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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Locked - Part 21



Chapter 21

Khushi’s POV

It’s been a week more since we met the Raizadas for dinner. It also means from past seven days I didn’t meet Arnav personally. Wish the pandemic wasn’t there and like normal days, me and Arnav could see each other in restaurants, go on long drives without worrying of the night curfew in place and enjoy our Me time without worrying of the masks and sanitizers. All thanks to the Video calls that we can still see each other and speak for hours whenever we want. To be honest, Arnav and Akash are busy handling their business and me and Payal too have hectic schedules in managing the Gupta Sweets and Snacks. Online deliveries for our sweets have been pouring in and we are falling short of staff in the factory for both manufacturing and packing. Though the workers are allowed to come at factories and work, there are few who don’t want to take that risk neither we can force them. A few who showed symptoms, we asked them to get the test done and also stay home quarantine until they feel good. So, handling all of this is keeping us very busy.

It’s only at night when I am on my bed, I get to talk to Arnav and he doesn’t skip that time either. We speak for hours until sleep takes over. And finally, the day comes when the Raizadas come to Gupta house for Lunch. Me and Payal both have been waiting for this day. Shyam Jeeju drives the family here and tells us Arnav and Akash are in the other car with Maxi and would be arriving soon. We welcome the family and show them the house meanwhile.

“Shashiji, you have given such good morals to your daughters. The way they have kept the house says it all.” Nani mentions pulling both me and Payal to her. “Now I can’t wait for them to come to Shantivan and handle the chores there.”

“Whenever you say, Devyaniji” Dad smiles.

“Oh. If that’s the case, why not get them married next month? Who will wait for the pandemic to get over? We can’t wait for that long.”

My jaw drops when Dad agrees to this. I turn to Payal who smiles brightly as if she too accepts it now. Really? I walk into the kitchen on the pretext of checking the lunch preps. Payal follows whereas Dad keeps the family busy in the living room.

“Khushi? What happened?” Payal asks the moment we land in the kitchen. “We have already checked. Everything is ready.”

“Do you think we should get married next month?” I ask her my doubt and she shrugs.

“Well.. If everyone wants that..”

“What do you want?” I snap.

Payal takes a minute to reply. I don’t force her to hurry. I really want to know what Payal thinks.

“I thought about it a lot. Even when I spoke to Akash again, he thinks we should really get married first. Who knows when this pandemic will end and things will come back to normal? I don’t think making the Raizadas wait for that long is good.”

I sigh. Payal holds my hands.

“Khushi, can you stay away from Arnav for that long?”

Maybe not!! I swallow not confessing it wholeheartedly. That’s when I see Arnav at the kitchen door. Oh God!! When did he come? And did he hear all this convo between us? I hope not!!

“Hi..” He smiles at Payal and then his gaze fixes on me.

In a casual dark blue jeans and a black shirt whose sleeves have rolled up to his elbows, Arnav looks no less dashing. It is now after seeing him after a week I realize how much I missed him.

“Hello.” Payal smiles back at him. “I will go meet Akash..”

She pats my arm and then quickly leaves us alone. Arnav takes the opportunity to get inside and before I realize what to do about it, he pins me to the kitchen marble slab.

“Missed me?”

His hoarse voice does something to my heart and my stomach summersaults.

“A bit.” I tease.

He grins at my reply and his head cranes to give me a quick peck on my left cheek.

“Don’t be in any stress. I will not force you at all to marry me next month,” he adds.

My eyes widen at his declaration.

“I heard your convo with Payal plus everyone outside is talking the same. They probably thinking to ask the priest to get the best date possible next month.”


“Hmm.. Don’t worry I will explain them once we are back home.”

I am glad he is ready to this for me but what about Payal and Akash?

“I don’t want Akash and Payal to wait for us. We have no rights to stop them from uniting only because I need time..”

“Lets get them married then.” he suggests like its no problem.

“The family wants both couples to tie a knot together. They wont be happy.” I reject the idea.

“Khushi, we will think of all that later. I can promise you I will convince them and if Akash and Payal want to marry soon, we wont stop them either. Happy?”

I keep staring at Arnav who is really going out of his way to ensure my wishes are fulfilled. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer to me. I have never done this before but this man simply brings out the romance of me..

