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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 52



Chapter 52

Garima immediately clutched Khushi’s hand over the table.

“You can’t do this to us. We are your parents. We have every rights to be around you and NK”

“You both lost those rights years ago” she shrugged her off.

When Khushi stared back at Shashi, she realized her father had not predicted any of this.

“What had you thought?” she snapped. “You will shower some fake love, pretend you both are getting together again, scare us using Viraj and then be our savior from all these false threats so that me and Kishu will bring you back in our lives? In Gupta Mansion?” 

The couple was speechless.

“Never. Your lies, deceits and your greed for money is why you lost us and this time, forever. Take these restraining orders seriously because if you still try to interfere, I won’t mind putting you both behind bars. For once, let your children live in peace. We both have seen enough in life, have had enough of your tortures. We never got a family life until we met Arnav, Lavanya and Nani. They are our family now”

“Family?” Shashi laughed. “What family Khushi? I have never seen people buying relationships and families on contracts… precisely 6-month Contract. Right ASR?”

A complete silence filled the room.

“Don’t see me like that” Shashi growled again at Khushi. “If we could plant Viraj in your life, how long did would it take for us to bribe your lawyer Kamal?”

Now Arnav Singh Raizada was alert. Kamal was the same lawyer who had drafted his and Khushi’s six-month contract. Arnav knew where this conversation was leading to and didn’t want Lavanya and NK to hear it right now. He stood up.

“This dinner is over” he said grabbing Khushi’s arm. “Lets go”

Khushi stood rooted to her place, not ready to drop her heated gaze from her father. This man had never given her love and today he had crossed every lines to snatch every person dearest to her.

“Khushi, we are done here” Arnav shouted. “You have told them what they had to know. Now let’s go”

He tried to drag her but she shrugged him off. Shashi continued his laugh while Lavanya and NK were blank. What contract was he talking about, they wanted to know.

“You can’t blackmail me, you can’t threaten me either” Khushi spat at her father. “Not this time.. and never in future. I won’t give you that luck”

She walked out of the restaurant and Arnav followed her instantly. Garima tried to stop her but NK blocked her way.

“Don’t Mom. This is over. Just stop hurting us more. Just stay away.. Please. I beg”

“NK.. We are..”

NK didn’t wait there to hear her explanation. He and Lavanya made their way out. The moment Arnav, NK and Lavanya reached the parking where Khushi was, she turned to them.

“There is one last thing you both should know” Khushi stated.

“Khushi, don’t” Arnav shouted. “It was between us.. its over.. you ended it. So don’t”

“It’s not over yet Arnav. It won’t be over until we are all on the same page. We are a family and we will have no secrets. I don’t want them my parents to have an upper hand on us. Ever”

Arnav watched her with hooded eyes. He knew their present was already complicated and he didn’t want to mess it further but Khushi had decided. Though she never wanted this secret to be out, she was no longer afraid to admit this contract was once a part of her and Arnav’s relationship.

“What is this 6-month contract?” Lavanya asked. She could already feel something very wrong with the way Arnav was stopping Khushi from sharing it.

“It’s a contract I imposed on Arnav if he wanted my approval for your and NK’s marriage” Khushi confronted. “According to which.. Arnav would do anything and everything I would ask him to do. He would honor my silly needs without ifs and buts. I would have a hold on him and his business. He would remain the face of AR Group but the decisions would be mine. I would have rights on all his assets, house, shares and properties for six months. He would never leave the country without my approval. He would eat, wear and meet people, everything as per my choice and my approval only. I almost.. made him my slave and forced him to dance on my fingertips if he wanted your marriage to happen with NK”

Lavanya felt dizzy. This whole contract thing churned her stomach.

“And he agreed.” A lone drop of tear left Khushi’s eye. NK himself loathed on the conditions his dear sister imposed on ASR. He had never seen this side of her.

Arnav exhaled harshly. He never wanted this part of their life to be out before their siblings at least.

