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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Locked - Part 13

Chapter 13

Arnav’s POV

“There was no alliance between you and NK ever, Khushi. And I didn’t lie to him. Just gave him the forecast of our future.”

“FUTURE?” she snaps and then goes silent for a second. “Are you even in your senses Arnav? Do you know what…”

I don’t let Khushi speak but pull her to me and kiss her cheek. She freezes at the contact of my lips on her cheek. I pull away leisurely admiring her stunned face.

“Now THIS.. is what I call an alliance… and our Future.” I declare.

As if reality pinches her hard, she pushes me away and steps back in anger.

“How dare you?” She touches her cheek where I kissed a moment ago. “What the hell is wrong with you Arnav?”

I had expected to debate, fight and much more so I am prepared for it already.

“I am taking constructive steps between us this time, unlike you who are deviating from the subject which has haunted you since we both met each other here a week ago.” I mutter.

Khushi keeps staring at me like she has seen a ghost.

“I like you Khushi Gupta and I want to make you my life partner.”

She is about to say something.

“Let me finish,” I urge, not letting her interrupt me. If I don’t say this now, I might never be able to confess her again. “Khushi, I have been attracted to you ever since I first you in Di’s wedding. I wanted to talk to you and introduce myself that same day but then you were off that Venue as if you were a dream. I couldn’t trace you back but you always lived here…” I say poking a finger at my head.. “And here..” I move my finger to my chest where my heart beats frantically. “Call it a coincidence or luck, but we both met here again in this pandemic and were forced to stay under the same roof for two damn weeks. The past week has been the most memorable moment of my life. I got to see you day and night. I came to know who you are, what you do and where you were all these years. Every morning seeing you in this kitchen and cooking next to you has been my favorite part of the day.”

She looks down, a little embarrassed, a bit confused and nervous too.

“I don’t know if this is the first time a man is proposing you but I want you to know it’s definitely my first. I have never felt so for any woman before, like I feel for you Khushi.”

I reach her and clutch both her arms. She feels so delicate against my body at the moment that I could just scoop her in my embrace and shower every bit of love and passion she deserves.

“It might be too soon for you to give me a chance to be your man but I promise if you do, I will never let you repent on your decision.” I add.

She finally meets my eyes and I see the same warmth I had seen in them every time we didn’t fight.

“Give me a chance Khushi. I will win your father’s heart too if you want me to do that before asking your hand in marriage from him.”

A smile finally pops on her face and it soothes my burning body. That smile has the power to convey my confession is working. She may not reject me completely but then that smile is gone and Khushi softly shrugs my arms from her body. No no no… I don’t want her to retreat.

“Your confession is not going to make me forget what you did with NK.” She snaps. “You can’t just answer my phone call like that and lie to my friend about our relationship status, Arnav.”

“I was jealous.” I admit. “I am sorry.”

“Are you really Sorry?” she frowns and it doesn’t take me a second to reply.

“No” I swallow. “Maybe I was wrong but I am not sorry for what I did at that moment. I just …”

She looks away exhaling harshly.

“Jesus” She groans. “You are not even sorry for hurting NK.”

“I saved NK from getting more hurt.” I argue. “He must be a good man but I wanted him to stay clear of you.”

“So, you lied to him?”

“I had to, Khushi. How else would he back off?”

“That was my problem. I would have told him the truth and he would have understood. Do you realize your one step could have created such confusion between me and Dad. Thank God, NK didn’t tell Dad anything without talking to me. Poor guy, he is wishing me good luck with you and giving me strength to confront my feelings for you to Dad.”

Really? Oh!! NK seems to be a good man. But I couldn’t take a chance.

“So, he is off our way now?” I ask curiously and Khushi frowns.

“That’s not the point. I still don’t support what you did.”

I am happy that NK has realized he doesn’t stand a chance with Khushi but seems like in the process of showing him that, I have really been very mean to him and hurt Khushi too.

“And today morning the way you spoke to me after my jogging? What about that?” she asks angrily. “You said I was entertaining two men at the same time. That sounded so cheap, Arnav.”

I agree. I agree to all of this. I was really not in my senses to say that.

