kisses Khushi’s forehead.

“Yes Dad, don’t worry about me. I will be fine. Just come back soon and let me know if you need any help”

“Hmm” he sighs. “I know you are a big girl and you know what is right and wrong for you. But as your father, I would still like you to be careful. To love someone is good but don’t lose yourself so much into that love which can put your future at risk”

Khushi exactly knows what her father is talking about. Being so protective for her, he had to warn her about her love for Arnav and now that Arnav too is here, he is worried that in his absence, she shouldn’t get emotionally and physically drawn to him.

“He knows his limits dad and so do I. None of us would ever do anything which can hurt you”

Shashi plasters a weak smile on his face and then gets in the car. Khushi waves at them as the car departs. She returns back to her room and dials Arnav. It’s weekend so she can expect him to be free but instead he drops her a simple message.

‘Out on work. Will call you later’

Seriously? Just when she could devote the entire day with him, he got urgent work to do? She sighs in disappointment and is about to think alternatives of spending time when Aman’s call rings on her phone. Aman Mathur!! His calls are rare. She answers though.

“Hello Aman”

“Hey there. How is the weekend going?”

“Not very good”

“Why? Isn’t your father there to give you lectures on Anti Arnav movements?” he mocks.

She frowns.

“You guys won’t understand a father’s worry until you become one. And by the way he and Buaji have gone to Delhi to see my uncle”

“Oh!! You mean you alone?”

“Yes” she chuckles.

“Did you tell this to Arnav? I am sure he can spend time with you without any hinderance”

“My family is not a hinderance” she clarifies. “But no, I didn’t tell Arnav because he is busy working somewhere. I didn’t want to disturb”

Aman laughs

“You both are really dumb heads in love. Anyways, if you still wish to spend time with him and surprise him, I have a plan”

Khushi smiles.

“I am listening” she sits on the couch, curious to know what Aman has in mind to surprise Arnav.


Arnav returns back home in the evening, still busy dialing Khushi who is not answering his calls.

“You okay?” Aman casually asks. He is sitting on the couch, with his laptop On.

“Khushi isn’t answering the calls. I hope she is fine”

“Hmmm” Aman pouts.

“I am serious.. She has never done this before. She at least drops a message if she is busy.”

“Hmm” Aman nods again.

“What is wrong with you now? Why are you reacting so cold?”

Aman doesn’t reply. Arnav wrinkles his nose glancing towards the Kitchen once.

“You cooked dinner for us again?” he asks taking in the tantalizing aroma coming from the kitchen.

“I didn’t cook. But someone else did”


“Go and check yourself”

Arnav is confused. Who can cook in his kitchen if not his chefs or Aman? He drops his laptop bag on the couch and strides to the kitchen, only to see his lady love, arranging the serving bowls.

“That’s one hell of a surprise” he mutters entering inside. She is wearing a long blue frock with a slit at the right foot.

Khushi smiles brightly seeing him back.

“Does your father know you are here?”

Khushi rolls her eyes.

“You care?” she purposely asks.

He steps inside and pins her to the corner.

“I do, because he is protecting what’s mine” he lingers his finger lazily on her cheek. Her heartbeat shallows. “Tell him you are here, he shouldn’t worry” he murmurs, without breaking their eye lock.

The moment his finger touches the corner of her lip, she stops him.

“I wish Dad would have heard that. He would be impressed by you and if nothing else, you could earn a point for winning my hand in marriage”

Arnav was seeing that romantic spark in her which he used to earlier. She was slowly opening up to him, probably to change his mood, to pull him out of his grief but he hasn’t even told her about his identity yet. She deserves to know. He will tell her everything tonight.

“I am hungry” Aman shouts from behind them breaking their stance. He comes forward. “I am sorry guys. But can we first eat before you two get lost in your romantic world?”

Khushi giggles and continues to arrange the food at the table. Arnav stares at Aman appreciatively.

“Liked my surprise?” Aman asks.

Arnav doesn’t respond but slides his arm around Aman’s neck and drags him out.

They have dinner together. Khushi informs Arnav about her father’s sudden departure to Delhi and that he wouldn’t be returning for a week more.

“How about a stayover here?” Aman interrupts. “I mean.. it will be fun. I take the responsibility to allot you a separate room to sleep at night, don’t worry on that”

Khushi shies away whilst Arnav doesn’t shift his eyes from her face. He wants the same. The more time she spends here, they can be together.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea” she replies.

Arnav frowns whereas Aman continues teasing her.

“Oh, which idea? Staying here tonight or staying in two different rooms?”

“Both” she answers.

Aman sighs and looks at Arnav.

