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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 50



Chapter 50

Two days was all she got to handle the situation. Arnav had dropped her to work knowing she didn’t get her guards along. His protective side for the family was something she adored always. She was part of his family now and vice versa and this truth had no expiry. Her parents tried their best to get into her life again, but Arnav’s trust and love, came out winning, wiping all the insecurities she had towards this relationship. One thing was clear. They were going to fight and clear the remaining obstacles between them, together.

That day despite NK was around her for the whole time, she couldn’t tell him. He was too excited about work and she even had planned a surprise for him. She dragged him along to the floor above giving some work excuse.

“Khush, do we have another meeting now? Do I look okay to attend one? I mean.. I am exhausted.. How do you manage attending back-to-back meetings?” 

“It’s not a one day practice Kishu. It takes months and years to get adjusted to this kind of routine” she kept walking.

“Seriously.. now I realize how hard you have worked all these years to get Gupta Industries to where it is today”

Khushi pushed the cabin door open and led him inside. It was a huge Cabin with everything that was needed to take care of business – classy furniture, high-tech laptop and Webtop, it had everything.

“Wow” NK was impressed. “You changing your cabin?”

“How did you find this place?” she asked crossing her arms at front and gauging NK’s reactions to it.

“Its.. great. Better than your existing cabin which I don’t mind occupying if you shift here”

“I am not shifting here, Kishu. This is your cabin from today”

“What?” he was thrilled.

“Yes” she moved to the chair and patted on it. “This belongs to you. My brother will be taking all his decisions from this Cabin henceforth”

NK was speechless for long and then he returned to her and gave her a tight hug.

“Thanks Khush. You really know my taste in everything. I wonder what would I do without you?”

“You would do fine” she caressed his cheek. “Now take the charge here”

“Charge?” he chuckled. “I thought I am still an intern and I am not allowed to make my own decisions at work”

“Which is not going to change for some time” she acknowledged. “You have a lot to learn Kishu and only when you are full-fledged, you will be allowed to make decisions. Until then you have to wait. But feel free to raise your opinions in all our meetings. I would be glad to know what you think about every project our company handles”

He pulled her arm and placed a kiss on the back of Khushi’s palm.

“Thank you Khush. I feel like a King already. I will never break your trust on me”

“I know”

She watched him hang around his cabin for a while and then left him on his own. The countdown had begun. Within 2 days she and Arnav will have to reveal the family about how Viraj and NK’s fight was loosely interconnected to Arnav’s mother’s death. But before that happens, she wanted NK to settle down at work. She knew her brother would break down a bit but this cabin and his work should keep him busy after that and shift his mood.

Two days passed in a blink and Khushi Gupta was back at Office wondering how to deal with the situation. Arnav had already messaged her this morning reminding her that he would be coming to Gupta House tonight to share the matter and they better don’t delay this any further.

“Khush” NK entered her office cabin. He looked exhausted. “Why were you not there at the meeting?” he took a seat before her. “In fact, good you were absent. Our accounts team are so boring people. Two-hour conference and I was yawning” he teased.

“Start getting serious Kishu” she leaned back on her black leather chair, staring right back at him.

“If I wasn’t serious, I wouldn’t have joined the office”

“I know” she replied.

“Anyways, you know who called me a while ago?”



Khushi stiffened. Why would her mother call NK and did she tell him about his and Viraj’s connection with Arnav’s mother?

“Why did she call you?”

“To check on you..” he replied.

Khushi’s brain started ticking.

“As ASR left the engagement party, she thought you both got into a fight or something. I told her all is well and she didn’t believe it.”

Khushi kept listening.

“Anyway, she has invited all four of us for dinner. She and Dad both think they deserve a dinner with their children and their partners before they leave the country again”

They were leaving the country? What a lie!! This dinner idea looked suspicious.

“I said we won’t come” NK added.

“We should go” Khushi debated.

NK was stunned.

“We should? You know they might be involved with Viraj and you still we should go and meet them?”

“Consider it as our last dinner with them Kishu”

Nandakishore was highly confused.

“You sure?”

“Very. I will inform Arnav about it. When are they expecting us for dinner?”


“Tell her we four will be there”

NK watched her curiously.

“Khush… what’s going on?? You are hiding something from me. I have felt this since your engagement. You didn’t even tell me what Akash and his team got against Dad and Viraj”

The truth was on her lips and her brother was smart enough to read it.

“You are hiding. You are protecting me I can see it. Khush.. tell me whatever it is. We are siblings. We have shared all our secrets”

He was right. Khushi realized if she didn’t say it now, she might never be able to prepare herself for sharing.

“You know who saved Viraj that night after I asked you to flee?”

NK’s heart pounded as he tried to guess. That incident always left bitter taste in his mouth.

“Dad?” he asked. “Or Mom?”

“Arnav’s Mother”

And then, she told him everything. Nandakishore was torn to hear what happened with Lavanya’s mother that night. She saved a stranger but lost her life.

“No.. no way.. This can’t happen.. I can’t be responsible for her.. damn” tears rolled down his cheeks until Khushi grabbed his arms and shook him.

