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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 51



Chapter 51

Gupta Mansion

Last night was torturous for the Gupta siblings. After Arnav left for Shantivan, Khushi spent some time with Bella in her room. She was her only solace last night. Today when she woke up and came down to get a coffee for herself, she found NK in the kitchen already. He looked messed up.

“Kishu?” she strode in. “What are you doing here so early?”

NK was used to wake up late but since he had joined the office, he changed his waking time. But today he was awake much early than that.

“It’s hardly 06:00” she mentioned.

NK sipped his black coffee and leaned back on the Kitchen slab.

“Couldn’t sleep well”

His voice strained. Khushi tried to analyze the situation. 

“You didn’t sleep in your room last night?”

He shrugged.

“I couldn’t step in there and face Lavanya”

His sincere reply broke her heart.

“Khush, I know how much a mother means to their children. I myself wanted to be a Mumma’s boy but our parents never gave us that chance to love them or even respect. But ASR and Lavanya? They had a lovely mother and they were so close to her. Lavanya had told me how much time ASR took to be normal again after his mother’s accident. Now when I realize I am even slightly responsible for it, I.. feel.. Shit”

A lone tear escaped his eye. Khushi reached him and gave him a hug.

“I can’t face La.. She will never see me the same way again. It was my fight and I should have been responsible to handle it rightly. I could have avoided violence, I could have taken Viraj to Hospital, at least La’s mother would have reached home safe that night”

He broke down again and his sobs stabbed Khushi’s heart uncountable times. She pulled him away and wiped his tears as he continued to pour his heart.

“Irresponsibility comes with a price, I have realized that Khush.. But I am scared to pay for it. I don’t want to lose La.. And more than that I don’t want you to lose ASR. It is now that we are finally getting a family again. I am going to be a father. You have got the best man who will give you the share of love you always deserved. I don’t want it to mess up”

“Nothing will mess up” Khushi assured. “Arnav and Lavanya’s love is far stronger than our insecurities”

“And Nani?” he questioned. “What about her? Will she…” he paused realizing Nani was at the kitchen door. Khushi stiffened when the old woman entered without a word.

“Did Chotte stay here last night?” she asked Khushi who nodded in denial.

“He didn’t”

Before Nani could resume her other activities, Khushi gripped her arm.

“Naniji, how is Lavanya doing?”

“Not too good. She will take time to process this Khushi bitiya. But I suggest Nandakishore not to leave her alone” she looked at NK who was standing behind Khushi. “Whatever happened is on one side but you are her husband and she needs you the most. Be with her”

NK weakly shook his head. His face had lost the charm and smile which used to be once. He walked out of the kitchen.

“I am proud of Arnav who didn’t stretch this matter” Nani continued. “These are internal wounds Khushi bitiya, they will take time to heal. I know one day things will fall back in place. I want all my four grandchildren to be happy and put this incident behind us. Arnav is already on that path and so are you. But your siblings might need a push. NK looks scared and Lavanya is broke. You and Arnav have to fix them again which I am sure you will”

Khushi felt a sting of tears as she hugged Nani with all her heart. Her forgiveness meant everything to her right now.


Lavanya had showered when NK returned to the bedroom. She was looking for her morning medicines. Her eyes still hurt as she wept the whole night missing her mother again. And to link it all with NK pricked her even more. Nani thankfully had been there for her.

“Here” NK opened the drawer and handed her the medicines. He then quickly got a glass of water. “Take it”

She watched him with painful eyes. Guilt was all over his face which didn’t let him meet her eyes yet. She took the medicines from him and gulped the water down her throat. She strode to the closet, picked few clothes and placed them on bed. NK was confused by her actions.

“La.. talk to me” he urged.

She didn’t speak a word, just opened a bag and dumped few clothes in it. NK comprehended the situation and reached her.

“Where are you going?” he grabbed her arm and turned her around.

“Shantivan” she snapped.

“What? Shantivan? Why?” his voice throbbed with emotions.

