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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 53



Chapter 53

Gupta Mansion

Khushi was still in the same bathrobe but she looked better than before. Arnav fed her the hot soup which NK arranged.

“I don’t want more” she denied pushing his arm away gently.

“This is last” he said. “for me”

Khushi opened her mouth and sipped the soup. She never had anyone to tend her worries, make her feel loved and cared. NK being younger to her, she was the one who strived to give him that pampering and support. He also loved her back and even took care of her when she was sick but whatever Arnav did today was beyond her expectations.

“How is Lavanya?” She finally came to the point.

“She will be fine. I have told her not to take the contract part seriously. It was between us and its over. That’s all matters for now” 

“And Nani?”

“She understands” he replied. “She has seen the change in you after staying here for so many days. She is surely upset and even warned me not to put my dignity at stake for the family again but I told her what I have always been saying. I can do anything for the benefit of my family Khushi. I wasn’t blind or blank when I signed that contract. I know what I was getting into and I believed to give you back when the time comes”

Khushi should have been offended but instead a smile broke on her lips.

“I tortured you, made you do silly things. I demeaned you Arnav. And you took all that with a smile. For Lavanya. I think I know what she is going through now. If this had happened with Kishu, I would have burned down the whole world”

A lone drop of tear rolled down her cheeks again which Arnav wiped off.

“It’s all in the past and we ended it for good. Lets not drag it again in our present. I will talk to Lavanya, convince her to come back to Gupta Mansion. Give her some time”

Khushi nodded gripping his hand.

“Thank you for being there for me”

“Humesha” he murmured before pecking her lips again. “I can stay tonight”

Khushi’s body hummed with an intense desire. She really needed him to stay but not tonight. She still had to talk to NK and sort things out, probably even apologize.

“I will be fine. I think Nani and Lavanya needs you for now”

“You sure?” he brushed her hair strands away from her face and tucked them behind her ear.

“Khushi Gupta is always sure”

The confidence was back in her tone.

“Good. Then let’s fix this for La and NK. I don’t want them to fight because of us”

“Absolutely” she agreed.

Arnav spent some more time with her and then he was gone. It was only after Arnav left, that Khushi turned down to see her brother. NK was in his room, pacing restlessly for his turn to come. Seeing Khushi almost lifeless in that bathtub had pierced his heart. He had seen his sister strong and confident every time, though he did know she had her weak moments. But tonight, was different. He was scared for her.

When Khushi stepped in his room, he covered the distance between them in few strides and hugged her tight. Words came out of his mouth much after the tears.

“I thought I lost you” he sobbed.

Khushi pulled him away and cupped his face.

“I am sorry..” she apologized. “I messed up between you and Lavanya”

NK swallowed painfully.

“That’s another topic of discussion but before we go there, promise me you will never lock yourself again. Do you even realize what I went through seeing you in that bathtub?”

Khushi could feel him still shivering.

“I thought you left me Khushi.. Just like everyone else.. You promised me once that you will be there for me forever and you still shut me out?”

“I needed my moment” she interrupted his remarks. “All of this happened because of me. Lavanya left the house because of me. I couldn’t process it well Kishu.”

“Lavanya will come back, I know she will. I am not letting her go Khush.. and neither you. I know you shouldn’t have forced ASR to sign such a contract. It was totally illogical and mean. I would have stopped you had I known this was happening. But I am glad you ended it before things lost control”

Nothing he said gave her relief. It was her doings which separated NK from his pregnant wife and she decided to fix it before it’s too late.


The next whole week Khushi tried to contact Lavanya on phone but she never picked her calls. She knew Lavanya was not just avoiding her but even NK. The next day of that incident, NK had been to Shantivan to get Lavanya back but she denied coming. She needed time and he was forced to accept her decision. Arnav himself had tried convincing Lavanya but her pregnancy hormones played with her heart and mind constantly, giving her mixed feelings. She missed NK too but the back to back revelation of NK and Khushi’s co-relation with her mother’s accident and then the 6-month contract between Arnav and Khushi, fueled her rage. Nani too had tried to explain her the need of having her husband around during this phase of her pregnancy, but Lavanya though realized it, couldn’t accept it whole heartedly. According to Nani and Arnav, within few weeks she would be ready to accept things and be normal again but Khushi was not willing to wait till then.

Khushi had seen Nandakishore working hard at Office. This was where he spent most of his time these days. He was grooming himself to lead the Business alongside his sister. And while he did his best to stay focused, she had also seen him missing his wife. He was longing for her. Almost a month passed but there was no change in Lavanya’s decision. She was still in Shantivan.

Today when NK was little late for the afternoon meeting, Khushi was worried. He was at office this morning and then suddenly he was missing. But before leaving he had told his assistant he would be back for the afternoon Conference. Khushi rescheduled the meeting and was about to dial NK when he stepped in her cabin.

“You rescheduled the meet?” he asked.

“I did. Where were you?” she rose to her feet and reached him. “I got worried Kishu”

“Sorry, I should have told you. Lavanya had the Doctor’s appointment today for her regular checkup”

Now that news got Khushi intrigued. She knew her brother was secretly keeping tabs on his wife.. That was good.

“So, I was with her”

A smile broke on Khushi’s lips but NK shrugged.

“Don’t be so happy. Nothing has changed. She didn’t knew I would give her a surprise there. She was shocked in fact, even asked me to leave but I didn’t”

Khushi kept listening.

“I stayed there until she was done. I wanted to speak to the Doctor personally about her health. I don’t want her depression to affect her or the baby. So..”

“How is she and your baby?” Khushi interrupted.

NK’s face lit with joy.

