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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Yaadein - Part 33



Chapter 33

City Hospital

Anjali hid her face when Ayush stepped in her room. The Doctors reconfirmed she was stable and could be taken home.

“I didn’t know my daughter is so weak” he complained. “That she thought ending her life was simpler than accepting her mistakes”

“Dad” she sobbed.

“No Anju, let me speak. I have every right to question you why you chose to end your life?”

“I don’t want to live Dad. I have nothing left to hope for. No one amongst you will see me with the same respect and love like you used to before”

“And who is responsible for that?” he snapped. “Start owning your mistakes Anju even if they pain your heart, question your dignity, start owning them. That’s far better than ending your life. You were living in a misconception so far that Khushi broke your alliance with Shyam. She is not responsible, you are. That day when Shanti Jha was home and pointing at you, Khushi had asked you to say the truth. You could have told us. Yes, Shanti Jha would still have denied the alliance but if you trusted Shyam and your love for him, you could have taken this chance. This was far better than lying to each one of us and then hating Khushi for not taking your side. I am not saying Khushi was entirely right. She was just an easy bait for Shanti Jha to brainwash and yes Khushi could have told us what Shanti Jha fed her and then me and Arnav would have handled this in a better way. You both are at fault but you.. you knew everything and yet you kept it hidden from us all these years? Why? What are families for, Anju?” 

Anjali realized each and every word her father explained was right. She grabbed his arm and cried bowing her head.

“Dad, please forgive me. I was scared. To hide one mistake, I kept on pilling it with more. I am sorry. I really am sorry”

Ayush was silent for a long time.

“I hope this time you mean it Anju. I might still forgive you for what you did but don’t expect the same from Arnav and Khushi. I won’t say only your lies and secrets have kept them apart for years. Nope. They had many other insecurities and no faith in their relationship which is why they distanced from each other. But you are one of the reasons and above that you fed such cruel words to Aarav that his mother is a bad woman?”

Anjali bowed her head in shame.

“Arnav heard Aarav mentioning this to Khushi last night and that’s how he got to know what you have been feeding to that 7-year-old boy” Ayush scolded.

Tears continued to pour from her eyes. Yes, she said those things to ensure Aarav never thinks of his mother or wants her back. Anjali was in the impression that Khushi’s absence in Arnav and Aarav’s life was for good but she was mistaken and now she admits it by heart. She has never seen Aarav so happy and comfortable like he was since Khushi returned to Shantivan.

“Anyway, I don’t want to talk more. What’s done is done. Arnav is already repenting for his mistakes and now he is on the path to set things right. I don’t want you to be a hurdle in his life again if you ever wish to see him and Aarav happy. And promise me you will never think of hurting yourself again. This takes no courage Anju and its the most disgraceful thing to do your family who love you so much. You might end up your life but don’t forget by doing so, you are also killing each and everyone from your family. I don’t think after your suicide attempt, me or Arnav will trust you again not to do this but we expect you to understand that this is not enough. If you are guilty, ask for forgiveness. If you are angry, prove your side and if you are ashamed, have patience and gain back the trust of your family. If you feel alone, talk to us. I am your father, if I don’t listen to you who else will? But never ever.. repeat this”

Anjali nodded. She could see how much she had hurt her family by her suicide attempt and her father’s words opened her eyes.

“Where is Chotte?”

She wanted to see Arnav and ask forgiveness, though she had no idea how he will react to that. Will he ever believe in her again?

“He is settling the bills. Let’s go”

Ayush helped Anjali to get down the bed and led her to the car. Arnav was patiently waiting for them. As soon as they were out, he opened the backseat door for his sister, without meeting her eyes. It was clear from his expressions that he didn’t want to talk to her right now. Ayush gestured her not to force him and helped her get in the car to drive back home.



“How is Anjali doing now?” Khushi asked as Arnav stepped in her room. She had just fed Aarav and he was in his room doing homework.

“She is fine. Dad is with her”

He looked messed up and mentally exhausted. Since yesterday when he learnt the truth of his sister, he was the same. Lost, lonely and deeply in pain. There was nothing she could do to make him feel better except few kind words to give him strength.

“She will be alright” Khushi assured. “Did you ask her why she did it?”