“I need some time NK. I can’t stay here and..” she paused as her eyes flooded with tears.

“La don’t leave me”

“I am not leaving you..” she swallowed painfully. “I just need some time please”

As she shrugged off his hold and continued packing, he froze. He reached for her again but couldn’t touch her. He was right to think that Lavanya would never see him the say way again. He watched her silently with teary eyes as she packed.

“And don’t worry, I know we have a dinner planned with your parents tonight. I will come along. But I will leave to Shantivan from there with ASR and Nani”

It was too much for NK to bear. When she turned around again, he was already to the door and he walked out without turning back. Lavanya sat on the bed, helpless. She knew her decision to leave for Shantivan had bruised his heart but she wanted seclusion for some time to think peacefully. Was she doing the right thing?

When Nani and Khushi came to know Lavanya’s plans to stay in Shantivan for few days, they opposed it too. But Lavanya had already decided not to change her mind and they couldn’t convince her. Khushi was skeptical how this would work if NK and Lavanya stays away from each other and she shared the same concern with Arnav on the phone. He promised to talk to Lavanya after tonight’s dinner with Shashi and Garima Gupta.


Arnav picked the Gupta siblings and Lavanya from Gupta Mansion and drove them to the Hotel where Shashi and Garima had invited them for dinner. None of them spoke during the drive. NK and Lavanya were seated at the backseat but both kept their gaze away from each other. Their silence irked Khushi and made her restless but Arnav gripped her hand, entwining their fingers, assuring her that they will sort this together. It was enough to bring back the confidence in Khushi and she decided to shift her focus on the dinner tonight. As they got down from the car, Khushi spoke.

“I know none of us are happy to be here and face them, especially when last night has been so heavy on emotions for all of us. But I need your support tonight. Especially Kishu and Lavanya. You guys cannot act so cold with each other and show our weakness to them. Our weakness is their strength so I request you both to be cordial at least for tonight.

Only when Lavanya nodded in agreement, NK gave a nod too.

“What’s your plan by the way?” Arnav queried.

“I am putting an end to our relationship with them. I don’t want them to be a part of our lives anymore considering they are never going to change”

“And how will we do this?” NK questioned.

“You will see. Just understand one thing. This will be our last social dinner with them. After all they deserve a farewell, don’t they?”

Arnav was impressed by Khushi’s ideas and couldn’t wait to see how she implemented them tonight.



Garima Gupta waited patiently at the waiting area of the hotel whilst Shashi was pacing around desperately for the two couples to arrive.

“You sure they will come?” Garima questioned. “I mean, what if one of them cancels the plan?”

Shashi stared at her wide-eyed.

“This.. this is what I hate about you Garima. You are always so negative. It is your pessimism which doesn’t let our work happen”

“Huh” she laughed in sarcasm. “As if your positive plans have worked for us. You planted Viraj in NK and Khushi’s life, what happened? Did it work? You even broke that plan out to Khushi yourself on her engagement to gain her sympathy and trust on us again. Did that work?”

“Don’t talk about Viraj” he snapped. “He is not answering my calls since yesterday. I don’t understand why he stopped contacting me suddenly”

He sat next to her exhaling.

“And when has convincing Khushi been easy?” he continued. “She is our daughter but she reminds me of my father. He was always so tough to influence. I don’t understand how Arnav and Lavanya have took this matter of their mother’s death so lightly. I thought they would split up, at least Arnav and Khushi”

“Oh Shashi” Garima sighed. “You think they wouldn’t?” she smirked. “You know what Kamal told us”

A smile broke on Shashi’s lips.

“Right. It’s all a drama” he added. “Let’s see how long this goes”

Garima noticed the two couples entering the hotel. Arnav was in a three-piece suit whilst their daughter Khushi was in a Maroon Bodycon dress. NK was in his casuals and Lavanya in a pretty pink Frock, her baby bump slightly noticable.

“There they come” she whispered getting up from the waiting area couch.