“Both are doing good. Just two more months Khush and.. I will be a father. Can you imagine that?”

Khushi nodded. No, she hadnt imagined him yet to be a father because for her NK was still her child... But maybe once he holds his baby, she might start believing it.

“I dropped Lavanya to Shantivan again and that’s why I was late”

Khushi pulled him closer and gave him a hug.

“I am so proud” she appraised. “You can be a good father. I am sure now”

“I don’t know Khush. I hope Lavanya gives me a chance. I have invited her home again.. I told her how much I miss her.. want her but she was all cold during the drive. I know she wants the same but God knows whats stopping her?”

Khushi’s throat parched. She knew what was stopping Lavanya from returning to Gupta Mansion and if that was true, then Khushi also knew how to fix it.

“Anyway” NK broke her stance. “I will win her back soon. But what is wrong with you? ASR told me you haven’t met him outside even once after that incident. Why are you both not meeting up?”

“You see we have been busier these four weeks Kishu and so has he. Thanks for the heads up but I will see him soon. I intend too”

“you better” He smiled and that was something she hadn’t seen on his face from past few weeks. She wanted that smile to stay on his face forever which is why she decided to put an end to Lavanya and his separation. It was high time she intervened in their relationship again.



When Khushi entered Shantivan, she saw Lavanya getting down the stairs alone touching her seventh month swollen belly. Pregnancy had brought a different glow on her face yet it was hard to miss the solitude on her face. The phone ring almost startled Lavanya and she was about to miss one step but managed to hold the railing and safely got down the stairs. That’s when she noticed Khushi Gupta… after more than a month.

“It’s not safe for you to climb the stairs alone. You should be careful” Khushi’s sound was disappointed and though Lavanya agreed to her advice, she didn’t drag that conversation.

“ASR is at office and Nani is out for temple”

“That’s why I am here” Khushi interrupted. “To talk to you”

“Me?” Lavanya swallowed.

“Let’s sit”

Khushi led her to the couch and Lavanya could just follow her. Even though Khushi was not the bride of this house yet, just her presence was enough to prove otherwise. She could lead anyone and anything. As soon as they got settled, Khushi came to the point.

“I didn’t snatch your family La. That was a very huge statement you made that night. I am no one to snatch your Nani, Arnav or NK from you. They are still your family and that’s why they still stand by you. I know what it means not to have a family or get their love and support despite having them around. I would never let anyone else face that same situation which I have. So please take that thought off your head”

Lavanya was too numb to speak.

“I might be no one to you to advise this, but Kishu is still my brother and that’s why I am here. I cannot see him so alone and .. disheartened. You belong with him.. this baby you both have made, belongs in that house with you both together”

Tears welled in Lavanya’s eyes as Khushi gripped her hand.

“You hate me, not Kishu. Don’t punish him, this baby and yourself because of me. Come back to Gupta Mansion. Take your place there and I promise you will not see me there if that’s what you want”

Lavanya’s heart fluttered thinking the possibilities of that line.

“I have some back to back work abroad. I will be gone for some time and until I return, I will make sure to arrange a separate house for myself. It won’t be that hard. Don’t worry about Kishu, I will explain him why I have to do this”

That’s all she had to say. Khushi touched Lavanya’s cheeks lovingly and then got up to leave.

“You please take care of yourself and this baby”

She was about to leave when Lavanya finally talked.

“You are leaving ASR?”

Khushi stopped and turned.

“Not until I take my last breath Lavanya” she replied with a smirk on her face. “I don’t think you still understand this. I am here to fix you and Kishu not break my relationship with Arnav”

Khushi met her gaze strongly this time with her smile turned into a raw possession.

“We are still a couple and will always be that, no matter who disapproves us”

As soon as she turned again to leave, Arnav was standing right before her, few steps away, glaring at her. She hadn’t expected to see him here but now that he was, she didn’t miss the rough stubble he had grown .. for her. These few weeks she had missed him badly but work pressure and the guilt for being the reason of Lavanya and NK’s distancing were enough to keep her at bay and not indulge in romancing Arnav Singh Raizada during that period. She knew how could they both be happy when their siblings were fighting pain and suffering? But even if they didn’t meet, they called up each other whenever they were free during the day, talked and eased each other’s worry. That wasn’t enough but it still worked for some time..

“Hi” she smiled striding towards him.

Arnav didn’t respond to that. His eyes shifted to Lavanya who was equally surprised to find him home at this odd hour.

“I forgot an important file. It’s in my bedroom. Can you ask HP to go get it?”

Lavanya nodded and left looking for Hari Prakash. Arnav finally met Khushi’s gaze.

“What were you saying to La?” he scowled. “You are going abroad?”

“For a month” she replied reaching closer. His anger was making it hard for Khushi to think if she should admire him or focus on his words.

“And you didn’t plan to tell me?”

“I was..”

“When?” he snapped. “After boarding the flight? Or checking in the hotel after reaching there?”

“You are overreacting Arnav”

“Am I” he gripped her wrist and pulled her to him. The sudden contact of their bodies sparked those desires again which they both missed in the past few weeks.

“And what did you say after that? You plan to live separate after returning?”

Khushi tried to touch his jaw but he caught her free arm too and pinned it at her back.

“Don’t try to divert me Khushi. I need an answer. Did you just say that to bring Lavanya back or ..”

“I meant it” she accepted. “each and every word. I meant it”

His anger and frustration simmered.