“I don’t think I can talk to her so soon”

Khushi didn’t force him to change his decision. She knew he would take some time but he will. He had promised to look after his family and not repeat the mistakes from their past. He reached Khushi and held her hands.

“Thank you” he murmured. “For saving Di’s life despite what she has done to you”

“You don’t need to thank me Arnav. I just showed humanity if nothing else”

He stood silent and stared at her unmoved for a long minute and then he realized she had been packing her bags when he entered the room.

“You were packing?”

Khushi swallowed nervously.

“Yes. You might have lost the count not me. I have just 6 more days in this house”

Arnav’s hands fisted at his sides.

“That’s what we need to talk about” he replied.

“Right” she nodded. “I know we have to make Aarav understand first. That he might not see me much in Shantivan again but….”

Before she could continue, he gripped her wrists and pulled her closer. Blood hummed through his veins. She packing her bags and now telling him how they should convince Aarav about her leaving, bothered him.


Aarav’s voice interrupted them. Khushi pulled herself away from Arnav though he showed no urgency in leaving her. Aarav barged in the room.

“I need your help in solving a problem” he mentioned.

“I will come in two minutes” she smiled.


He ran out again.

“What were you saying?” she crossed her arms at front so that he doesn’t get a chance to pull her by her wrists.

“Khushi, I…”

“Khushi Bhabhi”

Hari Prakash’s voice interrupted them again and this time Arnav’s face was worth watching. He could hit someone if that continued.

“Sir has asked to serve the dinner”

“I am coming. Start arranging the table. I will be there in few minutes”

“Okay” he nodded and slipped away.

“So? You were saying..?” she turned to him again but he had given up this time. He knew talking to Khushi over this topic in Shantivan was not a good option.

“Nothing, I will help Aarav solve the problem, you serve dinner” he replied. “Lets talk somewhere.. private”

Ignoring the fluttering of nerves in her belly, she held his gaze.

“Private? What’s more private than a home?” she queried.

Was she testing him because it didn’t work.

“Too many disturbances here. Let’s go for a drive after dinner”

Before Khushi could object, he continued.

“I will put Aarav to sleep before that”

Saying that he was off her room leaving her anxious and clueless about his feelings.


When Khushi reached the table, she saw her father-in-law alone.

“Anjali wont eat with us?”

Ayush sighed.

“It’s better she doesn’t for some days. She is already too messed up and I don’t want her to spoil yours and Arnav’s mood too”

“She is family” Khushi added. “I get it that she is messed up but if you both choose her alone, she might never out of her grief. That’s exactly what we should looking avoiding.”

Ayush was once again impressed by her thoughts.

“Tell me one thing daughter-in-law, which part of the world did you learn all this? To be so humble and kind and .. lovable?”

Khushi chuckled.

“Are you flirting father-in-law?”

“By all means, NO” he laughed with her. “It’s nice you see. To be around with the whole family. Even one of us missing and… turning back on us, will make it ugly hereon”

“I know” she agreed. “But I am leaving in 6 days”

“What?” his laugh vanished. “Why?”

“That’s what me and Arnav had agreed upon Uncle. You already know it”

“I do. But..” he paused thinking something. “Did Arnav talk to you?”


“This.. timer that’s running between you two? The countdown of 6 days, did he speak about it?”

“We will talk tonight” The response was directly from Arnav Singh Raizada who reached the table. “I am taking her for a drive..” he stared at his wife. “To talk”

Khushi lowered her gaze, showing no reactions and not having much hopes over this idea. She served Anjali’s plate and asked Hari Prakash to serve it in her room. The rest of the dinner was quiet and quick. Ayush promised to get Aarav sleep early and urged Arnav and Khushi to head for the drive without bothering about him.

They got in his car and he drove them out of the Mansion. For almost few minutes, they were both quiet until Khushi saw the Ice Cream parlor at the corner.

“I want Ice cream” she insisted. Arnav gave her a surprised glance but then slowed down the car and halted it outside the store.

Khushi got down first and was so excited about it that she didn’t even bother for Arnav to follow her. She ordered a Strawberry ice cream for herself and a plain vanilla for him.

“How do you know I like Vanilla??” he asked paying for the ice creams.

Khushi herself was surprised. How did she know? This cant be a guess.