I raise myself on my heel and kiss the tip of his nose and then very leisurely I peck both his cheeks. His heart races as mine when I inch closer for his lips.

“You sure no one will barge in here?” He asks to be sure and I grin pulling away from him.

“Actually you are right. Anyone can walk in here so we better push this moment for later..”

I turn around to check the food and he curses himself for ruining such a good chance.


Arnav’s POV

Khushi checks the food and suddenly she is reminded of Maxi.

“Did you get Maxi?”

“He is out…” I nod.

Khushi’s body stiffens at that revelation.

“Don’t worry. He’s got a chain so he wont be running around everywhere.”

“Chain?” she asks, a bit worried. “Is he used to that or..”

“No. We don’t chain him up at all but then we didn’t want you and Payal to be scared. He is new to this place so he might run around everywhere to become familiar and that might scare you both.”

I don’t like chaining Maxi ever. Even Akash was against it but that’s all we could do to ensure Khushi and Payal feel safe around him. Khushi passes a weak smile and then we head out. The moment Maxi sees us, he hops on his place in an attempt to reach us. Khushi instantly grips my arm.

“Its okay. He is chained. Remember?” I soothe her down.

I am about to take her to the family when she stops some distance away from Maxi who is chained at the pillar.

“Hi…maxi.” She speaks to him and my face brightens with hope.

Maxi barks in return, but it to convey her he liked it too. Khushi jumps in nervousness and clings to me again. I take her in my embrace.

“Don’t be scared. He just said Hi in his style.. See.. he is smiling at you..”

Khushi slowly turns around again and sees Maxi with his tongue out and looking at her. She smiles back.

“Is he hungry? I can serve him first..”

I smirk at her innocent request. Khushi had specifically asked me what Maxi likes to eat, a few days ago and I gave her the list. Sure she has ordered his favorite meal too.

“He will eat when we all eat.” I reply. “Otherwise he wont..”

“Oh.. that’s cute…”

For the first time she has called a gesture related to Maxi, cute.

“Fine then.. lets serve everyone quickly and you help me serve Maxi. I mean I don’t know what bowl size should I Serve him. So..”

I laugh at her innocent talks and pull her to me again.

“Already I see a Mumma’s traits in you. Maxi’s Mumma..” I tease.

“I hope I become his mumma someday. But it could take long. Can he wait until then?”

“When his father is waiting to get his mumma’s love, he too can I suppose.”

She grins knowing exactly on what context I said this. But before she can react, the family calls us to them.


The lunch is perfect. Payal and Khushi both have cooked special meals for all, considering everyone’s choices and diet plans. None of the items are ordered and its impressive how they both cooked it all themselves with no outside help. Nani blesses them and even gives some Shagun which they both accept on their father’s approval. Maxi’s tummy is full too. He is fed well. When we all finally sit together with the family discussing the further plans, the topic of marriage pops up again.

“So Shashiji, I will speak to our Priest tomorrow and we shall fix a date for next month.” Nani adds.

“Sure, we have no problem.”

Payal turns to Khushi who doesn’t say a word and I realize this is the right time I should let them know they can get Akash and Payal married first. I am well aware this is going to create a big debate and I don’t want the families to stress over it but despite that I decide to put Khushi’s stand forward.

“Nani, actually..”

Khushi grips my hand to stop me. I turn to her.

“What?” I ask..

“Chotte.” Di is the first one to notice something wrong. “Is all okay? Do you both have anything to add?”

“No Di.” Khushi replies instantly. “We are perfectly okay with the marriage happening next month.”


Everyone continues to chit chat but I am confused. I stare at Khushi who gives me a sweet smile.

“You must be joking.” I snap. “We have to tell them before they fix everything.”

“Let them fix.”

“What do you mean let them fix?”

Khushi takes a deep breath before turning to the family.

“Uh.. Dad.. Arnav wants to see my library.. Can I.?”

“Sure..” Shashi Uncle happily approves and gets back into the conversation with my family.

Khushi drags me to her bedroom. This is the first time I am going to see her room live. Otherwise, I have always seen it during our video calls. We get inside and she locks the door.

“Khushi what the hell is wrong with you?” I ask, coming to the main point first. “Why are you not letting me speak to the family?”