“That’s the only way I see she will return to NK. We both know she doesn’t like me anymore. I don’t want to be the reason of their drift. Let her settle down with Kishu again and then we will think how to progress with it”

“Let me tell you how I intend to progress with this Miss Khushi Gupta” he cut her words. “Even I want Lavanya and NK to reconcile and stay together and if that means you are out of that house, then there is only one place you are going to stay.. and that’s here.. In Shantivan.. with me.. as my WIFE.”

Khushi’s jaw dropped. In any other circumstance, she would have demanded him not to make such hard decisions and complicate things further but the way he said it, with dominance and authority, her brain hardly processed words in her mouth.

To be Continued.


COMING SOON - Book 2 of Accidental Marriage Series

Advay Raj Bohra

What a perfect night at a Bar - Meeting a stranger and then making her pretend to be my girlfriend for winning a bet. Least did I know by the next morning she was going to be my legally wedded wife. I never wanted a marriage and the complications that came with it but one look at my accidental wife, Jiya and my emotions spiraled out of control, my life changed drastically.

Jiya Mathur

My Café house was at the risk of shutting down having no support from the bankers and financers. The only light at the end of that dark tunnel was the CEO of the Media Channel, Advay Raj Bohra. I was drawn into his Universe as he offered me a proposition I couldn’t deny.


Advay and Jiya’s worlds collide as they step into a Marriage Bubble promising no messy emotional entanglements. Will they ever want a real relationship?


Releasing this December!!


Standalone Romance Novel of Accidental Marriage Series Book 1 

Billionaire Viren Dewan’s sister was getting married in one month and Event Manager Tarini Kaur bagged that project to plan her wedding. She struggled organizing the wedding as Viren Dewan’s classy extravagant attitude kept hurdling her work. Least did she know they had a history together, a knot which his family easily forgot and hers denied to accept. What would happen when that past resurfaced?

A roller coaster ride of a forgotten accidental marriage, claiming its identity between Innocence versus Power.


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  1. Wow as I expected Arnav won't let Khushi stay alone.. great update loved it.. will we get to read yotbm today or u wont be updating today another story? If not pleas give a Precap for yotbm

  2. Lavanya has been a collateral damage in Arnav Khushi story though unintentionl.

    But she must have apologized to Lavanya also. From accusing her of trying to trap her & NK, accusing her of sleeping with another man and not Nk, calling her own niece/nephew bastard, not allowing NK marry her and then put her Nk's marriage at risk, ENSLAVING HER BROTHER and then somehow not truly but being involved in her mother's accident. Khushi has been more than evil
    And please lets stop love being an excuse for people to be forgiven without asking for forgiveness.
    I don't care what khushi suffered, shouldn't be an excuse for people to make others suffer.
    NK is a dhol and no woman ever should have a lover/husband like him. Poor Lavanya. In love with a crooked spine.
    Hope we get to see Nk apologizing to lavanya for all his sister did. He wasn't even disturbed enough with khushi but he is stupid enough not to be.

    I think biased khushi lovers will attack me. Hi guys.

    1. Truly agree with you.. In fact don't know why suddenly all fault shifted on lavanya... Had it been lavanya saying someone's child basterd or a contract for a girl's dignity i don't think the reactions been same..

    2. Ya even I feel that NK has to apologise hard to lavanya for not supporting her even after he knew what Khushi did to arnav

    3. Agree on the whole, NK didn't even care about her pregnant wife while backing his sister at the outing n not even care to ask about her well being when ASR return back from home..

    4. Replace name 'Khushi' with Arnav/Sheetal/Anjali/Lavanya and the comments for same content 'll change dramatically. I bet you 'll see fireworks of abuses in this story.

      La should take NK at task for this contract as condition for their marriage. What if her brother, Arnav like any other sensible being disagreed for the contract? Would NK have abandoned her at orders from his sister? Does Lavanya even know that Khushi accused her of sleeping with someone else and 'trying to trap' NK and Khushi for it? Does she know her brother had slapped Khushi for it ? Does she know her so called NK didn't condemn his sister for it but promised to marry La only if Khushi agrees? Why 're these things still hidden from La?

      It is even more disgusting to see her so called husband didnt request La to allow him to live with her at Shantivan and take care of her. He becomes 'oh-so responsible' in his sister's eye just by going to monthly appointment!!! It looks like Lav alone made the baby and NK, the good man is 'trying so hard' to be part of it.

      Worse is Khushi's all acts are white-washed with her past baggage. Yes, she has changed for good but where the hell is her redemption??

      When did she apologize, repent for her previous stunts for humiliating Arnav, La? Where did she apologize to her brother for using his marriage as a bait for making Arnav dance to her tunes- driving her around, touching him without his permission, making disgusting threats?

      Where is Khushi's apologies? All white-washed bcoz she had bad past?

    5. Khushi did apologize to Arnav and tore the contract.. I'm sure she will apologize to Lavanya and Nani too in the coming updates ... And about NK I don't understand why so much of hate for him.. if it's because he loves his sister a lot than I'm sorry but I don't think he needs the hatred.. the only family he has is his sister and when you don't have any family except one person who is ur mom.. dad.. sister... Guardian and so on then all ur love that you have for your family goes to that one person only.. and you guys Saying that he dint ask Lavanya to let him stay with her in shantivaan.. about that he did go to see her and bring her back but when Lavanya left she dint want to stay with any of them in Gupta mansion and hence she left... So now if Nk goes to stay at shantivaan Lavanya won't let him and who knows he might have even tried when he went to get her back but Lavanya is adamant as always.. technically I see her as the spoilt kid and not nk.. atleast NK is not as rude and bad Mouthed as her

    6. As for Khushi saying foul words to Lavanya during the revelation of her pregnancy.. that was just a heat of moment the way Lavanya burst on Khushi after knowing about the contract.. if u want Khushi to apologize then Lavanya too should apologize.. and please why do I feel that when finally this fiction is going to end in a happy note you guys are causing hatred and making the author go off track from what she has planned to write.. the first time you guys did the same and she went off track and you all started bashing her that this story is going down.. and now finally when she's back on track and this FF is interesting again you guys are causing hatred

    7. I dont think Khushi ever apologized to Arnav for her misbehavior whether he wants it or not is his prerogative.

      She did tear the contract and thats's there in part 41.