“Only because you have feelings for me, doesn’t mean I will ignore all of your flaws. To be honest, at this stage of my life, I don’t think I can easily think of a man who can speak to me in that tone or behave so badly in his anger.”

She is about to leave when I block her way.

“Wait. You can’t be serious about all that. Look, I am sorry for behaving so harsh with you this morning but don’t deny we have something between us…”

She stops me from speaking further.

“I have feelings for you but that’s not enough. I am a high-maintenance woman in terms of feelings and respect. Until I believe you can give me that, I don’t think I am ready to extend this thing between us.”

What? Like seriously? I am about to debate when Akash and Payal joins us in the living room after their long walk.

“Uh… did we.. get in at the wrong time?” Akash teases seeing me and Khushi in this stressful situation. Payal hits him gently.

“All okay between you two?” she asks and Khushi puts a fake smile.

“I proposed Khushi” I blurt earning a cheer from Akash and Payal but a glare from the woman standing next to me. “What? They are our siblings. They should know.” I explain.

Payal quickly rushes to Khushi and gives her a hug.

“I am so happy.” She giggles but Khushi looks at me and then to her sister.

“I haven’t said a Yes” she responds. “Not yet.”

“Oops” Akash sighs reaching me and pats my back. “What are we supposed to infer from this? Are you both going to be friends from here on or boyfriend-girlfriend?”

“Somewhere between the two” I reply turning to Khushi. “I hope?”

She doesn’t answer and I know that’s because she is still upset how I behaved with her and NK today. In a minute, she drags Payal along with her leaving we brothers alone.


Khushi’s POV

I can’t believe Arnav proposed me. I am still in shock and completely in another world. Today morning when Arnav had said those hurtful words to me after my jogging, I had promised never to speak to him again but obviously that didn’t work. I had to cook breakfast with him in the kitchen and while I didn’t speak a word to him, he didn’t make any efforts either to apologize. That aggravated me all the more but when NK called me and asked about Arnav, it blew my mind. Poor NK. He is a good man but I cannot be the one for him because I confess it or not, my heart is still with Arnav Singh Raizada. Afterall, he is the man I have been dreaming about from past three years since his Di’s wedding. Today, when he proposed me and said he too had similar feelings for me all this long, I couldn’t contain my excitement but I still cannot overlook his mistakes. He lied to NK in jealousy and also said those painful words to me in anger. I didn’t like any of that and hence I need some time to accept his proposal. Not that I am going to reject him. But this delay in my response should serve him right.

Payal clicks her finger to break my stance. We are back in my room and she is grinning like an idiot. I know she needs details about this proposal so I tell her all that happened and she is supporting me.

“Good you didn’t give in to his proposal that easily. I still feel bad for NK.” Payal replies. “Did he talk to Dad? I mean, now that he knows you are not going to marry him, I am sure he will let dad know.”

“Not yet” I sigh. “In fact, this is no more his responsibility to tell Dad. I have to share this news with him Payal. But I don’t know how? I mean, dad will be angry that I made him look grooms for me when in my mind and heart I already had someone else.”

Payal laughs and pinches my cheeks.

“So, Arnav is the one then? Huh? Your prince charming..”

I blush at the mention of that last phrase. Prince Charming.!! Yea. He is. He has been my prince charming from three years and also made me believe that dreams do come true.

“Even I need to talk to Dad about Akash before he finds someone else for me.”

Now it’s my turn to be surprised.

“Did Akash propose?”

“No but he is too close to it. I am sure.”


We hug each other and then the rest of the night we spend discussing how to reveal about the Raizada brothers to Dad.

It’s midnight when I toss on the bed, and my phone buzzes. I don’t ignore it as its rare I get any notification on my phone at this hour of the night. It’s Arnav’s message and that surprises me.

‘Dreaming of you with open eyes.’

It’s no different for me. I am dreaming about him too but I am not telling him that yet. I don’t reply to his message for long and since he knows I have read it, he types again. I wait for those three dots to turn into a full-fledged message and beep on my phone.

‘I can still feel you on my bed’s sheets.’

Damn!! Goosebumps erupt on my skin the same instant as I finish reading his message and I am lost in that night when me and Arnav shared the same bedroom. Poor him, he had to sleep on that hard couch. The beep again breaks my trance.

