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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Yaadein - Part 32



Chapter 32

Khushi’s arms automatically cupped his face and she lifted it up, forcing him to meet her gaze.

“You didn’t deserve this..” his voice crackled. “I should have been there for you.. I didn’t trust you enough Khushi.. You don’t deserve me.. you never did”

“Sshh..” she stroked his cheeks unbothered of her own tears. “You are not the only one wrong…”

“But I am one of them.. to hurt you.. to push you away..” His voice was clipped and hard.

“I was going to leave..” she debated.

“Maybe you didn’t.. maybe you just didn’t want to leave after seeing Aarav.. I shouldn’t have given up on you Khushi. You were my wife.. I should have fought for you.. for us… for Aarav” 

Nothing she said convinced him. He was broke. She didn’t recollect what he was earlier, but the man she saw in him now was tender and deeply emotional. She resented the fact that they couldn’t sort their lives before. Was it too late now or did they still have a chance? His teary eyes exposed a helpless yearning. A tremor moved through her as she saw another set of fresh tears from his eyes. She wanted to stop this. She pulled him closer and the next instant her lips kissed his tears away. Arnav stood frozen and silent. Her heart kicked into a mad beat as she aimed for his lips, twisting his emotions into a frenzied tangle. He fisted his fingers to avoid touching her but failed. Holding her in his arms, he pushed her to the desk and kissed her back like his life depended on it. The kiss was silent yet unstoppable. When they broke for air, awareness hit him like a bucket of ice-water. Although Khushi seemed relaxed, he panicked thinking he had messed it further. There was so much they had to talk before getting to this stage. The door knock diverted his attention and Khushi moved away embarrassed to hide her flaming face. It was Sheetal who entered the cabin after his approval.

“ASR, the investor meeting will begin in an hour. We were supposed to..” her eyes glued to Khushi who was busy wiping the corner of her lips.

“I know” Arnav swallowed. “Just… just reschedule it to tomorrow.”

“No.. That’s fine.” Khushi turned around mortified by the situation. “I am leaving so please continue your work”

She grabbed her phone from his desk and made her way out. The kiss!! Was that the only way to soothe him down? She recalled he did the same when she saw the tapes in his cabin few days ago. That’s what any husband-wife would do to ease off each other’s pain, wouldn’t they? But unlike last time when she told him a kiss wouldn’t change anything between them, she hoped this time it would. She wanted to move on in her life and not alone this time.

She got back at the backseat of her car and asked the driver to take her to Gupta Mansion. Her father was working from home today and she couldn’t wait to inform him what happened last night in Shantivan.


Shashi heard his daughter narrate everything, patiently.

“But I don’t understand why Shanti Jha dragged you in between? She could have easily shared Anjali’s truth about Manjith with Ayush or Arnav”

“She used me as a bait so that no one points at her. She wanted to get out of this easily even if some day Shyam got to know Anjali’s truth. Shanti Jha wanted someone from Raizada side who could prove her theory. She chose the weakest and dumbest amongst them who could believe this story she framed.. that’s me Dad. She knew I disliked Anjali and we both never got along with each other. If she had told Ayush or Arnav, they would have spoke to Anjali directly and got the facts from her. She thought I would never ask Anjali about it. I was the easy bait..”

Shashi groaned in disbelief. A woman can go to that extent to break a marriage alliance? He never thought Shanti Jha was the Villain in his daughter’s life. Anjali wasn’t less problematic either.

“That’s horrible. I could never think in my dreams Anjali would hide things for so long and upon that she blamed you?”

Khushi exhaled.

“She is been hiding still in her room. I don’t think Arnav even wants to talk to her. Ayush Uncle speaks to her but its limited. No one will forgive her Dad”

“And what about Arnav? Did he.. did he talk to you?”

Khushi recalls their moment in his Office Cabin. She cannot explain what happened there exactly and before she could.. her father continues, thankfully.

“I am glad that Arnav had taken his decision already. If he had said that now, it would mean different”

Khushi stared back at her father confused.

“What decision?”

Shashi got in a fix now.

“Nothing. Forget it”

“Dad wait. You just said something and now you can’t hide it. What decision?”

Shashi tried to ignore but when Khushi poked him for answers, he finally told her.

“Few days back, Arnav and Ayush had specially come to meet me”

Khushi couldn’t grasp anything.

“He wanted me to know that he has taken a decision already. He wants you in his life Khushi.. Not just for this one month.. but forever. And me being your father, he had come to take my approval”

Stunned, she blinked at her father, trying to catch her breath. He wants her? Forever?