“Well, I am done with the food and also convincing her. Now you continue to persuade your lady till I finish one important business call. Lovely food Khushi. Wish I could eat it every day”

Khushi silently takes the praise and winds up the table. Arnav assists her. She doesn’t understand why he isn’t insisting her to stay? Not even once he showed that desire. She heads back to the Kitchen and waits for him to follow her which he does almost immediately.

“You are so ungrateful” she frowns. “I made such a nice dinner for you and forget rewarding me, you didn’t even thank me in return”

He wrinkles his nose apologetically. She really made a wonderful authentic Indian dinner which he yearned to eat from long. His stomach is so full that it hurts.

“Actually, it’s not your fault. I always fall for the worst one” she adds, raising herself and sitting on his Kitchen bar.

Now that grabs his entire attention on her. She looked like a piece of art, a masterpiece, on that white marble slab she sat onto and her eyes had a flirtish tinge in them. Wait, did she call him Worst?

“Your confidence is refreshing” he slowly strides to her. She nods. Ever since he is back in her life, she is growing positively.

“You know Ted? He keeps saying the same to me” she lies.
Ted works in her office, same floor, opposite desk but they haven’t even talked yet but poor Arnav doesn’t know it.

Arnav’s body stiffens. Some other man even looking at her doesn’t go easy with him now and that idiot Ted is flirting with her? Not done!!

“He is a playboy” he warns. “Don’t take his words seriously”

“I know, but its nice when someone tries to seek your attention like that” she looks dreamily elsewhere. Arnav grabs her chin and makes him meet his heated gaze.

“I am offering you all of me, not just my attention. Isn’t that enough?”

Her face turns red.

“Why the hell are you blushing?” he snarls unable to believe she is even talking about some other man during their ‘Me’ time.

“ALL OF YOU? SERIOUSLY?” she eyes him top to bottom. “I like your offer”

His mouth curves with a smile. She was just messing with him.

“Why didn’t you ask me to stay?” she complains.

“I didn’t want to push you”

“Aww” she murmurs pulling him closer. She notices the freckles below his eyes which shows he is deprived of peaceful sleep from some time. His phone buzzes in the pant pocket which he doesn’t dismiss off even though she should be his priority. She lets him check his phone message while she patiently waits for him to concentrate back on her. He is definitely up to something these days but what? Wish he could tell her openly instead of hiding. He swallows hard putting the phone back in pocket. She instantly picks sorrow in his expressions.

“She is dead” he reveals helplessly.

Goosebumps prick Khushi’s skin. Whom is he talking about?

“The woman… that… woman … who .” he pauses. He can’t describe this further.

“Arnav” Khushi cups his face. She can feel the intensity of his pain which makes her tremble too.

“she is dead…” he repeats..

“Who?” Khushi grips his cheeks harder and shouts to make him reveal it all. Enough of this secrecy.

“The woman who gave birth to me… is dead…” he answers sorrowfully. “7 years back..”

Her throat parches. He was looking for his biological mother?


30 minutes later

Khushi passes him the glass of water but he denies to drink. It is just them in his room now. Aman didn’t show up finishing his call yet. Arnav’s broke state after the message he got in the kitchen made Khushi drag him to the bedroom. She didn’t want anyone else to notice him in that state. And now he had finally started to reveal the side of his identity. He was Anil Singh Raizada’s son, who had parted ways with his younger brother Ayush Singh Raizada much before Ayush’s marriage to Revati. Anil Raizada’s selfishness ignited him to throw Ayush out of the house without a penny. It was obvious Ayush Singh Raizada had grudge for this elder brother since then and he never spoke or counted that person in his life again. They had broken all ties with each other for 8 long years. And then suddenly.. the news of Anil Raizada’s murder shook the world of three souls.. Ayush Singh Raizada… Anita, the woman who murdered Anil Singh Raizada and her unborn child… Arnav Singh Raizada.

To be Continued.


  1. Hey awesome but short update. You again left us at the cliffhanger. Continue soon

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. His mother killed his father....its too painful

  4. What the..
    Please we need back to back update now😔

  5. OMG his mother murdered his father .ever to know more .I love friendship of Aman and arnav.bsst of this stry

  6. Awesome Update. Arnav's mom killed his Dad and also tried to harm Arnav. So Arnav is Anil Raizada's son. But why she did this. It's a very painful situation for Arnav. His entire world fall apart he at least had Khushi and Aman to support him. Khushi has turned very mature regarding her family. Hope Arnav share all his pain which he has hidden. The story took a drastic turn with this.