“I tortured him and I do repent it now. But things changed as we started getting closer to each other. And during our Goa trip, I freed him from that contract. It’s no longer the only link between us.. We are bonded by hearts and souls, not some legal papers anymore”

The sudden revelation had just blown off everything Lavanya had so far for Khushi. She stormed to her. Guilt washed her face as she realized what her brother had gone through because of her mistake.

“What are you? What kind of woman? You duped my brother to make him dance on your fingers?” Lavanya burst out. “To prove you are superior to him? To ease your ego?”

Khushi controlled herself from snapping back.

“La” Arnav turned his sister around. “I won’t let you talk to Khushi like that. You have no idea what had happened and how it changed everything between us with time”

“Don’t ASR” she shrugged off his arms. “Don’t give me any explanations. I am not worth it. I am not worth any of this” she cried. “You went through all that humiliation alone .. for me..??”

“La..” he tried to hold her but she moved away. “To cover my fault, to give me my love, you … you sold yourself to a woman like her”

“Enough” he scolded. “The woman you are talking about is going to be my wife.”

Lavanya wiped her tears and turned to Khushi again.

“Congratulations Miss Khushi Gupta, you won. You have snatched my entire family from me.. Congratulations”

“Lavanya” NK stormed to her. “Do you even know what allegations you are putting on my sister?”

“I do. But know what NK? You too on her side. So be it. I don’t need anyone.. anyone of you”

She pushed him away and ran to the exit. Arnav and NK both rushed to stop her. Khushi who was holding her tears so far, finally broke down. It was over!! She could feel it. For the first time again in all these years, she lost.


Lavanya was too hurt to even let NK talk to her forget convincing. Arnav had to literally drag her from the road and dump her in the car before she could run away. She pleaded him not to send her to Gupta Mansion. She wanted to go back home… her home.. to Shantivan and Arnav had to fulfil her wish. But before driving away, he clutched NK’s arms and demanded.

“Look after Khushi.. She needs me right now. Tell her I will be back for her tonight”

NK weakly nodded and only after taking his assurance, Arnav sat in the car to drop Lavanya to Shantivan. Lavanya cried bitterly, apologizing and pleading to be forgiven by him, but all he could think that moment was Khushi.. Today she showed the courage to stand up for her own actions however wrong they were. He knew this would break her too and he could wait to comfort her.

Nani was already in Shantivan when they reached and seeing Lavanya cry, she demanded to know everything. Arnav explained her what happened and also revealed about the contract which no longer existed between him and Khushi. It was another shock for Nani but she controlled the situation and focused on Lavanya as that was the only way to ensure she doesn’t fall sick.

“I am sorry ASR.. I really didn’t know you were troubled so much. I would have been a single mother rather than marrying NK. I hate myself so much for doing this to you”

“La” Arnav cupped her face. “Stop crying.. you are spoiling your health. Listen to me..”

She denied to hear him out.

“I am sorry..”

“It’s not your fault” Arnav consoled her. “I would do anything for you. That’s what siblings do Lavanya. Yes, Khushi made me sign such a contract but when she realized her mistake, she didn’t delay to nullify it. We all do mistakes, she did bigger ones in her ego but its in the past. Look at me now, I am happy. I am happy with her..”

“I don’t think so.. You can’t be happy with a woman who has so much of baggage already. This is not love ASR.. You are pitying her and she is using you. I can see it clearly now”

“She is not using me. She is a strong woman and she has enough strength and power to lead her life with her decisions, however right or wrong they are. She has changed La.. And if you can’t see it or accept, I will not force you or defend her anymore. But you should know one thing. Khushi is my life. Yes, she has her own insecurities but I still see her as my partner. You have to accept this truth someday”

Though not very convinced, Lavanya still wept hard hugging her brother. Nani was too afraid to speak about the present revelations. She had noticed Arnav losing his strength when Lavanya’s pregnancy news came up and she was proud that he put his own life and dignity at stake to cover up Lavanya’s mistakes and get her settled. It was hard to find siblings like that. The other side she had also witnessed how Khushi had changed after Arnav stepped in her life. Her solitude and loneliness were eased by Arnav’s love for her. She too was a changed woman now and much stronger from her heart than her mind. It was high time these two get their share of happiness. But it wasn’t possible until NK and Lavanya were happy and Nani was confident both Arnav and Khushi will strive again to get their lives back on track.