“Khushi” Shashi held her arm. “I don’t know what to say. In all this I feel I am the only majorly at fault. You are my daughter and if you didn’t want to get married to him, I shouldn’t have forced you too. But I wont repeat that same mistake again. I know you want Aarav in your life and fortunately, now he always will be. But accepting Arnav as your husband again and spending the rest of your life with him is purely your choice. I am not going to interfere in it this time. I have told the same to Arnav”

Khushi gulped in relief.

“You are right Dad. This time even I know what I want”

Her sudden thoughtful face worried Shashi. What was she thinking to do?


Jha House 

“You told them? Shyam, do you know what that means?” Shanti Jha shouted at top of her voice but there was no change in her son’s reactions. He kept packing his bags. “Shyam.. I am talking to you”

She forced him to turn around and face her.

“Yes Maa. I told them everything and now its better you confess it too. The Raizadas are good people. Your one mistake has costed them a lot.”

“I did this for you Shyam. You know what Anjali and Manjith did”

“So?” he scowled. “I know that and I wish Anjali had cleared this to me much earlier. All this misunderstanding between Arnav and Khushi would have sorted”

“I can’t believe this.. You would still accept a woman like her?”

Shyam was speechless. He walked to the window and looked out. Seven years of his life he couldn’t move on. Now he knows what the truth is, everything is out in the open and yet he couldn’t take a decision.

“I can forgive Anjali for anything Maa. But not for the distance she created between Khushi and her family. I know she has suffered without me all these years but I truly want her to realize her mistakes. She still has to apologize for everything. Until that happens, I don’t think I can accept her back in my life”

He then turned back to his mother.

“And the same applies to you. Apologize for your sins Maa before it’s too late. I am leaving for Canada tomorrow. I hope you will give me this honor of seeing you accepting your faults”

Shanti Jha was stunned at his reply because he looked firm about his decision.



When Khushi returned Shantivan, Aarav was yet to be back from school. She decided to freshen up and cook some snacks for everyone before they come home. She sipped some water and saw a bill copy on the table at the living room. It looked like a medical bill. She was horrified seeing what was purchased.

“Hari Prakash” she shouted.

He rushed to her from the Kitchen.

“Jee Bhabhi”

“Who… who ordered medicines today?”

“Anjali Didi” he replied.

“When?” she shouted

“The parcel came just 30 minutes back”

Khushi threw the bills and ran towards the stairs. She hoped Anjali was alright and hadnt taken the sleeping pills which she ordered from the medical store today. She knocked the door.

“Anjali.. open the door”

There was no reply.

“Anjali, don’t do that.. Just open the door and let me in.. Anjali”

When there was still no reply, she called all the servants and asked them to break in. After ten minutes, the door opened and they saw Anjali lying on the bed unconscious with the sleeping pills bottle empty beside her.

“Anjali..” she rushed to her and checked if she was breathing still. “Call an ambulance.. now”

The servants hurried down to call whilst Khushi dialed Arnav to inform what his sister just did.


City Hospital

Arnav and Ayush rushed to the floor where Khushi was seated. As soon as she saw them she pushed on her feet.

“How is she?” Ayush asked.

“The doctors are treating her. She is still unconscious”

“Damn!” Arnav groaned. “How could Di.. do this?”

“She tried to kill herself? That’s… insane” Ayush’s voice stuttered and soon tears welled up in his eyes.

“Uncle.. Please.. lets not lose hope. I am sure she will be fine”

“Aarav..? Was he there?” Arnav queried.

“Fortunately he hadn’t reached home when this happened. I have told Dad to pick him up from school and take him to Gupta Mansion”

“Good” Ayush nodded in relief. “What’s happening to our family? Everyone is splitting up.. Its all my fault.. I gave Anjali the liberty to lead her life and this is what she did… with all of us..”

Arnav made his father sit on the Bench.

“Dad please..”

“No Arnav. This is not right. I thought she will change after this revelation. I didn’t know she would choose this way to .. ease the problems..”

“We will talk to her” Arnav declared. “I promise we will talk to her”

Khushi watched the two and heard their plan of action. Her stomach knotted as she saw how desperate they were to tackle things with Anjali. She looked away to hide her own tears when she suddenly felt his arm on her shoulder.

“Sorry” she wiped them and faked a smile. “Just got a bit emotional”

“I know what you are thinking..” he murmured. “If I had shown the same understanding when you met with that accident… if I had taken up your responsibility and not push you away, we wouldn’t have to live separate for so many years”

Khushi couldn’t speak past the lump in her throat. Arnav wiped the corner of her eyes.