“Look at you..” Garima smiled coming forward. “So stunning” she added touching Khushi’s arms.

Khushi rolled her eyes. All this extra attention from her mother was so uncaring and unnecessary.

“She reminds me of how you looked when you were young Garima” Shashi added.

Khushi pushed away Garima’s hands from her body.

“Done with your needless praises?”

“That’s your problem” Garima frowned. “Even when we appreciate you, you hate it”

Khushi didn’t reply so Garima turned to NK and quickly hugged him.

“My son” she snuggled him closer and then pulled away. “Always so handsome”

“He is a dad-to-be after all” Shashi added. “How is the pregnancy going?” he asked to Lavanya.

“Good” she smiled.

“I hope NK is taking good care of you”

She met NK’s eyes which longed to know what she would reply.

“Of course, he does. It’s me who keeps throwing tantrums”

“Not always” NK instantly replied. “And even if you do throw tantrums, I love to tackle them all”

NK and Lavanya’s eyes locked for a moment bringing a bright smile on Arnav’s lips. He knew they would patch up soon. All they needed was a push. Once Khushi sorted the elder Gupta couple, they would focus on this younger one.

“We are forgetting someone here Garima. Our to-be son-in-law” Shashi grinned. “ASR.. Congratulations again for getting engaged to our daughter. Now she is your headache”

The tone was more of a mock but Arnav ignored it.

“That’s the difference between us Mr. Gupta. You saw her as a headache but for me, she is my solace”

His reply stunned the elder couple but they didn’t drag the argument. As soon as they were seated and placed the order, Shashi decided to come to the point.

“I wanted to share something with you all” Shashi interrupted and held Garima’s hand. “Me and Garima are uniting again”

Khushi’s brows twitched in surprise. NK was blank and the Raizada siblings were neutral.

“Seriously?” NK queried? “After all these years?”

“Yes, Son. You know we both haven’t been loyal to each other from long. We lived separate ways but now at this stage of our life, we both have learnt from our mistakes”

“Impressive” NK muttered turning to Khushi.

“Thank you, Son” Garima smiled.

“And what do you need from us? Our blessings?” Khushi mocked. “Because that’s the only thing me and Kishu can afford to spend on you two hereon”

Shashi watched her in disbelief.

“It’s not her fault, Shashi” Garima replied. “We have never given them the joy of a family. They will never be convinced no matter how hard we try now”

“I heard you are leaving the country” Khushi intruded. “Now that’s what I call good news”

Now Shashi was getting pissed. Garima gripped his arm below the table to calm him down.

“Yes, we are. We are leaving this week” Garima answered. “But we will always be there for you and NK this time. We don’t want our children to grieve alone”

“Grieve?” Khushi chuckled. “Who said we are grieving?”

Arnav was enjoying the show. NK was proud of the way his sister was handling this while Lavanya was still silent and trying her best to be a part of the group.

“Come on Khushi” Garima stated. “If you think we cannot notice the coldness between NK and Lavanya its wrong. And I don’t have to tell anything about you and Arnav either”

Now it bothered Khushi. What did she mean?

“It’s good that you have shared that incident with the Raizadas. They deserved to know this. I hope someday Lavanya forgives NK and you.”

“Shut up” Khushi snarled. “Don’t try to act smart. Don’t create unnecessary tensions between us, do you understand? Your sympathy game is not going to work. You both can never be a part of our lives anymore no matter how much good you pretend to be”

“We are not pretending Khushi. All we are saying is that we are with you both this time and we will stand by you, whenever you need us. And its not about money anymore”

“Another Lie” Khushi scowled. “You know what? I had thought of enjoying our last meal together, but how could I forget you both have a habit of turning things ugly for your children all the time. So, let me come straight to the point.”

She removed some papers from her purse and handed it to Shashi.

“What is this?” he asked.