‘Did I cross line kissing you on cheek?’

His Kiss!! How can I forget that? He really had surprised me by his fast move. But I was too annoyed by his behavior and hence couldn’t focus on it. Now that he has reminded, I decide to put a brake on his speedy actions. I am yet to speak to Dad as his approval means the most to me. I am sure Dad won’t mind if I tell him I want to marry Arnav Singh Raizada but I am still firm about one thing. I need more time to learn everything about the man I am going to marry before I agree to commit. So, I message my reply.

‘I haven’t still said a Yes. Don’t be in high hopes until I make my mind.’

Arnav’s reply is instant.

‘What can I do to expedite your mind from making this decision in my favor?’

I smile thinking all the possible things he could do to make me say Yes but I want him to take the initiatives. I reply the same.

‘I am giving no clues. You have 6 days before we leave back to our respective homes. See if you can convince me for a Yes by then.’

I wait a minute more, my eyes wide open to check his reply which buzzes soon.

‘I am not letting you leave from here without telling me Yes. Be ready to be wooed Miss Khushi Kumari Gupta.’

A blush creeps my face which has suddenly started burning. I cannot wait to see how he tries to woo me? So, I just type a goodnight as my reply and push the phone away. I am definitely going to dream of him again tonight and I can’t wait.

To be continued.


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For those who have read my recent new eBook - No Wedding Bells, know already who Ruhi Singh is. So will Ruhi find her Happily-Ever-After? 

Standalone Romance Novel

Ruhi Singh

Happily-Ever-After is not what I was looking for after a heart-breaking love tragedy in my life 9 years ago. I still believe in love but it’s simply not for me anymore. Burying the demons that scared me, I have stepped into a new world to make a fresh identity and only when I thought things will sort out for me now, I get an invitation from the Royals of Mahalpur for teaching Painting to someone from their family. I take it up as they are ready to pay me a huge sum for this three-month tutoring. Least did I know life was throwing a challenge named Raunak Malhotra, the eldest son of the Royal family, who had an attitude as high as Mt Everest and anger which could burn a whole city in seconds.

Raunak Malhotra

Happily-Ever-After is not what I was looking for after I lost my wife, 4 years ago in a car crash. Now all I have that reminds me of her is my four-and-half year old daughter, Palak. Burying the bruises of my loss, I tried to step ahead but my family thinks I have changed. I am not the one I used to be once. To alter their beliefs, I agree to this stupid idea of learning a new skill which can calm my mind and bring me out of my loss forever. I know that’s freaking impossible but I will do it for them. Least did I know life was throwing a challenge named Ruhi Singh, my new painting teacher, who had a heart of gold and was as damaged as I am at the moment. We are both scarred, so how the hell can we soothe each other?

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"I considered Marriage a trouble enough for lifetime until I met Tarini."

Standalone Romance Novel of Accidental Marriage Series Book 1 

Billionaire Viren Dewan’s sister was getting married in one month and Event Manager Tarini Kaur bagged that project to plan her wedding. She struggled organizing the wedding as Viren Dewan’s classy extravagant attitude kept hurdling her work. Least did she know they had a history together, a knot which his family easily forgot and hers denied to accept. What would happen when that past resurfaced?

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SNEAK PEEK Of Marriage Jitters. Read HERE

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2. Marriage Bubbles 

"Driven by Need, Compelled by Love"

Advay Raj Bohra

What a perfect night at a Bar – Meeting a stranger and then making her pretend to be my girlfriend for winning a bet. Least did I know by the next morning she was going to be my legally wedded wife. I never wanted a marriage and the complications that came with it but one look at my accidental wife, Jiya and my emotions spiraled out of control, my life changed drastically.

Jiya Mathur

My Café house was at the risk of shutting down having no support from the bankers and financers. The only light at the end of that dark tunnel was the CEO of the Media Channel, Advay Raj Bohra. I was drawn into his Universe as he offered me a proposition I couldn’t deny.

Advay and Jiya’s worlds collide as they step into a Marriage Bubble promising no messy emotional entanglements. Will they ever want a real relationship?