“I have learnt from my mistakes Khushi. I am not going to see my family breaking again. And that still doesn’t mean I will forgive Di for what she did”

“That’s your decision to take. I am never going to interfere in your relationship with Anjali. You are siblings, you both have lived together all your life so far. If you ever want to forgive her, I am never going to stop you”

Her thoughts once again stole his heart. This Khushi Gupta was so different and a better version of what she used to be once. The doctors came out and informed Anjali was out of danger and once she was conscious, they can take her back home. Ayush insisted Khushi to leave for Shantivan though she didn’t want to.

“Dad is right. Pick Aarav on the way home and tell him we are out for some work. We will get Di back once she is better” Arnav added.

Khushi couldn’t argue much. She knew how intelligent her son was and if he didn’t find any of his family members around, he might start worrying or suspecting something bad. Arnav lead Khushi till her car. Ever since she was threatened by a motorbike, he didn’t let her drive alone. She was about to get in the car when he stopped her.

“We need to talk” he said with a strong determination.


“We need to, yeah” Khushi nodded in agreement. “Let Anjali be back home then..”

“Then..” he shook his head affirmatively opening the car door for her. “Reach safe”

“You stay strong” she advised before getting inside. He shut the door and watched her car leave the hospital premises.

To be Continued.



Standalone Romance Novel of Accidental Marriage Series Book 1 

Billionaire Viren Dewan’s sister was getting married in one month and Event Manager Tarini Kaur bagged that project to plan her wedding. She struggled organizing the wedding as Viren Dewan’s classy extravagant attitude kept hurdling her work. Least did she know they had a history together, a knot which his family easily forgot and hers denied to accept. What would happen when that past resurfaced?

A roller coaster ride of a forgotten accidental marriage, claiming its identity between Innocence versus Power.


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  1. Awesome Update. Anjali won't let Arshi live in peace.😍😘 Hope Arnav and Khushi sort out their differences.

  2. Good Arnav had accepted Kushi before knowing the truth itself, beautiful update

  3. It seems THE KISS & MAKE UP rule is suiting ArShi ;-) I personally feel that sometimes when words fail to covey your emotions then such gestures definitely give positive reactions in such situations & that's exactly happening with Arshi... Both the times when they kissed in their emotional moments, love did stir in their hearts giving them proof of their still existing feelings for each other...

    Arnav already choosing Khushi even before Khushi's innocence could b proved is a very good sign which would earn brownie points for him from Khushi while taking the final decision...

    Last time Anjali cheated her family like a cheater & now she became a coward by doing such a cowardly act instead of genuinely apologizing to her family & Shyam... But see the irony that her life was saved by the same girl whose life she ruined due to her selfishness..

    Now desperately waiting for Arshi's much awaited conversation...

    How I wish we could get updates of this story only for the rest of the week Madhu ;-) Anyways, thanks for this awesome update..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  4. Arnav felt guilty that he didn't trust Khushi enough. He should have trusted her as she was his wife. He is now regretting and his pain is unbearable. Both are at fault. Hope they communicate with each other and sort out their differences. Arnav was totally broken. Khushi took away his pain. This Sheetal arrived at the wrong time. Arshi must give each other a chance for the love they have between them. Khushi shared everything with Shashi. Arnav is now willing to be with Khushi forever. Shashi also understood his fault and left it on Khushi to decide. For Anjali and Shanti Jha Arshi couldn't be happy. Shyam though loved Anjali he is right Anjali must accept her fault though I doubt will she do that or create more drama by attempting to commit suicide. Thank God Aarav was away otherwise how he would have reacted. Good that lately Arnav understood his fault. Khushi is wise enough now not to interfere in Arnav Anjali matter. Eager to know what Arnav and Khushi going to talk about and how Anjali is going to behave henceforth. She won't change easily.

  5. Wow Anjali is such a drama queen.. she is one of the culprit for all the mess and instead of apologizing she chooses to do this to gain sympathy from her family.. wow.. I might would have thought she deserved a chance before but now I don't think she deserves forgiveness.. plus Khushi is right.. Arnavs reaction for his sister during this time and his reaction for Khushi during her accident are very different.. I doubt he ever loved Khushi.. I don't want Arnav to be forgiven so easily.. I think Khushi should not give in.. she should walk away with Arnav.. Arnav needs the taste of his own medicine.. and I'm sure however much he tries he will eventually forgive his sister

  6. I hope Sheetal doesn't create any mess now & is out of Arshi's life forever. Wonder why she is still hanging around though. Must still be planning to try her chance with Arnav...just hope that she gets kicked out of AR & their lives for good.