“Restraining orders. You both henceforth are legally not allowed to even contact me and Kishu, forget even coming near us or the Gupta Mansion. If you don’t follow it, we can legally take action against you and that’s so not going to be good”

Shashi and Garima stared at each other horrified. Seeing them like this brought a smile on Khushi’s face. Arnav was impressed on Khushi’s move. The restraining orders will force the Gupta couple never to interrupt in their Children’s lives again which should also stop them from playing any nastier games for money. NK and Lavanya were just the spectators but they loved Khushi’s move.

“You can’t do this to us..” Shashi growled. “I know we have never taken care of you both before but now we want to. And don’t forget I am the one who can control Viraj and ensure he doesn’t hurt you or Kishu anymore”

“Right, Viraj” she smiled again. How could she forget to mention what she did with him. “You don’t have to worry about him anymore Mr. Shashi Gupta. He is already off this city and will never come back to haunt your children. I am sure he hasn’t spoken to you about it. In fact, he wouldn’t answer your calls too henceforth. I have strictly demanded him to do so”

“You are joking. Why would he listen to you?”

“Because I know all his secrets”

The next few minutes Khushi told them how she had asked Akash to find the missing links on how Viraj made his survival in the last 3 years. That’s how she got to know he had duped a few businessmen and people were chasing him. She used this knowledge and the required proofs to drive Viraj out of their lives again, only this time, forever. Arnav was dazed on these updates which he had no clue about. One thing he could really say proudly today. Khushi Gupta was one of a kind and she didn’t need a man to support her. She was fully capable to look after herself and her family that she could protect them all from any danger.

To be Continued.



Standalone Romance Book 1 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Kabier and Aashi's is a marriage of utmost convenience. Everything about the marriage is wrong yet Aashi falls for her tycoon husband who has no time for her. While Kabier is busy earning billions, Aashi battles her solitude until she decides to give up. Jealousy creeps in Kabier's heart when his wife's friend comes into the picture. Will Kabier realize Aashi's worth? How will he woo her back? 

A romantic tale of arrogant Business Tycoon Kabier Sehgal and his Former Miss India Wife Aashi Sehgal with sparks of attraction, love, jealousy and a happily-ever-after. 


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Ankle Sprain? He had no clue about it. 

“She wakes up late and then hurries to complete her work. That’s why she toppled the other day and hurt her ankle” Mamta added. 

Kabier clenched his jaw. When did this happen? Why didn’t Aashi tell him? Was he really so blind towards his wife that he couldn’t see what she was going through every day?? 

“The sprain is gone now” he lied. 

“Had to. I know you were taking excellent care of her. She told me how you always reminded her to apply the ointment on time and the massage you gave her feet, it might have worked” 

Kabier shut his eyes. Stories. Stories and more Stories. Aashi was just framing stories to pretend all was good in their marriage. He felt ashamed of himself for making that woman so helpless. Wasn’t she tired of doing this from past 2 years? He spoke to his mother-in-law for some more minutes and then hung up. He needed some fresh air.

Note: If you have loved Kabier Sehgal and Aashi's love story in Mr and Mrs Sehgal, you can get a glimpse of them and read about them in Mr and Mrs. Thakur as well as they make an entry in Neil Thakur's life and play an important role in Neil and Esha's love story. 

Standalone Romance Book 2 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Story of Neil Thakur, a Jerk Entrepreneur who gets what he eyes on. When he and his pricey girlfriend Nyra are en route to India, his life collides with 21-year-old Esha Singhal, the daughter of his rival. Whilst his mind tries to keep that baby girl out of his way, his body and heart don't approve. A romantic tale of love, betrayal and possession. Will Esha conquer Neil’s heart? Or is she on some other mission Neil is unaware of?


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  1. I'm glad that just like Arnav nani too reacted logically & didn't blame the Gupta siblings for Arnav's mother's death... But Lavanya's reaction was absolutely unexpected & irrational... She has all the rights to be upset & hurt on all the revelations but by distancing herself from NK, she is somewhere indirectly holding him responsible for her mother's death & that's wrong because he is nowhere responsible for that... She has known him inside out since long & theirs is a love marriage & they are soon gonna b parents so she should have been more considerate towards their relationship instead of holding on to the past happenings... Instead of distancing herself from him she should open up to him regarding her thoughts & feelings on this whole matter...