Gupta Mansion

“Khush, open the door” NK banged the door.

After Arnav and Lavanya left, NK reached for his sister but realized that she was no longer at the parking. She had left. He dialed her number but she didn’t answer his call. The Security at the hotel gates told him Khushi had taken a cab. He knew the only place he would find her right now was their home. So he drove back alone and got to know from the servants that she was in her room. Whenever Khushi was upset, she would lock herself in the bedroom for hours and today was no different. Bella was barking from outside the door, supporting NK to urge Khushi to let them in but no luck.

“Khush.. I am not going to judge you. Please open the door and let me in.. Please. I beg”

There was no reply from her for a long time and that’s when Arnav reached Gupta Mansion. Once Lavanya was okay, he didn’t waste time in driving back here.

“Where is she?” he asked worried for Khushi.

“She is in there. I am trying to unlock this damn door but can’t”

Arnav was terrified. He knew Khushi’s ways of self-hurt and he hoped she hadn’t tried any of that again.

“Let’s break the door”

NK agreed to it and they both kicked the door hard together. After three attempts, the door finally broke open and they barged in. Bella was the first one to spot Khushi in the bathroom. Arnav rushed inside and saw her sitting in the bathtub, the black elastic band around her wrist which she only wore when she wanted to hurt herself. Damn!! She was still in the same clothes she sported for the dinner tonight. They were completely soaked and if she stayed like that for even few more minutes, she would definitely fall sick. He reached her and cupped her tearstained face.

“Khushi.. come out” he demanded.

She didn’t meet his gaze. She wanted to face no one. Not even him. They say karma bites back and it happened to her for all those sins she did in the past.. for all those mistakes, wrong decisions she took all these years. She might have changed to a better person but she couldn’t run away faster from her past blunders. NK was too hurt seeing her in this state.

“Get something hot for her to drink” Arnav ordered to Nandakishore who quickly left the room. Arnav leaned down and then next instant he carried her in arms and drew her out of the bathtub. She was cold and the sudden change in the temperature, made her shiver. He put her back on feet and grabbed a towel. “Change your clothes. Right now. Wear this robe”

He passed her a bathrobe but she didn’t take it. Her ignorance made his anger swell.

“Khushi either do this yourself or I am changing your clothes. I wont mind”

She finally blinked and took the towel and robe from him.

“I am waiting at the door. You are not going to lock it again. Now change”

He strode to the bathroom door and turned his back to her. After almost 5 minutes when he heard her footsteps behind, he looked at her. She had worn a bathrobe now while water still dripped from her hair. She had leaned on the counter for support. Arnav reached Khushi again and swayed her off her feet. He took her in the bedroom and made her sit on the bed edge. She made no more movements. He wiped her head with another towel.

NK was back with a bowl of soup. He placed it beside on the table.

“Can you just give us few minutes NK?” Arnav urged. NK nodded and left the room. He knew if there was anyone who could change his sister’s mood right now, it was only Arnav.

As soon as NK left, Arnav sat next to Khushi and cupped her face.

“Did you hurt yourself again?” his voice trembled. “Tell me Khushi, did you?”

Fresh tears filled her eyes as she met his gaze.

“I wanted to..” she replied meekly. “But I couldn’t.. I had promised you never to hurt myself again, I didn’t break that promise Arnav.. I didn’t”

Arnav stilled for a moment and then gently took off the elastic band from her wrists. The old scars were still there but he was glad she didn’t drew new ones. He kissed those scars and then raised his head and kissed her all over her face.

“Whatever you did today.. needed a lot of courage Khushi. I am proud of you. You admitted your mistakes in public, you isolated yourself and NK from your mean parents forever and you didn’t hurt your body. I am so damn proud”

He kissed her lips but she was too numb to react. He pulled away and gripped her nape.