      But where did she say sorry for disgusting blackmail, slave-work she did to him? Please help me with that chapter number. To which single person has Khushi apologized till date in this story? Please help with chapter no.

      NK can love his sister all he want, we all have that right. But did he ask his sister dearest before impregnating La? And why is he not man enough to stand by his deed, stand by his child while it is being called bas**rd by its own Bua? Why didn't he rebuke his sister in strong words for abusing his baby? That track never came. And why should it be brushed off without an apology just coz its 7th month now, 5 months into the story? Where is NK's self-respect when his sister abused his baby? His spinelessness it is...that he didnt take any action against her. Do you know why? Bcoz he is simply spineless

      NK may become responsible professionally by joining office but what about his personal commitments? How can his sister put his baby at stake with that disgusting blackmail? Why should Lavanya go back to such a man?

      And this argument is ridiculous that coz La refused to come to GH...NK didnt press enough. It has been a month! HE left his angry pregnant wife and baby alone for a month? That shows his level of commitment!

      And his instant rebuke to La on shouting at Khushi is hilarious!!! His and Khushi's relationship is as unhealthy as that of Arnav n Anjali in the show.

    8. Agree with your each and every word! Seeing someone sensible here made me happy! Finally I am not alone to feel the same way! People can argue to see thier favourite couple together like always but this Khushi is sick!

    9. Wow! How can you even compare Khushi calling La repulsive names to La shouting at her, saying Khushi took away her family!

      Who said Khushi or story shouldn't have happy ending? But why should she not repent? Just bcoz she's heroine of the story? How is pointing out your princess Khushi's mistakes diverting the story?

    10. @Aditiraher, sorry but I dont think Khushi is sick. She is emotionally weak. Yes, she is. But with Arnav's presence in her life, she has come out strong and that too beautifully. Her last night's act of not doing self-harm shows, she has better control on herself.

      But, her misdeeds shouldnt be brushed off.She has to realise how brutal she had been with La, Arnav, with her nephew/niece initially. She never realised that Arnav slapping her was absolutely wrong? And even more brutal as her not needed barbarism. Has she realised her wrongs or her behaviour is being justified in this story citing her bad past? Isnt that's a wrong takeaway message?

      Her past is bad and helped us gain sympathy, understand her behavior but WHEN has she accepted that she was so wrong with Raizadas since starting? Look at the way she is talking to La in this chapter as if La's behaviour is not bcoz of her, as if La is doing wrong with spineless NK? Why cant she and her brother not apologise to La? Why cant NK assure La through SMS, phone or anything that he 'll stand by her? Why is a seven month pregnant Lady who needs this assurance utmost not given it by her husband?

      I feel Khushi's repentance is missing and the argument that she can't shed her Khushi Gupta attitude is just bullsh**!! An absolutely wrong precedent.

      There is nothing wrong in heroine apologizing if she is wrong. Her stature wont decrease.

    11. Firstly.. the answer to your question of why did nk not his child while it is being called bas**rd by its own Bua?

      Well that was in the start of the FF and if you had any issue about why Khushi did not apologize then you should have spoke about it when they planned on getting the two married willingly.. why did you not ask for it then? Were you busy waiting for the end? Plus NK was too shocked to react or take a stand as Arnav had already slapped Khushi for it..

      Secondly, Why should Lavanya go back to such a man?.. that's because she is equally at fault if not more as she willingly had a baby out of wedlock.. why din't she think about her brother and Nani before doing something like that? Was she forced? No right? Especially when she knew how NK was.. he wasn't stable professionally nor independent.. why dint she think about all that before taking such a step? And not to forget she also knew how much he loved his sister.. why did she choose such a man then if he was spineless according to you?

      Thirdly..NK didnt press enough is totally false blame.. as we read in previous chapters he tried his best but Lavanya did not agree to go with him nor listen to him.. she was only ready to stay with Arnav in shantivaan.. and seeing her pregnant state he couldn't force her and risk her and the baby's health.. she wanted to stay with her family (brother and Nani) so on Arnavs decision NK let her go with him..

      And he did not leave her for a month.. she herself did not agree to come back nor let him be around.. despite of Arnav/Khushi/Nani and Nk's insisting and explaining.. I'm sure you dint want him to forcefully carry her to GM or invade her privacy without her permission at shantivaan now, did you?

      And his instant rebuke to Lavanya on shouting at Khushi was because Lavanya never gave anyone a chance to speak.. she immediately pounced on Khushi before NK could react and ask his sister about it or react as you wanted him to..

      As much as you defend Lavanya she's not a saint here either.. tho Khushi was a bad person initially she did change to a good person eventually BUT when it came to Lavanya she was a good person before who has turned into a bad adamant and uncaring woman who is just hurting everyone including her brother and Nani by her behaviour.. and if she continues the same I'm afraid she will lose NK forever

    12. The readers whose got problem with this plot a small piece of advice for them.. KINDLY DO SKIP THIS STORY because if you can't like the sorry then please do not read and cause a chaos here and let this story lovers continue reading in peace. The world is already facing a lot of negativity.. kindly keep your negativity to yourself and don't create hatred and give a hard time to people who love reading these FF here as this is one of the things that give us a few happy minutes per day..