  7. Awesome.....Plzzz update next part sooon ...damn...again clifffhanger...😔

  8. So there's a tragic past of his regarding his parents. But how are ayush and revati responsible for his anger towards them? Maybe they hid the fact to protect him from the depression

  9. Arnav and Aman's friendship is refreshing . Such a wonderful friendship

    Can't wait to know more about the whole thing. His mother murdered his father ??? How ?? Will burst my mind if I go without reading the next part.

    Getting greedy , selfish everything here. Want more of this story..

    Next next next update of this one sooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Plsssssssssssssss.

    - Anash .

  10. Wow it was really a beautiful update
    Aman and Arnav's friendship is what I love most in this update
    Loved Khushi's surprise for Arnav
    So Arnav's mother murdered his father then why Arnav was away for that long in streets
    Why Ayush didn't tell him about all of this before
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  11. Please update HLMN tomorrow.....
    Plzzz plzzz plzzzzzz

  12. Still waiting to know more why ayush hide it

  13. Nice update. SO just because of the grudge Ayush had with his brother he hid the truth from a small kid and let him feel that he is an orphan. I might be too early to judge Ayush but I don't see any other reason why Ayush would do that. Aman is a true friend and I'm glad that he is there with Arnav.

  14. Loved the update... It's good to know that Arnav shared his grief with Khushi.. can we have the next part of this ff?

  15. May be ayush genuinely dont want to hurt arnav by telling the truth of his evil father and mother. Just my POV for the current scenario.

    Adore arnav and aman frienfship . Loved to see khushi opening up .

    Please please update same story again tonight . Cant wait for along time . PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON

  16. Loved the bond between arnav and aman..glad khushi spending time with arnav is ayush's elder brother son..i think arnav shoukd listen to ayush what he has to say about it. Maybe he does not want to hurt arnav because his mother kill hus father & try to kill him too..but again its possible that as ajil hurt ayush by throwing him from home..he has hurted arnav's mother too. Or it can possibke that his mother himself wanted to hide arnav's existance for some reason thats why ayush did what he did..

  17. romantic took turns towards thriller.
    Loved it!

  18. Awesome update wat a turn in the story Arnav's mom killed his father but y ? N hw come Arnav got to know all this
    Eager to read more

  19. A cliffhanger ....
    So much painful for Arnav ,hope khushi will give him maximum support and strength ..

  20. Great updates sorry couldn’t write earlier as I m not feeling well but whenever I get bit ok read updates please update next tomorrow and I m looking forward to Arshi intimacy now

  21. Aman & Arnav's scenes are always a treat to read with Aman's antics & humorous comments..

    So Arnav's mother herself killed his father.. But what is the meaning of the line that SHE KILLED HER UNBORN CHILD ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA AS WELL??

    I feel Khushi's father & buaji would come to know everything about Arnav on their visit to India.. Wish to read one more update of this story with all the revelations..

    Thanks for the long & nice update Madhu ❤️

  22. Finally the truth out.ayush didn't want to hurt arnav because of his parents truth.but I think something more remain yet.i like arshi and amanbonding .plz update soon

  23. Finally thd truth is out, but not fully. Why u always stop at the important point... Please update nezt part today itself... .

  24. Shocking revelation...His Mother killed his Father but she must have a reasons for doing this...Waiting for Next Part...

  25. Unexpected one. Waiting for the next part

  26. I just love and Enjoy Aman and Arnav's Wonderful Friendship 😍😘👌👌 and like aman's surprise to for arnav that he called khushi home and arnav and khushi can spend time now 😍
    Omg 😱 Arnav's mother killed his father and also want to kill him also and anil singh raizada is arnav father and ayush elder brother there is soo much confusion and plezs reveal the entire story soon plezs its soo painful for arnav ... Y is he angry with ayush and reveti ??

  27. Madhu another update plz,it was short I think

  28. Oh that’s very nice 👍 update. Aman idea was indeed a pleasant surprise for Arnav. Hmmm Arnav is opening up. Waiting to know more.

  29. Wait, If Arnav is Anil's son and Anita is the mother why why would mother kill her husband? The mystery seems to get interesting. Waiting for it. Cheers

  30. Such painful it is dad dead chacha had grudges mother killer and he an orphan but with a surname which his extended family never told him he is just terribly hurt hope khushi soothes him

  31. No wonder Arnav does not want to do anything with his adoptive family ..

  32. Nice update....
    Loved the way Aman is here when Arnav is needed the most he is his true friend...

    Wow guptas have to go india that give sometime to.arshi to be together and speak...

    Loved the way aman planned.the surprise..

    That's what arnav needed khushi

  33. Loved it. Past getting revealed slowly