“I think.. my memory is coming back”

She relished the first bite of the strawberry ice cream like she hadn’t tasted it for years.

“This is the best I have had in all these years”

“This store has been your favorite” he mentioned. “You always insisted I get you Tub ice creams from here whenever I drove back home from work”

She hears him with interest.

“Ever since you left..” he pauses and corrects himself. “I mean.. Ever since I let you leave; I have never been here again”

She slowed down eating and focused on him.

“The best part is, Aarav likes the ice creams of this place too. Dad got him here once and since then he demands us to get him here all the time”

“He is so… me” Khushi gave him a winning smile.

Arnav had no doubt in that neither any objection. Aarav was turning out to be a Mumma’s boy these days.

“I will get him here often, don’t worry” she added. “You can join us too if you like”

He watched her eat the ice cream, something he missed all these years. All this distance between them could have been averted if had given his heart a chance, if had trusted his wife more than his sister or he had given her the support and care she needed the most when she lost her memories. He had wasted hell lot of years, not anymore. He kept his ice cream cup away and dragged her closer.

“I hate myself” he said bluntly. “For not giving us a chance earlier”

Khushi kept looking at him, totally forgetting her ice cream was melting in the cup.

“If you hadn’t come back in my life, I don’t know how long it would take for me to realize what I was missing. I thought Aarav and I were enough to be called as a family. Dad and Di were always there to support me during my parenting. I was too adamant to confess it to even myself that I wanted my wife not just to nurture our baby, but for me… just for me..”

Khushi’s heart thumped.

“I have missed you every single second of my life and yet I never bothered to realize it until you returned and started staying with us again. I know the timer is ticking but I don’t care anymore” He cupped her face. “I am not ready to see you leave again Khushi. Not this time”

It was crazy to hear him confess all that yet so reassuring. She didn’t want to leave him either.

“I want to extend these 6 days to a lifetime…and from a lifetime to the next 6 births if that exists. I know I have broken every promise that we took when we got married.. the promise to protect you, cherish you and keep you safe and happy. I have broken them badly but now I want to rectify my mistakes”

How? Khushi was thrilled to know what he planned.

“I want to take my marriage vows with you again and this time, I am going to fulfil each one of them, I Promise”

She could hardly breathe. Marry her again? Really?

To be Continued.


Standalone Romance Novel of Accidental Marriage Series Book 1 

Billionaire Viren Dewan’s sister was getting married in one month and Event Manager Tarini Kaur bagged that project to plan her wedding. She struggled organizing the wedding as Viren Dewan’s classy extravagant attitude kept hurdling her work. Least did she know they had a history together, a knot which his family easily forgot and hers denied to accept. What would happen when that past resurfaced?

A roller coaster ride of a forgotten accidental marriage, claiming its identity between Innocence versus Power.


SNEAK PEEK Of Marriage Jitters. Read HERE


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International Readers/Indian Readers can BUY PDF by CARD HERE


“Why are the lights in my Balcony not functioning?” he asks. 

I recall we have hanged strings of colorful lights in every balcony of the Resort. 

“Not working? But I have personally checked them last night” 

“You think I am lying?” 

“No. I..” I pause. Why am I arguing? “I will send someone to check” 

“I want you” 

I freeze again. What did he just say? 

“I want you to come and check Tarini” he repeats. 


“Make it fast” 

He disconnects and I gape at my smartphone. What is wrong with this man? I check the watch. I have other stuff to do. Cannot waste time analyzing Viren Dewan’s intentions. I run towards his room. It’s on the third floor. All of Dewan family’s relatives are on the same floor. The Khanna’s are on the second and the rest of the guests are on the first floor. We have grouped them family wise so that they can easily communicate with their respective families. I stride out of the elevator, reach Room No 313 and ring the doorbell. 

“Come in” 

I push the door open and step inside. He is standing before the mirror in a Maroon Sherwani. Even in a traditional outfit he looked far from tamed. 

“Which lights aren’t working?” I ask straightening myself. I don’t want to look dazed by his persona. 


I stride to the balcony and check the lights. They look good. It doesn’t take time to realize the switch is unplugged. I plug it and they turn on. He called me here just to turn on the switch? 