“Now listen to me very carefully. Doesn’t matter who understands what we have between us or not, I don’t care. I want you Khushi Gupta and no matter what odds, we will fix this together. Do you hear me? We will fix this together..”

His mouth covered hers, drinking in the sounds of her sobs.

To be Continued.



Soul laced 

It is mostly said, we realize the value of a person only after we have lost them. But what if we get a chance to rekindle our relationship after crossing the barriers of life and death? Can you change your mindset about a relationship after touching the footsteps of death? What chances you have to fall in love with someone in your afterlife?

Romantic Fantasy of Alisha and Dhruv Mathur, a Psychologist.

Alisha thinks she fell in love with someone in her afterlife. Is that true? Who is that mystery man? Where does Dhruv Mathur relate to all this? Read this Short Story to find it out.

A soulful love story with a twisted happy ending.

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Excerpt 1

“Alisha, that’s your tea and your bread omelet” he wakes me up. It’s 09:00 am and I am still on the bed sleeping. It’s been 5 months for our marriage and even though I have never treated him well, he has always done the best from his side to try to keep me happy. I don’t know how long will it take for him to realize I don’t want him in my life.

Excerpt 2

“Wow. I am glad that the Creator chose you for me” I admit shamelessly.

He glances at me and then ignores my words. As if he knows I am flirting. Am I flirting? That too with the Soul Transporter? It’s insane, isn’t it? But I like his company, his way of making me understand where I stand, what I lost and what my future will be. I will be sent to Hell for sure. Committing suicide is a crime in the Creator’s eyes. I have misused the life he gave me. I have taken away my life, against his will. I am not going to Heaven for sure.

“I can recommend Heaven if you want” he reads my trail of thoughts again.

“No thank you. I hate recommendations” I giggle. “But seriously, can you do that?

“I can try”

“Why? Why are you going against all your norms for me?"

I desperately want him to reply. Will he?

Also Read: Other Excerpts on Soul Laced

Reviews from Amazon 


  1. I haven't seen any parents like Khushi and NK's. When will you disclose the reasons behind their parents behaviour towards Khushi!?

  2. Awesome Update. Loved the way Arnav comforted Khushi and promised to solve the problem together. Khushi defeated her parents. No one deserves such worst parents. They bribed Khushi's lawyer and came to know about the six months contract. NK Lavanya Nani came to know. The contract was a wrong decision by Khushi but it was long ago before Khushi fell in love with Arnav. Khushi admitted everything to Lavanya. Khushi is deeply regretting. Lavanya blamed Khushi without knowing the entire matter. Her guilt for her brother is understandable. Arnav is far mature than Lavanya and he didn't drag the past. Lavanya has no idea about love and relationship. Nani only understood everything. Arnav also support Khushi. Khushi hurt herself again in guilt.Arnav comforted her. Hope nothing separates Arshi. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  3. Finally.. the last piece of secret is I think it's time for some happiness

  4. Khushi needs happiness now.. poor girl.. I feel bad for her.. tho she made a contract she never misused it or gutted Arnav.. she just made him so silly jobs for her and never even made bad decisions for his company.. it was like a stupid kids game.. I don't think she deserves so much hatred for her past silly mistake

  5. Awesome update. Loved the way the story is getting unfold.

  6. The senior Guptas played their last stroke but it backfired on them only as now their children would not only hate them but despise them to the core & that's what they deserve...

    Lavanya's reaction is natural as she feels herself responsible for her brother's sacrifices but her outburst on Khushi was her overreaction because if Khushi is at fault for making such a contract then so is her brother for accepting the contract... So just the way she snapped on Khushi for making her brother a slave then she should have snapped on her brother too for accepting the slavery contract & not sharing the same with her as it was related to her only... I hope once she cools down, she rethinks on the whole matter rationally, analysing the difference between Khushi then & now,she would definitely understand how much truly in love Khushi is with her brother...

    I feel, instead of raising his voice on La, NK should have tried to talk to her politely then the situation mustn't have worsened as La would have thought that at least her husband is on her side...

    Nani, like always acted maturely & didn't jump to any conclusion but self assessed the situation & difference between Khushi & her grandson Arnav before & after La's marriage...