“It was an accident. We couldn’t avert it Kishu and no one blames us.. Not even Arnav. He understands”

“Is that why he left the engagement party half-way?”

Khushi nodded.

“Shit. It’s all because of me. How will I face La and ASR again? Does.. does La know?”

“We will talk to her and Nani tonight”

“She will hate me.. They all will hate me Khush. I have snatched their mother..”

He flopped on the chair and sulked. And it ached her too. She knew after knowing this truth, NK will not be the same again. Just like her.


Khushi didn’t leave NK’s side that day but after reaching home, he secluded himself in his bedroom. It was hard for him to face the Raizada siblings and Nani but Khushi gave him the much-needed strength.

Arnav was about to reach anytime. Though Khushi had told NK everything, she couldn’t wait to know what would be Nani and Lavanya’s reactions to this situation? Will they be able to put this incident behind and move on? She reached the kitchen where Nani was checking with the Chefs if the dinner was ready.

“Khushi bitiya” Nani acknowledged as Khushi stepped in the kitchen. “The dinner is ready. Today’s menu is special. I have ensured, you all get to eat at least one of your favorite dishes”

Nani’s efforts in keeping everyone’s choices in mind was admirable. Khushi wondered if this will continue forever or..

“There he comes” Nani saw past Khushi. Arnav was here making Khushi’s heart pound frantically. He took Nani’s blessings first and then hugged her.

“You look tired” Nani stroked his cheeks. “Don’t you sleep well these days?”

“I miss you all” he replied. This wasn’t a lie but the sleeplessness wasn’t due to that. Like Khushi, he too was afraid how his family would take this news.

“I think we should do something about this” Nani smiled. “Why don’t you marry Khushi soon and take her with you? That way you won’t be alone and neither miss each other so much”

That was a good plan but Arnav knew it was a long way to go considering Khushi had no such plans in near future. He wanted to give her space and could wait.

“I will go call NK down” Khushi said.

“No, you stay here with Chotte, I will call him. Also, let me call and check where Lavanya has reached. She must be on way”

As soon as Nani left them alone, Khushi strode to him. Arnav looked nothing short of edible. The beautifully tailored Vest and Pants showed off the perfection of his body his gaze gave crazy signals to her heart. All the pent-up worry mixed with the desires she felt for her fiancée and within no time she raised on her toes to kiss him hard. Before Arnav could take charge of it, she pulled away and clutched his Jacket.

“If Nani and Lavanya makes things harder, will you still be on my side?”

Reaching her waist, he grabbed Khushi and pulled her closer.

“I am never leaving your side and this is the last time I am saying this. If you still doubt on me, I will be happy to show you what it does to my body”

Her worry eased but something else took over.

“Stay here tonight”

This wasn’t her plead.. but a demand.

“Not a good idea” Arnav replied. “Tonight, is a night of revelations. Each one of us will be heavy on emotions”

“That’s exactly why I want you beside me” she interrupted. “I don’t think I can face Nani and she clearly will take some time to adapt this truth of her daughter’s accident. And Lavanya, I don’t know. I hope she doesn’t do anything stupid”

“Language sweetheart, you are talking about my sister” he warned.

Khushi bit her lip. Right!! Language!!

“Lavanya worries me too” he added. “She has been the closest to Maa and..”

“And so is she to Kishu. She is his wife Arnav. I am sure she will not end up making wrong decisions. She might take time to settle down but..”

“But we will ensure they stay like that.. together and happy” he completed.

Their thoughts matched and words completed each other.

“I think engagement has made you sane” Khushi teased.

His mouth titled as he shot her a look that said, Really? He raked her another assessing glance before his lips moved closer to her face.

“Imagine what marriage can do to me then” he queried.

She let him kiss her back, something he was dying to do since he reached Gupta mansion. It had been three days without his lips on hers and vice versa and it only felt better when they gave in to their desires.

Minutes later when Lavanya was back and everyone assembled at the living room again after enjoying the family dinner, Arnav revealed about his mother’s accident and how it was strangely connected to Viraj and NK’s fight that same night. Nani was horrified by the truth and Lavanya broke down. NK and Khushi despite not being responsible directly to this, still apologized and shared their grief. Both Nani and Lavanya needed time to accept this fact. It was one torturous night for both the families.

Seeing Lavanya heading to her room, without saying much pricked NK and he was about to follow her but Nani insisted she would look after Lavanya that night. Khushi had no words for anyone but she tried to stay out of it. She trusted Nani will handle the situation and Lavanya’s pain better than NK tonight. Once Nani and NK dispersed too, Arnav turned to Khushi who looked pale and out of place in her own house. As if she didn’t know what to do next, where to go, whom to explain and what to assure?

“I can stay if you want me to” he said pulling her hand in hers and tangling their fingers.

“It’s messed up, isn’t it?”

“I had predicted this reaction from Lavanya” he replied.