  7. Awesome update. Loved the way they both are bonding with each other.

  8. Anjali has taken an oath never to leave Arnv and kushi in peace.

  9. Fabulous wonderful update dear

  10. Lover it loved it loved
    Truly loved it

  11. Arnav and Khushi moving ahead to mend their relation.. Great... However is it really Anjalis suicide attempt or just a stunt🤔... Why was the medical bill so easily reachable by Khushi
    ... Nice update.. 👍👍

  12. Superb Update...So they Kiss again that too in Arnav Cabin...Its like their Kissing den...

    Huh Anjali took sleeping pills to kill herself but left that bill so openly so that someone can see it and save her...

    Life biggest truth about Men...When it come about their own family or siblings they will go any limits to find the truth or protect them...But about their own Wife they will take thing lightly or even accuse her without proof...

    Waiting for Next Part to read how Arnav and Khushi conversation will go on...

    1. I 100% agree with u abt mens wen the problem come on they family there will go to any extent to find the truth and ptotect them but wen it come yo the wife they take things very lightly and does'nt wen care abt it 😏😏

  13. Stupid stunt to gain sympathy so that everyone forgive her easily shyam must have told her that he is leaving for canada again. Arnav & khushi should take proper time to start their new life with trust & communication.

  14. I really hope just because of this stunt anjali should not be forgiven. She might be embarrassed or feeling guilty but atleast she should apologize to everyone for what she did but no again playing victim card to gain forgiveness. Ayush & arnav should have done the same when khushi was almost died in that accident.

  15. I forgot to mention this earlier. As I wanted Arnav got to know about manjith without khushis involvement. That’s really good. It feels better when arshi is reconciling. But they could have sorted this mess long ago. Anjali could have revealed the truth. In all this she didn’t seem to repent for what she did to khushi. Not once. All she did was to accuse khushi. Now she tried to harm herself and others wouldn’t be able to treat her badly. How selfish! Waiting to see what’s going to happen next. Honestly speaking I’m not so much into arshi romance but I’m loving this story to see Arav and khushis bond. Good update sis! Thank you ♥️

  16. Looks like Anjali won’t take a proper decision in life. First hiding of her wrong doing and now suicide 🤦🏻‍♀️ Good thing Khushi was on time to help Anjali. Superb update
    Thanks for updating this story again Madhu 🥰

  17. Suicide is not the option here... May Arnav had shown same understanding back then.... They have do many things to dort out...

  18. Nice. But why I do feel something is going to happen? Will shanti would hurt Khushi

  19. Hmm.. not sure how to react a writer its a clever twist - nothing like a suicide attempt to melt hearts -and get everyone to forgive Anjali.

    It automatically creates sympathy for her. If not sympathy, it takes the edge of everyone's anger....

    ....but it's to be noted, Anjali would rather kill herself than apologize to Khushi ...and try and set things right?

  20. Will you give precap of lawful sins 2 today ?

  21. I think anjali tried sucide bcz shyam going back ? I don't know still i cant feel any pity for anjali.she giving trouble to arnav and ayush.
    I never want to see arnav and anjali behaving normal or khushi and anjali ....
    Hope sheetal won't tried anything stupid to marry arnav.
    And I'm feeling something going to happened khushi on the way.Manjith or Shanti jha or sheetal will do something....

    Waiting for next update dear

  22. Happy to know that he has taken decision before knowing the truth. Awesome update

  23. Happy to know that he decide to mend his mistake. Hope Sheetal will stay out of all this.

  24. After all these years apart Arshi are still better understanding and all this time Anjali was at home and nobody knew her properly.

  25. Loved the update. I just don't want Anjali to be let go off and forgiven easily.

  26. Awesome update...hope to Arshi romance in next the chapter...
    Thanks madhu for the wonderful update 😘😘😘😘

  27. Awesome Arshi relationship is getting better that’s awesome... hopefully Khushi excepts arnav too... awesome written

  28. Can we please have another update of yaadein please?

  29. Cannot wait for Arshi talk....

  30. mindblowing update....waiting for next update

  31. Good that now Arnav and Khushi are understanding and see things from the right perspective. They need to talk about their future together. They have parted and hurt long enough. Anjali is a really a gone case but she need to face the consequences of her deeds.

  32. Loved the maturity of arshi..

    Shyam too good

    Anjali should have not done this..

    Why I feel there is more to story?
    Sheetal is still there..

    Looking forward

  33. Anjali is a coward and taking the easy way out. Sorry don’t feel pity for her. I just hope Khushi and Arnav sort out their lives