    Thanks for a very happening update Madhu...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  7. its love between Arnav and Khushi. Lavanya is too shallow

  8. Excellent Update...Madhu can we have another Update of this Fictions plzzz...Waiting for Next Part...

  9. Lavanya is really immature in this, she just want everything to be like fairy tale. I am glad that Arnav and Nani had shown great maturity in understanding khushi.

  10. Wonderful fabulous update dear

  11. Khushi's parents are horrible. They can go to any extent. Khushi deserves all the happiness after what she went through. She is not some evil or a bad person. She never misused the contract. Yes she made Arnav her slave and all but that was her childishness.Why Garima is also supporting Shashi. It takes a lot of courage to accept ones mistakes. Khushi is deeply regretting for the horrible contract. Lavanya also lashed out at Khushi. Khushi is just a hurt soul . Don't think she deserves so much hatred. Lavanya's guilt is understandable for what her brother went through but this was not the way to behave with Khushi. She blamed Khushi for snatching her family is a bit too much. NK atleast stood for his sister and supported her. Poor Khushi already went through so much and was finally getting some love and family of her own . Arnav knows how much Khushi has changed. Nani is also wise. Hope NK and Lavanya sort their relationship. Mistakes can be rectified. Khushi remembering her promise of not hurting herself is beautiful. Arnav is also proud of her and is her only solace . Nobody understand Khushi here except Arnav. All judge her seeing her nature.

  12. Hope lavanya doesnt create problems for arshi and listen to the whole thing. Khushi only made him do silly and childish things not something bad or miserable🙄🙄 she needs to think before speaking

  13. I just hate this lav she is so immature , poor khushi

  14. Oh my God
    I'm cryingggggggg
    So emotional I don't know if it's me only who feels each and every story of your's so close to my heart Madhu
    I'm speechless....
    Loved it loved it loved it 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

  15. This story is one of the best of your works.When we read it just flows and dont feel like stopping in between and want more.very lovely and waiting for more.

  16. This chapter is all about karma. Well that was bound to happen so no one can’t change it. I love Bella. Nani is the best parent. Nice one sis! Thank you for the weekend update! ♥️

  17. Aweee... So good to feel this kind of love ❤️

  18. Lavanya,Both the men of khushi's life has first run behind u leaving khushi even after ur nonsense words n u says she has snatched ur family!!!??? U accused NK for supporting his sister, his only family!!!??? U don't want NK to support his sis but u 'his lover cum wife' but want ur bro to just support u leaving 'his lover cum to be wife'!!!??? Are u for real , get ur facts , mind n heart clear girl...I think u first have to be sure of ur love n feelings for NK, shud think of ur family as "your family" by heart n love thm unconditionally thn ask d sane from othrs n accused anyone, first u shud be sure n clear of ur responsibility n priorities thn ask from thm , d way u leave no chance to fight wd NK, never accepted his home and his ppl as urs, leaves no chance to go back to "your home" , had never felt necessary to confined ur brother of ur feelings n happenings of ur life before dropping d bomb n responsibility of clearing d mess of u being pregnant out of wedlock and never try or thought to see behind ur bubble of happiness wt all ur loved ones had n are doing for u thn ask n accused someone else for thr faults ...

  19. Awesome update madhu..😘😘 want 1 more update of Lawful sins2...pretty plsss😊😊😊😊

  20. It took courage for Khushi to get everything in the open but I am glad that she did, otherwise Shashi & Garima would always have that leverage over her. Good for you girl!

    But the truth is, she was egoistic and used Arnav's weakness as a leverage for something as despicable as placing a condition for his sister to get married to the jerk who got her pregnant and couldn't care less to be an honorable man. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it? The Gupta siblings are not too different from their parents except they misbehaved with outsiders & not their own family.
    While they may have mended their ways, every action does have a reaction!

    La's reaction is only natural. She is bound to be angry at Khushi and herself. Though I am wondering why La would yell only at Khushi ...and leave NK? Or is it convenient to let NK off the hook because he is the father of her child?