“So, had I” she exhaled in disappointment. “Lavanya took a long time to like me and I hope she doesn’t go back to square one”

“That’s highly impossible, know why?” he asked. “Because she knows how much you mean to me and how much NK means to her. We four of us might be four different personalities Khushi, but we all have one thing in common between us”

She kept staring in his eyes as he continued explaining.

“Love” he raised their handhold and kissed her fingers. “We love each other and its hard to draw us apart. Give them some time, everything will be alright”

Khushi nodded.

“Family is so hard sometimes, you know” she said. “And yet, we cannot stay without a family”

Arnav agreed to that but also recalled something.

“You said something about dinner invitation from your parents” he asked.

“Yeah, we have been invited for dinner tomorrow. Please make some time if you want to watch some nice show”

Arnav chuckled. After a long time, he actually felt like laughing heartily.

“Why do I think they are going to repent inviting us?” he asked holding his laugh.

“Because they are” she winked casually and embraced him tight. She wants to close the chapter of her parents from their lives forever and this time she knows what will trigger that.

To be Continued.




Standalone Romance Novel of Accidental Marriage Series Book 1 

Billionaire Viren Dewan’s sister was getting married in one month and Event Manager Tarini Kaur bagged that project to plan her wedding. She struggled organizing the wedding as Viren Dewan’s classy extravagant attitude kept hurdling her work. Least did she know they had a history together, a knot which his family easily forgot and hers denied to accept. What would happen when that past resurfaced?

A roller coaster ride of a forgotten accidental marriage, claiming its identity between Innocence versus Power.


SNEAK PEEK Of Marriage Jitters. Read HERE


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  1. So everyone knows the truth now. Hope everything goes well as they planned without hurting anyone! Nice update sis! Thank you! ♥️♥️

  2. Was it actually boring or is it just me?

    1. I wouldn't say boring but it felt a bit rushed. The revelation was long awaited and it didn't get much screen time sort of.

    2. Me too felt something missing ...Madhu's each updates always not enough for me..always felt chapter finished hed soon..but in this updates that charm was missing...I think NK Khushi part was not up to Madhu's touch...may be because of NK character...

  3. Awesome Update. Glad that everyone knows the truth. Arnav Khushi's relationship has grown beautifully. NK is also responsible . Both Arshi are together now and have some serious plans to defeat the Gupta's.Waiting for the next part. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  4. What had Arnav and Khushi actually planned for the Gupta couple . Can't wait to know . Now Nani and Lavanya also knows the truth. Love Arnav he is very mature and sensible he is right about the family. Khushi has now Arnav by her side who loves and most importantly trust her. The love which Khushi never got from her parents the love she was deprived from . When Arshi are together no evils can defeat them. NK is now mature and responsible and Khushi like an elder sister guiding and helping him. NK's mom suddenly become so concerned about Khushi that she wants to check on Khush and suddenly invited them for dinner. What's Gupta's have planned will be totally flop. Why are they suddenly leaving the country. Arshi must have a plan that's why Khushi agreed. Looking forward to the dinner. NK broke down hearing the truth. He is truly guilty and repenting. Khushi like a responsible sister stood by him. Arshi's kiss was awesome. Arnav's assurance is enough for Khushi. Now Nani and Lavanya know the truth. Eagerly waiting for the next part to know what Arshi has planned for Gupta's. Some people are commenting boring and all but I want you to know I really liked the Update. Don't get disheartened. 😍😀

  5. Awesome update. Loved the way they both are bonding with each other.

  6. Finally the truth is revealed to everybody.. NK, Lav & nani's reactions are but natural.. Everybody needs time to process the truth ...

    I'm glad Madhu that u didn't drag this topic, making it over the top emotional & full of tears & accusations... They all r very understanding & practical people who obviously need time to process but won't act irrational...

    Now eagerly waiting to see the circus at Khushi's parents house where ring master Khushi will make the Gupta couple jump on their places with her hunter...

    Thanks for the nice update Madhu

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

    1. I always love ur comments 😍🤩👌 and agree to it too 😍

  7. Understanding and trust is important in the relationship... Hope this will be there till end.... Can't wait for next part....

  8. Lets wait how Lavanya and Nani take the news about her mother.Love this story

  9. Simply superb....loved the way arshi are.togethet and nk isgetting mature

  10. It will be hard for both Nani and Lavanya, because of their attachment and also because of Lavanya's pregnancy.

  11. Glad everyone know the truth now
    Hope Lavanya will come along as Arnav said
    Let's see what Khushi have planned for her perants
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  12. Lavanya will come around.. good to see Arnav letting the family know the truth and there is no hiding anything from family.. waiting for dinner with Khushi's parents.. Khushi is up to something.. waiting eagerly to know.. loved the update.. Thanks Madhu

  13. Soo finally arshi said the true to everyone and nk lav and nani reaction is nature and right to lav is hurt and broken too beczs its abt her mother which she loved soo much but i just hope She doesn't blame nk for it and understands that there is no fault of Khushi and NK in her accident and they both talk to each other and sort it .... I eagerly waiting for the dinner with khushi parents and what she have planned to do teach them a lesson 😂😜 post soon

  14. Very emotional update for the whole family to deal with.