When I turn to ask, he is standing at the Balcony door, watching me. 

“What have you decided?” he asks. 

“About?” I am clueless what he is talking about? 

“Acceptance of my apology Tarini” 

Oh!! Why is he so eager to get my apology? 

“I didn’t get enough time to think about it” I lie. Ever since he has sent that apology note, my mind is constantly analyzing how serious he was to earn my forgiveness. 

He strides towards me. 

“Well, now you have time. You won’t leave this room until I get a reply” 

I am startled. 

“Are you serious?” 

He doesn’t answer but his looks confirm he is more than serious. 

“Viren, its Sangeet today and I have so much to do” 

“I don’t care” 

“You don’t care?” I scoff. “It’s your sister’s Sangeet” 

“Then say I am forgiven; the doors are open for you to leave” 

I frown. He is being a jerk now. 

“It doesn’t look good Viren. I don’t want anyone to see us together and…” I pause. “Let me go” 

I take a step forward but he blocks my way. 

“You won’t leave until I hear it” 

That’s it. I lose my control.


  1. Awesome Update. Arnav is going to remarry Khushi. Hope Arnav Khushi gave each other a chance Waiting for the next part.😍😘. Thanks for the Update😍😍

  2. Wonderful update loved it
    Glad that finally Arnav confessed his feeing to Khushi
    Hope Khushi will accept it too
    Want to see them getting married soon
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  3. Finally, Arnav opened his heart to his wife showing his vulnerability, his love, his longing, his yearning, his guilt, his regret & his hopes for a lifetime with her... I loved the way he put forth his feelings & his proposal for remarriage ... Just hope Khushi accepts it... I know he has wronged her but she was at fault too... They have already lost 8 precious years of their lives staying apart.. Now it's time to forget, forgive & reconcile.. That would b the bestest thing to do for themselves & their son Arav who deserves a complete family & not a broken one to live with...

    Thanks for the wonderful update Madhu... Would b glad if v get to read back to back update of the same.

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

    1. I totally agree with u with arnav 's feelings and the way he expressed it to khushi 😍👌

  4. Oh my God
    This confession made me cry...!!!!!
    Loved it loved it loved it 💖

  5. Wow. It was amazing. I don’t blame ayush for forgiving Anjali. Anyhow it’s his daughter. That’s what family means. Be there for each other. All this mess took place because of a fragile relationship. There wasn’t any trust between them. Love was far away for them. Attraction can not be called as love. Anjali wasn’t a villain. She was just an insecure girl who took the advantage of that fragile marriage. Had arnav trusted his wife and dig into the matter little more then this mess wouldn’t have happened. Anyway past is past and no one can change it now. Everyone has understood their mistakes and trying to overcome them by being guilty or correcting them. That’s how a persons character arc is built up. Love the update! Thank you sis ♥️♥️♥️

  6. Ayush is the best father. He made Anjali realise his mistakes. Anjali is a coward to take such a step. She literally destroyed Khushi's life. Good that she is being ignored by Arnav. Khushi became Arnav's support and saved Anjali. Anjali should ask forgiveness from Khushi.Aarav and Hari Prakash interrupted Arshi moments. Khushi still enquired about Anjali and cared for her. Hope Arnav stop Khushi from leaving. Khushi remembering Arnav's taste is s good sign. Arnav also shared he never visited the place ever since Khushi left. Arnav's heartfelt confession on how much he missed Khushi. He is deeply regretting and now realise her importance. Arnav now wants Khushi for lifetime. Arnav wants to remarry Khushi and start a new phase of life. Hopefully Khushi will agree no matter what love between Arshi is still not lost. Too good Update.💗💗

  7. Wow loved the way arnav told he wants his wife just for himself....loved loved the update...waiting for khushi's confession...

  8. Again cliffhanger madhu🙄🙄want to khushi's reaction...update soon😊😊btw wonderful update 😘😘

  9. Aww so adorable��

  10. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Why m i getting thia feeling that you are planning another twist after this 🤔

  13. Now that's what call a fantastic update... Truth never hides... Atlast Arnav let his feelings to Khushi... Hope now every thing will start to fall in place...