    Khushi has absolutely stumped her parents by throwing restraining order on their faces... Hope now they won't dare to interfere in their lives & their chapter is over here itself...

    I'm missing Arshi's romance since a few updates Madhu.. Hope to get that in the next update & thanks for this update dear...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  2. Awesome Update. Arnav must be proud of Khushi who doesn't need anybody's support. She bought restraining order from court. Gupta couple messed with the wrong person. Khushi is already one step ahead and finally ended Viraj chapter too. Khushi and NK's heartwarming emotional moment and where Khushi couldn't bear NK 's pain prove the bonding between Brother and Sister. Khushi deserves all happiness. Nani is really wise and made NK understand and forgive them. Lavanya took time. No one deserves such worst parents. NK and Lavanya acted cordial. Loved the way Arnav called Khushi his solace and is proud of her. Loved the strong Khushi and her way of dealing things. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  3. Great update.. glad to know Nani is taking the news maturely.. I'm sure NK and la will unite soon too.. Looking forward to Arshi marriage which I'm sure is around the corner..

  4. It's good that nani forgive them lavanya is hurt as she was so much attached to her mother now once again that matter opened up must have affected her more in her pregnancy which is making her more emotional so she is now not thinking logically but will come around soon.
    Khushi has handled everything very well.

    But I have a feeling her parents will not go easily without doing some damage to khushi.
    I don't know why I think they know about arnav and khushi's contract and will disclose it in front of NK n lavnya which will make everything more complicated for khushi. That's why garima said that they are pretending n some kamal had told them something.

  5. NK is guilty Khushi comforted him. After a long time brother and sister are finally getting a family of their own. Khushi is right love can win over insecurities. Lavanya and Arnav are siblings but both have different ways of dealing with things. Lavanya stretch the matter by deciding to leave for Shantivan. NK and Lavanya though acted cold Khushi made them understand nicely it can hamper the plan. Gupta's are the worst. They still want bad for their children and wanted Arshi break up. Garima tried to be lovable with Khushi NK. Gupta couple called Khushi headache but Arnav called her solace. After all this year's suddenly Gupta couple became so concerned about their children. Glad that Khushi bought the restraining order and now Gupta couple can't interfare in their lives. Khushi efficiently cut Viraj also. Khushi is really strong character who sometimes get vulnerable but doesn't always depend on Arnav always and Arnav is also proud of her.Hope Gupta couple won't create any further problems.

  6. Awesome loved the way Nani reacted

  7. Superb update..
    Loved the way nani spoke.. khushi needed that support..

    Loved the way khushi desl with guptas simply superb..
    Hope now arshi will make la understand

  8. Awesome update. Loved the way the story is getting unfold.

  9. Urghhh they gonna disclose about the contract, arent they?🙄 and that will lead to further problems especially since la is overreacting already... I dont truly see how their mother accident is any of the gupta siblings fault and why la cant understand that, might be hormones but still. Now when they come to know about the contract, it will create more problems, hope this doesnt drag though

  10. Finally an interesting update

    1. Khushi is awsome!!And who is that kamal? Khushi's lawyer right? So he is in contact with gupta couple. So that means OMG Guptas will disclose the contract now as final move! Lavanya surely wont take it lightly and i think nani will be upset too this time.

    2. Sorry i posted here by mistake

  11. Khushi is awsome!!And who is that kamal? Khushi's lawyer right? So he is in contact with gupta couple. So that means OMG Guptas will disclose the contract now as final move! Lavanya surely wont take it lightly and i think nani will be upset too this time.

  12. Superb Update...Waiting for Next Part...

  13. Good move Khushi... Way to go...

  14. Awesome move by Khushi....daring Khushi Gupta.