    13. First thing first. How does pointing out to Khushi's and NK's mistakes amount to spread negativity? Are we criticizing author or story here? No. We love this story as much as you please stop this smearing campaign. You can upvote yours, downvote our opinion as many times as you want. Add 20+ more to yours with every one cares.

      Second thing...criticizers are not hating Khushi. She has left behind her demons, I agree but that doesn't absolve her of her wrong-doings. It is foolish to think that now, I have realised abusing someone is wrong and its fine. When did she feel remorseful for her initial behavior?

      I think you were sleeping when everybody on forum was against La marrying spineless NK[whose shock of his sister abusing his GF n unborn wore off with Arnav slapping Khushi. The sister's puppy immediately rebuked Arnav(It was right thing to do) but didnt say anything to his sister...not then...not afterwards...for whole 5 months]. Since long, many are hoping for NK to show some spine which I think 'll still take time. No man/woman brushes off anyone abusing their child so we are still waiting for that rebuke from him.

      Third thing, NK and LA both made baby. She accepted her fault, took responsibility, didnt think of aborting it or not marrying NK to give child love of both parents. [I am hoping you are not regressive to Stone Age and know that a love child born out of wedlock is not a basta*d if both parents are single at time of conceiving].
      La didn't know what all Khushi had called her. She didnt know NK promised his sis. to not marry her. She had no idea about the condition for her marriage. She didnt realise the possibility of NK not marrying her if Arnav failed to sign contract. Her own brother Arnav knew about NK's spinelessness and signed the contract. It is devastating to know that your brother sacrificed his freedom, became slave because YOUR OWN MAN isn't MAN enough in real sense.

      Please do tell me in which chapter is it written that La knew that NK wasnt just carefree guy but spineless too? I hope you do know the difference between two.

      Acc. to your beautiful logic of putting blame on La for being NK's GF, all women who are dumped due to commitment issues or are cheated 'll become responsible for the men's deeds.

      If tomorrow, suppose Arnav publishes Khushi's and his pictures from Prem Nivas, 'll you blame Khushi for it? What 'd be her fault? Trusting him?
      while siding with Khushi...dont forget La is also a woman.

      Would NK allow La to remain at Shantivan after delivery? Would he be okay if she refuses to let him see the baby? No, right. HE 'll try harder to get through her. Why isnt he trying harder now, showing that he is repentant. Why hasnt he still realised how wrong he was to make promise of not marrying La to his sister? He is simplying trying to make La understand that his sister isnt bad...she isnt snatching La's family...that's it? You feel its enough?

      Last thing, it is you who is creating negativity here. People are just sharing their opinion about Khushi's character development. I dont understand how this is harmful.

      No one is rejecting this beautiful story that is very different, a unique piece bcoz its a rare story where Khushi who grows into mature person and Madhu has shown it beautifully.

      I dont agree with bashful readers here but I think we have got right to pin-point Khushi's flaws too. She is not some goddess and please stop treating her like one in every damn story.

    14. So is Lavanya here because she accused Khushi of something she will never even imagine doing after living as a family for months and witnessing her change during that time while Khushi accused her and Arnav initially while they were as good as strangers for her. No it doesn't make it right but that is a point many tend to forget. And about the contract Arnav is an equal culprit there how much good his intention was for signing it.

    15. If you cant see the difference of gravity between two remarks...its useless to have any sane talk.

    16. Firstly, You bashing the characters is criticizing the author and her story.. can't you see that?

      Second, I never said that La knew that NK wasnt just carefree guy but spineless too.. I said that why did she choose such a man then if he was spineless ACCORDING to you? READ THAT RIGHT MY DEAR READER

      And if you haven't read the story properly than please go through it once again as I see you have got a lot of misconceptions about this storys plot because what NK promised his sister was that if he won't get married to Lavanya then he will never get married.. do you understand that part my dear? He said NEVER and he meant it..

      And Lastly, I'm a very very old reader of Madhus ff's since 2012 and I have read all kinds of plots that she's written starting from conflicting desires upto now.. so don't give me that bul**it of creating the negativity.. people like are the ones creating negativity with your unnecessary opinions.. please read the story without such unwanted opinions or else take these opinion's of yours go read some bio on feminist

    17. Plus about how sharing your opinion about Khushi's character development is harmful then let me tell you.. your such unwanted opinions are getting the author offtrack.. why don't u give such opinions of yours on already published and bestsellers books which completes the stories and gives you the entire book to read with no changes in it by your opinions.. if you don't like that story or characters it's fine.. but don't influence the author or criticize her work for no reason

    18. I completely agree with the last comment yes you can do this criticism but only after finishing the story. Because otherwise all this character assassination in the middle of the story will affect the further story, period.

    19. Now you have nothing to support your dearest Khushi so you started with this gyaan? Where does this beautiful theory of yours go when a character other than Khushi dearest is criticized? You yourself criticised La in your replies to my comment. Did I welcome you, beg you to reply to me?

      Do you know the difference between bashing n criticism? Do you know comment section at end of each update isn't only for writing "Wow Khushi!" but also critical appreciation?

      Please do tell me why critizers of any other characters be it ...Arnav/La/Anjali( like you yourself are) are never called bashers? Do you even know the vitriol you guys spit about other characters also makes writer think again? Where is your preaching then? Why no hullabaloo happens then?

      Where was your preaching when most comments under the update where Arnav walked out after knowing abt his mother's accident...were full of poison against him?
      Your mouth got sealed then? Or your gyaan/advice is always this selective?