  14. Fabulous lovely wonderful update dear💕💕💕

  15. Love the way ayush anjali..
    Khushi wow such a mature selfless understanding total transformation..

    Loved the way way arnav spoke and propose

    Looking forward

  16. Superb Update...Finally they talk about their Future...I know its only Arnav who had talk for now and he propose her for Marriage again...hmm now what will be Khushi answer...Or to be more precise how will she respond Arnav by nodding her head or by a KISSING him...Waiting for Next Part...

  17. Awesome update ...loved arnav's confession there is a marriage track coming .wow ..really very excited ..thank you for the update. And madhu di by mistake here is showing lawful sins season 2 banner instead of yaadein banner on this update .

    1. Thanks for highlighting that. I have corrected the banner now. ☺️

    2. You welcome ��

  18. Wowww amazing update .... I love arnav's confession to khushi abt how much he missed her yearned for her and longed for her and show showed his vulnerability to khushi 🥺🥺and know he want her to be will her gor life time and wants to remarry her again😍❤️ I was just thinking that u will add the remarriage in the story and i am glad u did it now arnav and specially khushi will enjoyy the marriage of her which she missed beczs she don't remember anything and with a lovefilled in it with arnav woww i am soo excited for it 😜🤩🥰 post soon

  19. Fantastic update. Soo cutely he confessed 🤩🤩

  20. At last Arnav knows what he wants

  21. Arnav confession superb no words . Taking marraige vows again that's great. I don't have any hard feelings ayush forgiving anjali . Now arnav got to know anjali fed bad things about his mom... hope not anytime soon arshi forgive anjali

    She need to taste her own medicine

    Waiting to read about khushi reply

  22. I still can't forgive Anjali. Ayush told her and then she rsalized her mistake! Why, was she a child! She is elder than Arnav for God's sake. Just firgive me dad/chote/Khushi will absolve her from all her mistake? Will it be enough to atone her sin that she deliberately tried to keep a mother from her son for her selfish reason and without any mistakes of Khushi in this matter. Khushi's and Arnav's relationship had nothing to do with Anjali's matter. What mistakes Ayush was talking about with Anjali!? All Khushi wanted was to make Anjali happy that she should be with a person who she loves, which Khushi thought was Manjith.
    So why would Anjali keep a grudge on Khushi despite knowing that only she herself is at fault!?
    And now Ayush is counting Khushi's mistakes too while assuring Anjali, that what pissed me off.
    I am sorry if everyone are appreciating how Ayush being a good father by forgiving Anjali and making her understand. I am fed up of mollycoddling Anjali here by her father and before that her brother and even before that in the series and in many stories written by many writers.
    I am also sorry if I am sounding vindictive, Anjali shouldn't get to marry Shyam here. Nope.

  23. Good that Arnav spoke to Khushi sincerely from his heart and verbalized what he wants. The remarriage idea is awesome...this time both will be taking their marriage vows with love and respect for each other.

  24. Ooooh last part loves it. Finally Arnav express what he felt for Khushi. Remarriage that’s beautiful. Awesome update

  25. Hey buddy lovely update but, would like to point out that the weakness line can be avoided. Suicide shouldn't be associated with a person being weak. Pls can you

    Thanks. Cheers

  26. Again khushi is shown as kind humble and lovable but she shouldn't be forgiving like in every ff. Now anjali has pulled this stunt because her truth has come out not because she was feeling guilty. Being elder from arnav n khushi she behaved stupidly even if she thought khushi is not good for arnav n arav she shouldn't feed a seven year old boy such things about his mother which could have left life long worse effect on his mind not only for his mother but for anyone kids remember everything in such age n she still in her hatred taught him this. He was a child for godsake that too her own brother's. I really feel bad for arnav when it comes to arav he has done so much all alone for arav to keep him away from any pain n trusted his family to do the same n here knowing his own sister was feeding him with such things at this age how bad he must have felt. Everyone is at fault but that boy suffered unnecessarily.

  27. Awesome .❤️❤️❤️❤️

  28. Are you going to update any story today madhu?

  29. Finally Arnav opened his heart and accepted his mistake and wants to re marry her. I am so happy.

  30. Awesome chapter thanks 🙏 I feel it’s too soon for them to remarry. Khushi needs to get back her memory and remember also how nasty she was and what a brat she was. First.