“That’s not necessary,” she shrugs turning to the small library in her room where she has a collection of good books. “How is this?” she asks changing the topic.

I glance the bookshelf before turning back to her.


“Cool right?” he interrupts me. “I have plans to make a similar one in your room after we marry..”

That’s it. The way she is changing this subject irks me so I grip her elbow and turn her around to face me.

“Stop fussing and tell me why the hell did you not allow me to speak?” I scowl.

If she is doing this only to keep the family happy, I won’t tolerate it. So, I really need to know. I expect Khushi to argue or maybe even get angry on me but she behaves totally opposite. She smiles and stares in my eyes with so much longing and love.

“I know I want a big fat wedding. But that dream is not as important as the happiness on our family’s faces. And that’s not it. Starting a life with you is more important for me than any of this.. Nothing matters Arnav.. but being loved by a man who respects your wishes, and wants to stand by you. So far, I always wanted to wait and give this relationship of ours some time to bloom but it will happen eventually. Doesn’t matter we stay together or far, marry now or later. What will remain constant throughout is the fact that we love each other and that will never change..”

Damn her!! I cup her face.

“Never.” I repeat before latching my lips with hers. She kisses me back with the same longing and affection.

In between the kiss, Khushi has more to say.

“Never chain Maxi again.” she whispers.

I stop kissing her and gaze at her face.

“I am serious.. I don’t like anyone chaining my son. So remember that.”

Damn hell!! This woman is something else.. I am about to kiss her again but she stops me by placing her palms over my chest.

“I want to show you something..”

I swallow, holding my desires as she quickly picks a book from her little library and passes it to me.

“I got this online recently,” she adds.

I can’t believe it.. Khushi has brought a book on how to get accustomed to a dog and become his family. My fiancée is really the best and I love her.

To be Continued


Note: This FF will end in two more parts. As you all know, I intended to make it shorter than my usual stories with the theme revolving around the pandemic and how these two couples survive the home quarantine together. Since that’s already dealt with, I will be ending this FF on a happy note in two parts.

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  1. Awesome Update. Sad that it will end soon. Arnav and Khushi's relationship is beautiful. Khushi is also fond of Maxi now. Arnav is very supportive of Khushi. Loved the way Khushi gave importance to Arnav and his love. Thanks for the Update😍😍

  2. Awesome update dii..loved it..❤️❤️

  3. Arshi didn't get to meet due to the pandemic but still stayed in touch. Raizada brothers are busy with their business so are the sisters. Sad that Arshi interacted only during the night. Raizada's came to Gupta house. Nani too praise the sisters and want the couple's too get married soon. Khushi though didn't agree first due to the pandemic but she can't stay away from Arnav too. She too miss him. Khushi tease Arnav and he is very romantic. Arnav heard Khushi's conversation and understood everything. He wants Khushi's happiness. Khushi isn't less romantic than Arnav. Khushi though scared of Maxi still some where cares for him. Maxi's gesture scared Khushi but she will get used to it. Arshi hug and Khushi is finding Maxi's habit cute and fulfilling her responsibility towards him. Khushi cooked lunch along with Payal . Khushi's thoughts about love is beautiful. Khushi is gradually overcoming her fears and she even bought a book to adjust with Maxi . Khushi will form a great bond with Maxi and love him like Arnav.😍😍

  4. This is so cute. The pandemic has changed a lot of things for the world and many have made sacrifices. You brought this out perfectly with this pair and Maxi-Kushi interaction/dynamics is soooo cute.

  5. Very lovely and awesome update

  6. Awesome update. Arshi going to marry next month. It won't Khushi's dream wedding but it will be a start of their happily ever after. I loved how she said never chained my son. Very cute. She is doing all things to become mother to maxi. Lovely story.
    Waiting for next update dear....

  7. Such a lovely part ❤️

    Finally, Khushi is heartily accepting Maxi by making attempts on her own to get closer to him with the help of a book she got for the same & Arnav is as always trying his best to make her comfortable around Maxi...

    So, wedding is already on the cards for both the couples 😍 lovely 😍

    Thanks for the beautiful update, Madhu ❤️

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  8. Loved the update..And plz start bride of sheesh mahal soon..plz

  9. Superb update..

    Loved the way khushi spoke in the last with arnav.

    She is making effort to get closer to maxi too that's wonderful