    And NK, even after getting to know the truth, is chastising La, instead of his sister? ��

    Arnav, -and Nani, are the most mature of the lot and are handling it the way it should be. You need to work through issues... though I think its only fair to give La time to come to terms with this revelation... -and i would completely understand that this would color her relationship with Khushi & NK. How do you deal with the fact that your love married you only because of conditions placed by his sister to humiliate your brother? How do you live with the guilt that your brother sacrificed everything to see you happy, no matter how things turned out later?

    I said this before ...and will say it again, NK is a waste of space - self centered, frivolous, dishonorable -and I guess this is La's cross to bear, falling in love with someone like him.

  21. Lovely update. Your stories keep us all hooked!

  22. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  23. Khushi has suffered so much because of her parents in the past and even now they tried to snatch her happiness! Disgusting! No one deserves such horrible parents. Both Nk and Lavanya needs to be a bit more mature. Nk is better than La but when Khushi locked herself in her room he couldn't handle the situation until Arnav came. And Lavanya needs to trust Khushi. Why does she always blame Khushi? She herself witnessed how much Khushi has changed from before and she even saw Arshi's love for each other, yet she did not understand. Khushi understood the importance of family and she took the courage to tell about the contract bcoz she realized that there should be no secrets between "Family". Khushi could have tried to harm herself if not for the promise that she made to Arnav. I'm proud of her for having changed so much bcoz of Arnav. Arnav is the mature one here. He took care of the situation so well. He handled La as well as comforted Khushi. I'm glad that he is always there for Khushi, no matter what! Bella is such a sweet heart, I love her. I hope Nani fills some sense in Lavanya and hope that she doesn't create any problems for Arshi. Both Arnav and Khushi deserve happiness. Eagerly waiting for the next update!

    Madhu Di, you are an amazing writer. I have been reading your stories from 2013 as a silent reader but this story forced me to comment ...really this story is on another level. Can you please update the next part tomorrow? Please please please, it's a request.

    1. Tomorrow I can only post precaps. I will share a precap of this FF tomorrow along with You Ought to be Mine Precap too.

  24. I can completely understand what Lavanya was going through, she has a lot of information to be absorbed, initially her mother's death then the reality of how she got married to her love and to top it she is pregnant.
    Khushi is very courageous and I am happy that she told everything

  25. Bravo khushi..loved the way she deal with guptas n then told nk labour her mistake of contract..
    Loved the way nani understand arshi ..

    Wow arnav handle la first them came for khushi n totally loved the way he assure her.. yes they will handle all together

  26. It's good that all truth comes out... So in future nobody can take advantage of them...

  27. Lavanya is soo immature.she ready to destroy her brother life and her life too.

  28. It must have been to much for La to take esp. in pregnancy. First about her mother and then the despicable contract. Her outburst at Khushi is totally understandable but she must not leave NK off the hook just like that and get a clarity. I can't forget his promise to Khushi fat he won't marry pregnant La if she won't give permission. Hope his spinelessness as a person has reduced.
    It is natural for La to curse herself for making her brother suffer with such a contract.

    When in cool mind...she needs that talk with her bro n Bhabhi about their changed relationship...dat nothing is fake now and its all in past.

    Khushi showed exemplary courage by admitting her disgusting treatment of Arnav in past. Yes...its karma and it had to come back...but best part is she is now free of burden of hiding it. It shows her dedication towards her relationships esp. Arnav. I loved the scene where she admits thqt she couldn't self harm coz of her promise to Arnav. That is her progress, character development...the healing she has brought to herself with Arnav in her life...her love for him.

    Once again the best, strongest of all are Arnav n Nani. Just the most charming characters of this story. So Admirable ❤️❤️

    This Arnav is so beautiful

  29. I wish Nani would have scolded Arnav for agreeing to this contract for sake of La's marriage. doubt its good that love between siblings is so strong but going to this extent is absolutely wrong. As a parent, she should scold Arnav for being self sacrificing idiot.