      You are not author that you ll order me if I should continue reading story or not. Author ll herself tell dat. Stop behaving like you own this forum. SORRY TO BURST YOUR BUBBLE YOU DO NOT.

      It is you spreading negativity by arguing with me on my comment. I didn't come n ask you to have a debate. So stop this bullsh**. If your right to criticize La is preserved so is mine to criticize othee characters.

      Comment section is meant for comments. I have nowhere bashed any character but criticized what I felt is wrong with them.

      Don't read my comment at all if it itches you so much.

      Go join some Khushi blind fandom forum coz this forum is never going to become matter how much people like you try.

      Everyone knows the trend of comments in past one year and the way... you try to tilt plots towards Khushi. Fact is blind Khushi supporters have been trying to hijack the forum since long. They jump at throat of others with several excuses if you dare to make one remark against them. Your tendency of upvoting by refreshing pages makes it crystal clear. Please dont try to project it at as majority opinion!

      FYI, Madhu has been writing since 2011 not don't even dish me this stupid knowing her better as a author thing. It won't work with me.

      PS : Its blind fan following of character named Khushi that causes most harm to author coz we all know what happened with Yaadein and what has been happening with Lawful Sins thanks to people like you...who ll bear anything but one word against Khushi.

      And funniest thing is thats the only reason, you are giving lame excuses in favor of NK.

      If you really want to stop negativity, stop spilling your vitriol by baseless replies coz clearly...all comments above your own are simply critcism, sharing where bashing!!!

      Also spinelessness means person who cant take firm decisions. It is not bashing. Calling someone bast**d is abuse. I hope you soon learn the difference. go read comments on first 20 ll know ppl were waiting for Khushi's redemption and NK's spine to grow...which didnt happen...and we are doing no harm if we hope it happens now!!

      Hoping someone feels sorry for her bad behavior isnt bashing! No one condemned Khushi to prison unlike you guys who regularly send anyone on opposite pole to Khushi straight to hell.

  3. Nice update, hope Arnav Will not allow Kushi to be alone

  4. Awesome😘😘..waiting to see Khushi as arnav's better half in shantivan😁😁

  5. This story sucks!

    I have turned into a silent reader for past few months of lockdown but this story forced me to speak! This story is by far the worst fiction I ever read where khushi is the bad one! To be honest I am utterly disappointed! I have been following this from the beginning but reading today's part made me think like where the hell this story is moving towards? And what exactly we should expect from this nonsense?

    A happy ending?? For Khushi?? No way!

    We all know how Khushi's character was in the start and how it evolved over the time. It's hard to support Khushi or even desire a happy ending for her. She was partially responsible for Arnav's mother's death! Deny as much as you can!! We have seen how she behaved earlier during NK and Lavanya's marriage, how she treated Lavanya and Arnav, how mean she was with Arnav especially for no valid cause! No matter how many justifications are made to defend Khushi and her behaviour, it doesn't look convincing at all! I am not going buy any shit which defends Khushi here! It's common to use the so called painful past as an excuse to defend a person's actions but sorry to say this tactic failed miserably with this Khushi!

    There are so many stories where Arnav is the bad guy and in spite of his cruelty fans want him to have a happy ending in the end because most of the times he is not a villain without a cause! He has a reason and a motive which validates his grey character and bad deeds! You can relate with him somehow and even feel for him! But it's hard to say the same about this Khushi! Forget sympathy I don't really care how much she suffered in the past and it's actually hard to feel ANYTHING for her except disgust and hatred! She is basically a selfish, egoistic and also sadistic woman who gets pleasure from torturing people and making them dance on her fingers! I didn't like this shift in the story where suddenly everyone is forgetting Khushi's bad doings and seeing her in good light as if nothing happened! One apology from Khushi to Arnav gave her an easy escape!

    1. "There are so many stories where Arnav is the bad guy and in spite of his cruelty fans want him to have a happy ending in the end because most of the times he is not a villain without a cause! He has a reason and a motive which validates his grey character and bad deeds! You can relate with him somehow and even feel for him!"

      Sorry but this attitude is absolutely wrong. It is similar to what so many Khushi fans have. Arnav's/Khushi's past may help us to understand their character but no reason can ever justify/validate that bad character thing, their cruelities with innocent person.
      No past baggage can validate why he/she misbehaves with the person who has got nothing to do with it.

      Khushi in most stories has got nothing to do with Arnav's bad past yet he makes her suffer AND THAT IS TOTALLY UNACCETABLE/ WRONG. CAN'T BE JUSTIFIED NO MATTER WHAT A READER MAY/MAY NOT FEEL FOR HIM.

      Truth is our reading glasses for hero/heroine are completely different to that of side characters. It is appalling how easily readers brush off leads doing something wrong to others,

  6. I don't consider Lavanya to be at fault at all. She might be the rich spoilt kid but she isn't sick like Khushi! In fact I think she is the only one who is reacting like a normal girl would do in such a situation. She is the one who actually lost everything! More than NK she lost her Arnav! This Arnav really surprises me! He is loving and supporting a woman who was actually mean and cruel without a reason and which actually makes her a psychopath! Which sane man will do that? He did everything and suffered for his sister and now he is choosing Khushi over Lavanya when actually Lavanya is the right one here! I can feel how Lavanya must be feeling seeing Arnav siding with Khushi. It's funny nobody is thinking what khushi did was horrible and now everyone wants Lavanya to become normal again and see Khushi and Arnav together! Its a joke! She left her own husband to take a stand for her brother and family but see what she got in return? She lost everything! I hate this arrogance of Khushi who says she will never leave Arnav no matter who disapproves their relationship when actually she wanted the same for NK and Lavanya at one point! Khushi is really sick!