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3. No Wedding Bells 

"A tangled web of Love, Passion and Responsibility."

Standalone Romance Novel

Aryan Bohra

They say ‘Patience is virtue’ and I have lived by that term for six long years. Not anymore. The woman who has possessed my dreams all these years, is back in town and she also happen to be my newly hired PR Manager. If there is anything in this world that I have so strongly wanted, it’s HER.

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They say ‘Coincidences mean you're on the right path’. I don’t think so. The man who has chased and stalked me six years ago is now my Boss. I wanted none of my paths to cross his and still here I am, at his Office, as his PR Manager. If there is anyone in this world whom I have so strongly ignored, it’s HIM.

A tangled web of Love, Passion and Responsibility.

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  1. Loved Arnav's confession.... beautiful update

  2. Awesome Update. Hope Arnav convince and propose Khushi in 6 days. Khushi loves Arnav from past 3 years. Khushi is not going to reject but delay the response. Arnav will surely woo Khushi soon. Loved the way Arnav revealed his feelings for Khushi. Hope Arnav wins Khushi's father's heart too. Thanks for the Update😍😍

  3. Fabulous awesome update dear

  4. Arnav is so romantic. Love his confessions. Absolutely beautiful. Arnav also admitted his mistakes and asked for forgiveness. Akash is so funny. Khushi loves Arnav too. Khushi will delay the response. Hope both the girls reveal about their choices to their dad. Arshi romantic message exchange was awesome. Hope Arnav convince Khushi. Like Arnav's confidence. Khushi is dreaming of Arnav already 😍😍

  5. It was short update but was over the top😍😍😘😘

  6. Arnav's confession & proposal were absolutely genuine & so is his desperateness to woe her & make her accept his proposal before their quarantine period ends & they leave for their respective homes... If his caustic tongue had not sprouted those cheap words then Khushi would have directly said yes that very instant.. But nonetheless, he has a week more to woe her & also needs to come clear with NK...

    Thanks for the nice update, Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  7. Awesomeeeee update di..loved Arnav's confession.. khushi is actually right in her thoughts n belief.. and khushii tooo loves Arnav���� waiting to see how Arnav pursues khushi..❤️❤️

  8. Lovely... Jealousy always works... Arnav make sure that YES will be soon come from Khushi...

  9. Oh that’s so lovely 🥰. Arnav confessed his feelings. Hmmm a yes need to be earned by Arnav 😜 good luck 🤞 Fabulous update

  10. Most awaited moments 😍 Arnav proposal ❤. And kiss.
    Khushi also has valid point, in anger and jealousy arnav talked nonsense without thinking. But hope arnav woo khushi within 3 days , atleast 3 days romance in locked house, naughty arnav teasing khushi and all

    Waiting for next update dear

  11. At last he proposed her🥳🥳

  12. A big confession from Arnav so early , let’s see where it takes us.

  13. Wow awesome update. Finally arnav proposed. Waiting for Khushi acknowledge back to arnav🥰

  14. Loved the way arnav spoke about his feeling..khushi is right too..
    Let's see how he woo her

  15. Truely respect for what kush said ..that until I feel I. Respect me and feel u will treat me well I will not say yes

  16. Lovely update 😍😘❤️👌 Arnav Proposed khushi sooo geniunely and soo nicely and khushi is too is right her way ....i loved and enjoyed the phone conversation soo much 🥰😘👌👌... Eagerly waiting to to read how he wooo her and make her say yes ... Post soon

  17. What arnav did was utterly wrong. He literally insult khushi and give others a chance to question her character. Even khushi was at fault by dragging things too long but that doesn't give arnav a right to take decisions regarding her and them solely by himself and that too by putting her in such a light where she can be judged wrongly.
    But finally, atleast some clearity and progress in a right direction has been made. 6 DAYS LEFT!!!!!

  18. I hope that the way khushi was strong while putting her hurt and resolve before accepting arnav, remains the same and not bend down so easily for his forgiveness. I want her to remain angry and indifference for atleast a 1 if not more as it is we are short of time already. So atleast a day or two of pure redemption is a must. Plzzzzzz.

  19. Lovely, that he confessed about his feelings to Khushi.