  30. Arnav handled it all really well he made lavanya understand and took stand for khushi as well. Lavanya's guilt and anger towards khushi is valid as her brother has suffered without any of his fault just for her happiness and khushi's ego though her comment about snatching her family was way too much. Well khushi didn't do something bad during the contract it was all childish but the way it was presented that arnav was to act as her slave is quite humiliating and for lavnaya it is a big deal.

    But we can't forget that khushi did some bad things too as she took intimate pictures of herself with arnav and blackmailed him it was really bad because if it was other way around then arnav would be accused of tarnishing a woman's dignity just because he was a guy it shouldn't be taken lightly and for that I think khushi should face a little bit tough time from lavanya as a punishment not too much though as I also want arshi together happily.
    Arnav is doing so much for everyone now he should also get his happily ever after soon.

    lavanya should understand the importance of every relationship as she is too much impulsive and behave without thinking anything whether it is khushi,nk or asr she is always reacting as if she is the only one around grow up girl you are going to be a mother soon.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Nk was not reacting much as both the ladies were high on emotions today. He stopped lavanya when she was blaming khushi unnecessarily about snatching her family but she took it as his support for his sister in her mistake. I really think nk's views should also be shown as he also suffered in his childhood not as much as khushi but still wounds from your parents are not easy to deal with. He is portrayed as irresponsible, childish & immature person but he is like that because khushi always treated him that way as a person i think he is very caring, loving, protective brother even a responsible boyfriend as when time came he accepted his child's responsibility because the kind of childish nk is presumed he would have run away being scared from his responsibilities but he didn't.And then he got a wife who is his love but always fighting and arguing with him and that to because of his sister.

    I know in today's update khushi was broken but nk should really question her about the contract. I mean he trusts khushi with his life and knowing that she used the most important relationship of his life as a weapon to revenge asr to bring him down was really wrong. I know her intentions were not bad for her brother but still her manipulative steps would have caused so much damage to his relationship. His reaction or what he thinks about all this should be shown madhu. I understand he was worried for khushi today but when she is normal he should have a talk with her on this.

  33. A much needed confrontation! La can think clearly and move on as well!

    Good Khushi has completely changed herself from what initially was shown.

    Lovely there's light at the end of the tunnel!


  34. Awesome....thank god Khushi didn’t take any drastic step.

  35. No one means no Deserve Parents like senior Gupta there r horrible cruel and Worstest Parent ever no child deserves a parent like them who destroyed there own kids life since childhood and still doing it but glad that khushi had given them court papers. Soo that they never cross there way or never talk or meet or keep as contact with them and still there have done enough damage by letting contact thing out in front of everyone but khushi herself said abt it to nk and lav seriously it takes a lot of courage to tell abt her wrong deeds she have done in the past beczs of her ego on Arnav and its karma it have to come out one time or other but atleast all truth is out now and no one can blackmail anymore to them ... And Lavanya's reaction os nature and she is hurt and hwr pregnancy is taking a troll on her first she got to know abt her mother and now abt her brother who did all this sacrifice for her and she is feeling very guilty abt it that beczs of her . Her brother have to go through soo much and soo she will need time to digest all this beczs it very hard that beczs of u ur brothe us to go through soo much but also she should be soo lucky to have such caring and loving and can do anything for her happiness 😍🥰👌 Nani as always the Best soo understanding and handles everything thing with maturity 😍😘
    Felt bad reading khushi state but arnav comforted her and was with her wen she needed him the most yar i love this arnav he is the best of all the ffs i have read he is such a Beautiful Character and if u have this kind of life partner or friend or brother in ur life than ur life is just like heaven 😍🥰and he is the god himself for u 😇 but alas it only in ff we can see this type of arnav character .... And the way khushi said to arnav wen he said her did u self her ourselves then she replied i wanted to do but i remember ur promise wich u gave him and i did no anything to me aww i loved that one 😍👌👌 seriously yar every girl i mean it very girl deserves this kind od her man like our arnav from this story🥰 ❤️ ..... Post soon

  36. Superb absolutely superb chapter. My heart aches for the pain Khushi has suffered