    Arnav is also the same! More than NK he disppointed me the most! He also wants Lavanya to accept Khushi as his wife now! It's hard to believe that Arnav doesn't care now what Lavanya feels about all of this and still wants khushi in his life easily forgetting that NK and Khushi were not completely innocent in his mother's death! It just makes him equally sick! He might become the best man Khushi could ever get but he surely isn't the best brother! Lavanya deserved to know the truth behind her marriage! So please stop portraying as if Arnav did a favor for Lavanya. It all could have been avoided had Lavanya knew it earlier! I won't say anything about NK because he is a spineless man who is a puppet for his sister! He needs to grow out of her sister's shadow!

  7. Nice dear. Here, everyone are flawed. No one is perfect. No one is to be blamed. Everyone are flowing the with the emotions. Nice part.

  8. Madhu, there isn't a dearth of your fans who will love this story too and support Arnav Khushi blindly commenting like usual. They want a happy ending as usual and will be happy with an additional epilogue showing some goody goody romantic happy couple probably with a kid. Critics like me will be few and you can ignore us like usual too seeing the brighter side. But I didn't like this story at all! Seeing you writing from so many years raise our expectations higher! You could have given better substance to Khushi's character to look her more convincing rather than trying to keep her stuck between black and white! Khushi was a rebel without a cause and having bad parents isn't a good enough reason to defend her!

  9. Awesome Update. Loved Arnav's words. Can't wait to see Khushi as Arnav's wife.Thank God Arnav came to know everything. Hope Arnav marry Khushi soon. Both have suffered enough. Arnav already took good care of Khushi. Khushi realized her mistake.Arnav is the most mature character in the story. Khushi also understand Arnav. NK and Khushi's conversation was emotional. Khushi was blaming herself for her past deeds. Lavanya is immature and irritating too. Khushi loves NK so much that she got ready to leave the house for fixing his relation. Lavanya shouldn't have blamed Khushi. Khushi suffered more than her and agreed to leave the house for her happiness. Good that Arnav came to know everything. Loved Arnav's words he wants Khushi as his wife and to stay in Shantivan. Hope Arnav marry Khushi soon. Khushi will get a new life and her suffering will end. Can't wait to see Khushi in Shantivan and Nani will be happy too . Please give another Update.😍😘 Thanks for the Update😍😍

  10. Arnav won't leave Khushi alone. Hope Arshi stays together always. Waiting for YOTBM.

  11. I think Indian audience is very toxic. We have been made toxic. From considering stalking, forcing, emotionally and physically assaulting romantic and showing that to the masses, our story makers and story tellers have made us toxic and biased.
    Everyone lets just evaluate ourselves, we have started considering love as an excuse for all the damages a character does to another.
    In this case, Khushi.

    1. Correction: Love as an excuse for forgiveness for all the damages a character does to another.

    2. Not just Indian audience. Believe me. You 'll not be able to read the abuse dished to poor hero/heroine on Wattpad in name of Mafias, billionaire, zillionaires. Victim 'll first fall in love with abuser, next abuser 'll fall in LOVE with victim and then whole initial barbarism is brushed off with sweeping off the feet thing. Why is there never emphasis on acknowledging the fault, why trade it off in lieu of love?

      The phrase 'Love means never having to say you're sorry' is highly over-rated! Why should we say sorry when we are at fault? This brushing off is as dangerous as abuser-victim stories.

      How can a person mistreat other in LOVE? The reason is always something else, mostly inhumanity in the person.

      Believe me, ArShi fandom has matured so much in past 9 years. Problem is we have jumped directly from first accepting male toxicity(due to ASR 'aura' ) to female toxicity(The Khushi Gupta 'aura'). Funniest thing is, we think this is FEMINISM! IT IS AS TOXIC AS MALE CHAUVINISM.

      Today, for most of readers, anything that is KHUSHI is right. There is no equal treatment. And if you dare to point it out, the bashing you 'll receive is unimaginable.

      We are human, we may err. [ Madhu's stories have done justice to Arnav's redemption, most of the times. I hope same in Khushi's case]

      The story itself is beautiful about a flawed person overcoming the shortcomings, her cynicism but karma shouldnt be neglected.

    3. Exactly my point

  12. A pregnant wife runs away from her husband and his sister after learning that her sister-in-law enslaved her elder brother for 6 months to let her marry her brother.

    Husband runs to support his sister instead of his pregnant wife

    OhEmGee. Such an ideal man and such an innocent sister-in-law

    Twist in story: Elder brother runs after his lover (Sister in law ) to emotionally support her.


    1. Pregnant wife, who comes to know her marriage happened at stake of her brother's enslavement. Why wouldnt she run away from a husband who didnt assure her that he would have married her despite her brother not signing the contract?

    2. Who is said the characters are 'ideal' here? And about the pregnant wife, she knew what her boyfriend, his sister and their relationship was even when she was the pregnant girlfriend. So why did she even got married to that family?

    3. La knew NK loves his sis very much, just like she loves Arnav. She didnt know that he would even agree to not marry her at behest of his sister. Why would she even be devastated now otherwise and blame herself for what happened with her brother?

      Her self-blame, blaming NK. Khushi 'd all be meaningless, wouldnt make sense...if she already knew NK 'd not marry her.

      Why would she even marry him, if she knew it. If a man can get ready to leave you before marriage if his sister asks. Why cant it happen after marriage? What changes? The marriage stamp?

      I am not saying La is blameless. All this started because of her own carelessness. It is bcoz of her, Arnav entered into such a despicable contract. But what is wrong if she is trying to correct her mistake now? Why should she live with a man who still lacks to give her sense of surety? Can't convince her that he wont leave her like Khushi confidently tells about her and Arnav's relationship at La's face. Why isn't he sorry that his BIL suffered bcoz of his shortcomings?

      Everyone applauded Arnav when Arnav rebuked La for shouting at Khushi bcoz La was wrong. Khushi hasnt snatched her family.

      Are we wrong in expecting such a scene between NK and Khushi, where he takes stand for his wife, tells Khushi she was wrong with contract not brush it off with, we 'll talk about it some other time.

      No one wants ideal characters. But it feels ridiculous that one is let off the hook easily.

    4. Nk should and if he did not like Arnav did for Khushi La can, in fact should leave him. That is exactly my point rather than making it difficult for everyone.

    5. I so agree. Its just the double standards among comments that irritates! They 'll demand revenge for Khushi...want others to beg at her feet...even when she, herself, is wrong! Bash you up if you speak a word against Khushi.

      And sad reality is no matter how much you try to ignore...this thing has been happening with each after other!

  13. Superb Update....So Arnav was little angry that Khushi didnt discuss about going to abroad for sometime...Atleast she plan to tell you before going...What about you left her alone at the engagement party and you didnt even drop a message or call her that time...But anyway i like the last part where he ask her to shift in Shativan as his Wife if she will have to move out from Gupta Mansion due to Lavanya...Now waiting to know what will be Khushi reply on this...Waiting for Next Part...

  14. One request to madhu don't change the track which you planned to write because of the negativity here. It's your story and no one can decide how it should be but only you. Waiting for next part.

  15. Good one... It's quite interesting how things are going to change in future....

  16. Okay so most of the readers see only the bad things Khushi did, or the way Lavanya reacted or the way Arnav supported Khushi over his sister even after what she did to him or the way NK never supported his wife and is blindly supporting his sister. But I think this just makes the story amazing because this makes it more realistic and the characters more human. I don't understand how that is a problem. Is it because we want the main characters to be always the goody two shoes especially the female lead? Please drop in your thoughts guys. And about their redemption Khushi, Arnav, NK and even Lavanya is not entirely right or wrong here. And they all should apologize to each other or at least have a better communication so that they understand what is the impact of their words or actions on others because I don't think any one of them is understanding that here. And yes as readers we all have the right to point out that if they didn't do that. But we have no idea what Madhu had planned ahead and in my opinion we should wait at least until the last part of the story to judge the character arc of any one of them before jumping in to conclusions.

    And about Khushi here or any other characters of other stories deserving happily ever afters and all that, if we are taking the stories serious to that extent we should understand that the epilogue is not the end of their story. It is the moment they die (some people lives even after that through good or bad memories) and I don't think any of the stories show us to that extent.

    And Madhu I have been following you from your first story and have seen how much your thoughts improved as a human and I really appreciate that and thus if no one else I will wait to see how you are going to give justice to every character of yours until the end of the story. And yes a small request, please don't alter what you had planned for anyone or anything.


    1. Yeah, agree with you. This story is almost realistic.

    2. Exactly! Real people are neither black nor white, they are grey. Being sorry and showing it in actions is great than Saying sorry and not meaning it.

  17. Awesome update. This is my favorite story. I like this character of her. She is just a lioness. She is the most strong character in all the stories that I read till today. A woman's character should just be like her.

  18. I shouldn't be the one saying it, for I had myself caused a ruckus here once.

    But guys, please give Madhu a break! She knows what she is writing. Its her story, let her write it. All this chaos hampers creativity, disturbs her. Trust her, in the end, most of you are going to re-read this story like all others, I can bet it.

  19. Di I have a request just stop reading comments of this story. All are reacting as if all the happening is going on real. Arre this is fictional. Author is writing what she planned for. Why are everyone fighting for this. You don't like one character ok so what's the big deal. Get a life.
    Someone finds lavanya bad whereas someone don't like khusi some nk. So it's your choice. You want to read it read otherwise ignore.

    Our Madhu Di is way too talented. She know how to write her story. She have written so many stories and she knows what she is doing this one as well.
    For god sake stop reacting as if god knows what happened. These stories are supposed to be read and enjoyed rather then getting hyper for some character.

    By the way Di lovely update. I loved arnav entry here. I was not expecting that.

  20. Superb update... loved the easy with nk is taking responsibility..

    Khushi is strong..

    Good arnav heard khushi n la talking..
    Love the way he said the only way she is stepping out of her place as KASR..

    Looking forward

  21. Please don't derail from the track you have in mind. Its your story and don't let others, not even the ardant fans or so called critics to influence you. Haters can stop reading the story if they don't like it but can't compel the author to change the story what she has in mind. Thats it!

    1. Finally someone said it.. thank you my dear @kalhara.. I request you from the bottom of my heart Madhu.. please do not change what u have in your mind.. such critics readers have no other job other than giving negative opinion's and playing with our brains.. please write just what you had in mind all these days.. don't change anything for them.. your sincere and genuine readers have and will always appreciate your own story and nothing influenced by such unwanted opinions

  22. Fantastic update
    Lavanya should move onn she is not hurting only nk but arnav also.

  23. Asr's sister means stupid woman ? Anjali , in show and labanya in this story. Superb update.

  24. Madhu this is your most controversial story . ❤️ from Sri lanka .

  25. Wow interesting update
    I knew that Arnav will not let Khushi live alone
    Let's see now be what will be Khushi's reply and how Lavanya is going to react on this proposal
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  26. Loved absolutely loved this chapter
